Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Years ago (1956), one of our trio took an interest in Allan Freed who broadcast from WINS in New York and was heard in England via transcription over Radio Luxembourg. His interest centered around freedom of the USA airwaves versus censorship on the UK airwaves.
In 1960 he became interested in a USA-driven phenomenon known as offshore 'pirate' radio. In 1970 he set out to meet the Texas founder of the UK offshore stations Radios London, England and Britain, which the UK put out of business and the BBC tried to mimic. They were primarily funded by an American monologue polemical broadcast ('The World Tomorrow'). In 1985, this member of our trio inherited the legal and foundational documents of Don Pierson who created those ship-based stations. In 2000 he joined another team member and began writing a series of academic monographs based upon our interests in offshore broadcasting. A friend in Norway took a legacy interest in a former Pierson radio ship called Olga Patricia and this eventually led to an interest in the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Then in 2015 we inherited the original manuscripts of Charles William (Bill) Weaver. Who was Mr. Weaver? He was the man who brought the Beatles to KILT in Houston, and he was also manager of sales for the Gordon McLendon group of radio stations which included the 'pirate' radio ship 'Bon Jour' ('Mi Amigo') called 'Radio Nord', anchored in the Baltic and pretending, for about a year, to broadcast pop music to Sweden. Its signal also radiated over the countries dominated by the USSR and into Minsk where Lee Harvey Oswald was working. Weaver claimed that it was really a CIA station. Meanwhile, our Norweigian friend's interest in the 'Olga Patricia' led us to the Special Group (Augmented) managed by Robert F. Kennedy, and its CIA offshoot in South Miami. It had control of the 'Olga Patricia' and its association with Dr. Manuel Artime Buesa who had a company called 'BAM'. Our Pierson documents included paperwork for the 'Olga Patricia' that led directly to the Miami bank used by 'BAM', and declassified CIA documents also told us more about the 'Olga Patricia'. Then we discovered that the infamous JFK quotation about "smashing the CIA into a thousands pieces" dates from 1966 hearsay. It is bogus, and that explains why in 1962, JFK was in a Miami stadium to welcome home the ransomed (from Castro's Cuba), Manuel Artime. JFK then told the enormous crowd that the 'Bay of Pigs' Brigade flag which he held in his hand, would one day fly over a "free Havana". Meanwhile, JFK's brother Robert was using the Cuban ex-pats and Manuel Artime to raid Cuba using ships such as the 'Olga Patricia'. Bill Weaver wrote a series of manuscripts (which we have) and he named Gordon McLendon and his buddy Clint Murchison as part of the core conspiracy to murder JFK in Dallas in 1963. McLendon's KLIF station is a big part of the story of how Jack Ruby came to kill Lee Harvey Oswald. Bill Weaver died and someone published an absurd version of his book (under his name) that made a mockery of Weaver's claim that all JFK roads of assassination lead to the grave of Gordon McLendon. So instead of tackling this story from the School Book Depository in Dallas and outwards to Mrs Paine and Mr de Mohrenschildt, we have been following a trail created by Don Pierson of Eastland, Texas to the door of Gordon McLendon in Dallas, Texas via Wichita Falls, Texas and several other locations in the Lone Star State including Houston and Galveston. The thing about ships is that they cannot speak for themselves because they are man-made creations, but they do have birth certificates and 'graduation' documentation to show what they have been up to. In the end (in the 1970s), the 'Olga Patricia' was seized by the US Justice Department after being arrested In Rem in US waters with a flip-board of ship names on its bow. That was after Fidel Castro had denounced it over Radio Havana Cuba as a CIA spy ship and raider that was still shooting and killing Cubans. After years of research our trio is ready to start publishing our findings in book form. First in the UK later this year, and next year in the USA. Misdirection has been continuous ever since we began this investigation, and it seems that Bill Weaver stumbled on to the real storyline that connects many of the dots that even turns Don Pierson into another 'patsy' when his movements and that of the 'Olga Patricia' took him to Haiti where both de Mohrenschildt and Clint Murchison as one of another 'trio' of friends with Gordon McLendon, had already been