Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
When 'Radio Caroline' announced its arrival in 1964, it used a public relations firm called Leslie Perrin Associates Ltd. When 'Radio Atlanta' announced its arrival in 1964, it also used a public relations firm called Eric White Associates. Each PR firm spoke to the press on behalf of what appeared to be two different commercial operations. But what of the two companies that controlled the two radio stations? Well, 'Radio Atlanta' was represented by a British registered company called Project Atlanta Limited, and it had an illustrious board of directors. That company also sold airtime on 'Radio Atlanta'. But 'Radio Caroline' was not registered to any company within the United Kingdom. The British press reported that a company registered in late February 1964 called Planet Productions Limited sold the airtime, but it was not a British company, and the UK Board of Trade in 1965 still could find no trace of any operation called 'Caroline Sales Ltd' which supposedly was the company running 'Radio Caroline'. When the press were told that 'Radio Atlanta' and 'Radio Caroline' had 'merged', it was with this piece of paper: Unlike the original announcements by Perrin and White, this announcement was not made in the name of any limited company, and neither does this document have any form of address, or even a date. What it does have is a glaring error which refers to a ship called m.v. "Atlanta", which did not exist!
We also know that at about the time of this announcement, Eric White Associates which opened a London office in 1959, packed its bags and returned to its base in Australia. Eric White Associates was a real company that was mired in intelligence work and skullduggery on behalf of various governments. It also had ties to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the murky world of international finance and the Vietnam War. All of this would be exposed in the years that followed. Leslie Perrin Associates on the other hand, was a genuine British company with long ties to the British music industry. But that public relations firm also disappeared from mentions that it was continuing to represent 'Radio Caroline'. One of its associate members did crop up later in connection with the address used by Project Atlanta Limited, and that person claimed to represent a new company selling merchandise for the 'Radio Caroline' brand. This is where the name of Ian Ross also crops up. But what about the supposed co-joined venture now operating 'Radio Caroline South', and 'Radio Caroline North'? The U.K. Board of Trade investigators reported back to Her Majesty's government that the entire operation now based at 6 Chesterfield Gardens had no legal owner registered in the United Kingdom. If there was one person in the Sixties who could see that there was more to the story of offshore broadcasting than the mere transmission of gramophone records, that claim belongs to the journalist Paul Harris. He was born on July 22, 1948. and he died on May 24, 2018.
His first book 'When Pirates Ruled The Waves', was written and published by him in 1968, shortly after the Marine Offences Act became law in the middle of the preceding year. It was a dreadful book in terms of its contents, because it was a factually incorrect text cobbled together from a collection of newspaper reports that he had collected over the years since the dawn of offshore radio broadcasting in the Sixties. However, because Paul had an interest in geopolitics, he began to draw upon his academic base when in 1977 he wrote: 'Broadcasting from the High Seas'. Paul also got involved with a new offshore radio venture, and this exposed him to some very interesting people that we have also been investigating. Sadly, Paul did not go far enough with his research and it opened him up to criticism from the pool of empty-headed anoraks who seem to mimic the cult followers in that Monty Python movie 'Life of Brian'. One reason why we are referring to the pioneering work of Paul Harris at this time, is because other writers, not at all interested in offshore broadcasting, have also been writing about some of the same people that Paul Harris was writing about back in 1977, and we now have the means of drawing upon all of this previously published work. So we are taking a moment to acknowledge the fact that Paul Harris opened the door to that dark world which is guarded against entry by many vested interests, some of whom have made it clear that they would prefer for that door to remain closed. We think otherwise. By assembling our research in formatted segments prior to publication as a single manuscript published as a printed volume, several questions have come to light that ordinarily would never have been asked.
One key question is why was it necessary to misdirect attention away from the real reason why 'Radio Caroline' was created in 1964, when 'Radio Atlanta' had made more than one attempt to get on the air? The answer to that question involves an understanding of purpose of intent: Why were several people interested in starting an offshore radio station in those first years of the Sixties? Then there is a question involving the issue of division of those interests, and the formation of two distinct 'voices' that identified the intentions of the two stations: 'Radio Atlanta' and 'Radio Caroline'. Little attention has been paid to those two 'voices', but they were very different, and only one of them survived 1964 in the United Kingdom. Neither of them were involved with broadcasting, or transmission equipment, but both of them represented two distinct sets of financial interests, and that is what we will begin to unravel in the days ahead. In November 1961 Ian Cowper Ross was in court in the North of England after taking and crashing an expensive Jensen car. He almost lost his foot, and he gained the nickname of 'Flipper' after surgeons managed to save it during a long hospital stay. Ian was quite reckless as a teen, because he had previously crashed a motorbike.