operating. There are so many loose ends out there that have surfaced, but apart from our tiny 'trio', no one else has been looking into them. However, there is a possibility that someone who reads these words has some seemingly isolated bits of information relating the BAM, Miami or the Special Group (Augmented), that may be of help. It is plain as day to us that JFK never gave up on the idea of invading Cuba (Mongoose), that Bobby Kennedy who thought he was being clever in running a faction of CIA from Miami, was himself just another 'patsy', and that the seemingly complicated riddle is not so complicated after all because this story begins and ends in Texas and its twin cities of Houston (oil) and Dallas (communications). So here's JFK at Parkland with a big chunk of his brain missing, and here's Gene McDaniels singing over 50,000 watts of power KLIF "Once I could have said goodbye but that was at the start - Now I think I'd rather die than be the one to say, we'll part" while laughable news unit "4" (the others in sequence did not exist), and following a pimple commercial, was able to give listeners a description of the murder suspect and murder weapon, and murder location, but not yet being able to say for certain who is alive and who is dead. McLendon, Murchison and Thompson had a rather weird and sick sense of humor. You should watch his movie in which both McLendon and his buddy Thompson act (very badly), which makes us wonder if the words sung by McDaniels = "I'd rather die than be the one to say, we'll part" - are the vicarious words that JFK was supposed to have sung if he was capable of doing so with a destroyed chunk of brain mass. That's what was broadcast and the man in charge of that broadcast was Gordon McLendon who called himself "The Old Scotchman" - as in booze, and not as in ethnic origin. But then JFK never said anything about "smashing the CIA", but he did promise to put the 'Bay of Pigs' Brigade banner on a pole flying over Havana while his brother was running the military arm of the anti-Castro CIA operation in Miami. The Kennedys lied themselves into their graves, or rather Bobby caused the death of his brother by insulting a Mafia boss in New Orleans. JFK died to get rid of his nepotistic hiring of Bobby as his Attorney General. Caught up in this very simple assassination were the lies and liars surrounding the ongoing charade involving Cuba that almost led to a nuclear World War III. Maybe that was the saving grace of the Kennedy Assassination? The Kennedy brothers were not who you think they were. The Introduction to 'Dial 999 for Caroline' is now online, just click here: This is where the 1963 murder of President John F. Kennedy collides with the fake story spun by Ronan O'Rahilly about creation of 'Radio Caroline'. Here is your chance to read the Introduction free of charge. It is not a novel and it is the real story about both events told for the first time, anywhere. You will soon learn that not only did Ronan O'Rahilly lie about the origins of 'Radio Caroline', but so did the ghost of John F. Kennedy when he is alleged to have said that he "wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. We know that Ronan O'Rahilly lied when he was alive, but when JFK is alleged to have uttered his quotation, he had been dead for a few years! So where did this JFK alleged quotation come from? It was first reported in the 'New York Times' during 1966 while citing an unnamed source. In other words it was hearsay, or to put it in blunt terms, he never said it. Then why did the quotation appear? The answer is to provide cover for a bogus tale about the CIA and the Bay of Pigs invasion of the CIA! Here is the man himself, very much alive and telling thousands a big lie! Think of KLIF and CIA as the reasons why JFK lied about the 'Bay of Pigs' invasion, and why he was murdered by people connected with KLIF and the CIA!
If you think that our forthcoming book called 'Dial 999 for Caroline' is about frivolity, pop music and what the pirate radio djs had for breakfast, you are in for a big shock. This is the story that everyone has concealed. The BBC even lies about its origins and they certainly have not revealed this story. Those who have stolen copyright research from us never understood what they were stealing and so they have merely swindled everyone who wanted the real story. This book will tell you why 'Radio Caroline' is dead, totally dead, just like John F. Kennedy! In the early days of Wikipedia we supported it both by written contributions and with money. It seemed such a great idea to promote free encyclopedic knowledge for everyone.
Long before Wikipedia, and long before the World Wide Web, and long before the Internet began to emerge from behind the walls of the U.S. Defence Department and the university labs where it was born, there was a small network of computers known as the Intranet. One of the leaders in promoting the Intranet was the Tandy Corporation who made computers. Their home office was in Fort Worth, Texas. The organization that provided the platform for the Intranet was the 'Fort Worth Star-Telegram', a big daily newspaper known for its liberal approach versus the more conservative approach of the 'Dallas Morning News' daily newspaper. Geographically, Fort Worth is in Tarrant County and Dallas is in Dallas County situated in North Texas. Fort Worth was traditionally known for its stockyards and cattle droves and acquired the tag of 'Cow Town'. Officially it bragged under the slogan 'Where the West Begins'. Dallas was known as the merchandise distribution city with its Trade Center. It was also the city where President John F. Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963. About 30 miles away in Fort Worth, JFK had arrived to a warm welcome and stayed overnight in a downtown hotel before taking off on the short journey to Dallas where his life came to an abrupt end at Noon on that sunny day. But it was not Dallas that pushed the 'Information Age', but Fort Worth, because Tandy was making personal computers and its Radio Shack shops were selling them with help from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. They called their new Intranet service 'StarText', and customers bought subscriptions to be linked to it by dial-up telephone numbers. Initially, StarText had no graphics, no pictures and no color, and there were no services such as Microsoft and Google. They did not exist. StarText was for people living in Tarrant County who could access local calls at little cost. This was back is in the days before AT&T was forced to release its stranglehold on the U.S. telephone system when phone calls were proportionately expensive. Well, we were among the pioneers back then, because we helped to populate StarText with pages of information that ultimately began this research project of today. StarText even published its own newspaper called 'StarText Ink', which of course was edited from the offices of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram where the servers for StarText were also based. Then one day, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram linked StarText to a similar service in Kansas City where another paper owned by the same publishers was also located. Now StarText was an embryonic Internet. This was followed by the advent of another service called GEnie owned and operated by the U.S. General Electric Company, and it linked its operation in the USA to its affiliate in West Germany, as it was, back then. A lot of StarText subscribers (there were only about 3,000 maximum), then began to drift over to GEnie, so StarText got color words and eventually some crude illustrations, but it was too late. Time and technology had moved on and soon StarText was no more. But in the early days of StarText when publishing was for the 'big boys' and information was under the control of big companies and universities, the idea of 'citizen journalism' seemed wonderful, and we said so and praised StarText and the company behind it. Now jump ahead in time to Wikipedia. Same idea but on a vast scale. So we joined, and we contributed both journalistically and financially. However, groups of trolls began to emerge who then started to remove information and replace it with fake information. The fake information was removed by reversing the changes and lo and behold the fake information reappeared. We were among the early contributors that Wikipedia encouraged and asked one of our Trio to become a Supervisor. But when this ideological propaganda 'war' began to take over, we quit. We still financially supported Wikipedia, but today - no more. Now another trend has appeared. Our documented source material for articles which has remained on Wikipedia for years, has been removed and our source material has been inserted as though the people editing specific pages have performed the research themselves. Wikipedia is turning into, or has already turned into a voice similar to 'The BBC' which claims to be 100 years old, when it was only 95 years old when they began to herald their boastful claim. In other words 'The BBC' spread false or fake information about themselves, and of course, about many other subjects as well. Technically, on one level the letters 'BBC' when applied to British broadcasting have been in use for at least 100 years, but not as letters representing the British Broadcasting Corporation. The British Bible College also uses the initials 'BBC'. Before the British Broadcasting Corporation there was another entity called the British Broadcasting Company Limited, but it had nothing to do with the British Broadcasting Corporation which even lies about the ultimate fate of the British Broadcasting Company Limited. Before the British Broadcasting Company Limited, there were Marconi ventures such as radio station MZX, from where the famous commercially sponsored Dame Melba concert originated. 'The BBC' is an empire of fake news and fake information, just like Wikipedia, and that is why our own self-funded project exists. It is not beholden to any outside interests. Its aim and objective is truth and honesty in both research and publication. Naturally the promoters of fake news and misinformation hate our operation, but as long as the platform servers exist to allow us to publish, we will continue in both electronic type and in print to present readers with the discoveries of our independent researh. Our printed works of recent times have been devoted to academia, but we are now working on a two-part general circulation book. It will be published this year in the United Kingdom, and next year in the United States. While Houston, Texas in the USA holds the key to understanding the beginnings of this story, it is Groningen that leads to the birth of 'Radio Caroline'.