In 1962 Ian was not only just leaving his teens, but he was unemployed, and according to his own words, he was living in the shadow of his older brother. His father, Charles Edward Ross tried to get his two sons to go into business together cleaning cars. He was not successful. Neither was the Jensen Car Company of Birmingham. Its owners, who Charles worked for, tried to get John Sheffield to raise additional finance by selling shares in the company to Sheffield's Norcros Group. Sheffield was unsuccessful, and eventually Sheffield kicked Jensen out of his group, and soon after that, Jensen went out of business. Meanwhile Ian started hanging around Chelsea, going to bars and clubs, and at one of them he met Christopher Moore who was playing records. But while Ian was having fun, he came into contact with a young woman named Bunty who became more than his wife, she became his meal ticket to the good life. Ian began dating Bunty, and then by his marriage to her, Ian gained an aristocratic father-in-law; mother-in-law and by way of Bunty's sister, Ian also gained connection to another aristocratic family. That connection led to a young Earl-in-waiting who was a part of a venture that was later exposed in court as a huge scam. It eventually made millions, but it cost the Beatles a fortune. It may also have caused the lawyer for their manager to hang himself, and a few days later it may also have led to the death of Brian Epstein. For Ian it opened the door to the glamour of Hollywood via roller disco on the West Coast of the USA. How Ian's life went full circle and brought him back from California to England is another part of this story. Upon arrival, his aristocratic mother-in-law set the stage for Ian's biggest confidence trick of all time. In 1989 Ian created a bogus story about the 1964 birth of Radio Caroline which was published in 1990 with help from his aristocratic mother-in-law. One year later in 1991, that book led to a full blown documentary screened on BBC-TV. The story in his book is called 'Rocking the Boat', and it was a tongue-in-cheek work that gave rise to the creation of a character named Jimmy Shaw. But in the BBC-TV documentary, Ian became an on screen narrator of a tale that was based upon his book, but the TV show was passed off as a factual account of events. However, Jimmy Shaw does not appear as a name in the BBC-TV documentary. How the dots got connected that led to Jimmy Shaw becoming identified as Charles Edward Ross is a story in itself, and the most recent version is due to a 'bible' published in 2019 by Paul Alexander Rusling, who drew upon the previously published works of Ray Clark. Back in the days when Ian was just leaving his teens (and a court room), he first met club DJ Christopher Moore who in turn introduced Ian to Ronan O'Rahilly. Now there was a trio: Ian, Chris, and Ronan, and it was Ronan who drowned everything in blarney. When this team of three collided with various people (who we will also identify in future updates) behind the creation of 'Radio Caroline' in 1964, they used Ronan as their shield against publicity. They made Ronan into their 'star', and used Ian as a back-up scriptwriter for Ronan - not that Ronan was ever short of his own embellished stories. The strangest part of this tale is that back in the Sixties, Ian was not a key player. Ian invented a bogus role for himself in 1990 with the help of his aristocratic mother-in-law. That is when Ian began to wax eloquently by constantly spinning his fictitious blarney as though true. Then a tribe of hack writers began quoting Ian, and they in turn created a library of books. Although these publications were of limited interest, when newspaper writers and the producers of radio and television programs began citing their contents as their own authority, millions heard this message of nonsense and so millions became deceived. The antidote to their deception is this Blog. It will be expanded within our forthcoming book 'Dial 999 for Caroline - the girl who never was'. That book will finally expose Ian's hoax story and reveal in minute detail how and why 'Radio Caroline' was created in 1964. [Text revised by Copy Editor on 4/3/2021] When Paul Rusling decided to take our research material and attempt to use it to support a totally bogus account of how Radio Caroline began, he did more than undermine his own credibility, because he exposed his connections to James Ryan.
James Ryan is the man who swindled the Morrison family in Philadelphia to finance the outfitting of the ship Ross Revenge. In publishing his 'bible', Rusling caused us to move the scope of our own investigation forward in time, so that it now includes events in the 1990s, and they are events which had not been a part of this study, until now. The story of James Ryan includes the story of Laser, and that includes the story of Paul Alexander Rusling. But it is not just Rusling who is at fault here. The first chain in the fake story-telling about the creation of Radio Caroline belongs to Ray Clark. Before Rusling's 'bible' came on to the market, Ray Clark published his book and Online interview with Ian Cowper Ross. Ray Clark laid the groundwork for the rubbish that Rusling would then publish to assist a tiny and insignificant community radio station licensed by the UK government that calls itself 'Radio Caroline' - but which has no connection to the 1964-1967 stations by that name. The dance performed by all of the fake story tellers (as shown in the banner above), is incredible! Are they so gullible, so blind and so accepting of the nonsense fed to them by Ian Cowper Ross that they cannot see the true story? What seems to be the most incredible part of Ian Cowper Ross' hoax, is how he pulled it off: it was so late in the day. It seems to have first appeared in his 1990 novel which begat a 1991 documentary screened more than once by BBC television. Then it turned into a full-blown lie when Ray Clark interviewed Ian Cowper Ross, who linked his account back to the storyline in his novel, and thence to the BBC-TV documentary. The most astounding part of this tale is that it does not seem to exist prior to the year 1990 when Ian Cowper Ross' novel was published! None of the adoring anoraks who worship the bogus life of Ronan O'Rahilly and the 'Caroline' stations - named after a girl who never existed - seems to faze them at all. Instead they have very recently memorialized the birthday of former Radio Caroline DJ Johnnie Walker. He previously engaged in telling lies about Don Pierson and Radio England, and those are the lies which we exposed long ago after Steve England put them on the open market with his 'Tapetrix' brand. Until very recently we had only been following a trail from the birth of radio to the creation of Radio Caroline in 1964, but now we are also following the trail backwards from 1990 to events in 1964. One reason why are our group is uniquely qualified to do this, is because unbeknownst to our 'trio' at the time, they were involved in multi-government investigations into the mess created by James Ryan and his involvement with the Ross Revenge. They know the true background story to the Dutch-British raid on the Ross Revenge, as well as the related hoax stories involving Alan Weiner's 'Radio Newyork International', and the absurdity called 'Sealand'. But there is more, much, much more to all of this and that is why he had to pause and take stock of the total extent of the information we are sitting on. We are not holding up publication for the sake of it, far from it. This information is very dangerous left unpublished, and that is one reason for this Blog and related pages. We can't ask anoraks for help, because they seem to steal our research or cause trouble like 'Fred Bramley' - whoever he really is. His claim to fame is constantly writing and posting comments about our work - which he has never read. We do welcome input from others, but the last time we tried to create a symposium in which anyone could participate, it resulted in the theft of our own paid-for research. So if we are not moving as fast as you would like, then if your intentions are honest, we will welcome your assistance, but nonsense feedback we will ignore and delete. |
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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