Groningen is located in a northeastern province of the Netherlands, and it adjoins the North Sea. It is where the North Sea gas and oil exploration story began onshore, and it is where the Deterding family name comes into the offshore radio picture. Why Deterding? It was Henri Deterding who was General Manager of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company that linked up with Shell Transport and Trading Company, a company founded by a Lord Mayor of London. Under their cartel banner of Royal Dutch Shell, Deterding's involvement with Adolph Hitler's Third Reich led to a legacy tagline of death and destruction. So, we have to jump over his son to his grandson James Deterding if we want to learn about a quiet but important member of the board of directors on Allan Crawford's Project Atlanta Limited. James Deterding was not on the PAL Ltd board of directors when it was originally incorporated on August 1, 1963, by a solicitor representing Allan Crawford. The limelight back then went to Oliver Smedley and Kitty Black. Those two, Smedley and Black, were soon pushed to one side and Smedley formed another and rival radio company which entangled itself with the Kray Twins and the murder of Reg Calvert, boss of 'Radio City'. But PAL Ltd., was not a part of that fiasco and resulting tragedy. By September-October 1963, PAL Ltd. had become an interesting company with a gold-plated board of directors representing the printing, publishing and offshore gas and oil industry with roots in Groningen. But don't wait for Hans Knot to tell you this, because so far, even though he has written piles of trivia about the offshore radio stations, he does not seem to have written a single word about the real story. Maybe he has, but if he has, it is buried in the trivia about the lives of disc jockeys. If you want to know about the "second coming" of PAL Ltd. which leads into the founding of 'Radio Caroline', then you have to know about the visit by Ronan O'Rahilly in June 1963 to see Bill Weaver in Houston, Texas. That was a visit engineered on behalf of Allan Crawford who O'Rahilly had met for the first time at the beginning of 1963. But where is any of this in all of those so-called 'true' stories about the origins of 'Radio Caroline'? Nowhere! The scam artists churning out rubbish to support the conmanship of the current 'Ross Revenge' fundraising charity dare not tell the people the real story. But you will find the real story, the true story of 'Radio Caroline' on this and its companion Blog pages. Over the last few days we have revised this same Blog posting in order to clarify its content. The main point concerns the issue raised by the person who is now King Charles III, and shown above in the masthead from the days of his first marriage to Diana Spencer.
Charles talks about dropping a rock (pebble) into water and watching the ripples, but in this instance, in relation to the companion comment by Don Pierson (also shown above), it is necessary to clarify that Charles' reference to a 'rock' or 'pebble' relates to law, and not to the subject of 'pirate' broadcasting. It seems that those who write about 'Radio Caroline' are more interested in what a 'pirate' radio disc jockey had for breakfast, than they are about the legality of the transmitters which send record selections and commentary to the world. Our focus is upon the transmitters, not from a technical point of discussion, but from a legal point of discussion. Our primary focus is the United Kingdom with regards to 'pirate' transmissions in the time period from 1964 to 1967, and the foundational laws with which they are coming into conflict. One branch of those laws deals with 'pirate' radio broadcasting from offshore, but another branch deals with the legal ownership of the sea bed emanating from the coastline of the United Kingdom. While 'anorak' fans love to write un-authoritatively about the High Seas ("international waters"), they miss the point that those same waters flow over a sea bed, and any form of attachment to that sea bed that stations a ship in place, changes the status of that ship. The Continental Shelf Act of 1964 was the game changer, but to suggest that its main aim was to prevent offshore broadcasting is to miss the point completely. However, because of the importance of the Continental Shelf Act of 1964, we have now revised our entire approach to the subject of offshore broadcasting. Facts in evidence reveal that the mainly self-published books which all claim to reveal the "the true history of Radio Caroline'" - are in fact, absolute rubbish! On January 28, 1964, Conservative Party Member of Parliament Mr. F. J. Erroll, who was Minister of Power, commenced the Second Reading of the Continental Shelf Bill in the House of Commons. On that day, formation of Planet Productions Limited was still a month away from registration as a sales agency in the Republic of Ireland. Back at the beginning of the previous year of 1963, Allan Crawford first met Ronan O'Rahilly who had been sent to London in 1961, looking for investment capital on behalf of his father's roof tile business in Ireland. In June of 1963, Allan Crawford sent Ronan O'Rahilly to Houston, Texas to try to convince Bill Weaver, representative of Gordon McLendon, to lease the former radio ship 'Mi Amigo' to Allan Crawford. Gordon McLendon had been in Ireland during the latter part of the Nineteen Fifties trying to get a license for a super-power radio station to rival 'Radio Luxembourg'. McLendon was not successful. Ideas were put forward to McLendon that he should put a radio station on a ship anchored off the coast of Great Britain in international waters, but McLendon had been told that the UK Royal Navy would simply grab it. McLendon then teamed-up with CIA interests and placed a radio ship off the coast of Sweden under the name of 'Radio Nord'. When Sweden brought an end to that venture, Bill Weaver, who had been sent by McLendon to shut down this offshore station, talked to Allan Crawford about buying it. But Crawford lacked the money, and so Weaver took the ship and the former Swedish land-based studio equipment to Texas and docked the vessel at Galveston Island. Weaver told O'Rahilly that nothing had changed and Crawford could still buy it, but he would not lease it. O'Rahilly then produced the legal Opinion of a QC commissioned by Crawford which stated that the 'Hovering Acts' of the Victorian era were no longer law, and so the Royal Navy would not try to seize the radio ship. McLendon remained unconvinced and told O'Rahilly to buy a test ship and with a minimum of investment, see what the Royal Navy would do. Among the people present in Texas with Bill Weaver was Superintendent Captain de Jong of the Wijsmuller Shipping and Towing Company based in Holland, which was involved with the Texas offshore oil industry. O'Rahilly's father was at that time leasing the motor vessel 'Friendship', but he wanted his own container vessel that could double as a ferry, but he lacked the funds to make that happen. Upon Ronan O'Rahilly's return from Houston, Crawford incorporated Project Atlanta Limited on August 1, 1963, with a minimum of investors. During September and October 1963, a new business plan was floated for PAL Ltd., based upon the suggestion by Weaver to get another ship to test the British government. Out of this came an alliance with a number of heavy investors in the print and publishing industry with connections to the oil industry as it was at that time. The symbolic head of this amalgamated group was Jocelyn Stevens, but the mover and shaker behind the new plan was Irishman Charles Orr Stanley, head of the Pye Group of companies. At the end of 1963, the former Danish ferry 'Fredericia' was purchased by a financial scheme in the name of a new company created by Ronan O'Rahilly's father, and the vessel was renamed 'Iseult'. The transaction was carried out by Wijsmuller and it was taken from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. Simultaneously, the 'Mi Amigo' was conditionally reloaded with radio broadcasting equipment. But it would not be leased to Crawford unless the 'Fredericia' - 'Iseult' first passed its test. However, just after these arrangements were put into place during the Christmas and New Year's holiday period in Texas, inside London's House of Commons on January 28, 1964, Conservative Party Member of Parliament and Minister of Power Mr. F. J. Erroll, commenced the Second Reading of the Continental Shelf Bill in the House of Commons. Hansard reported that: "The Bill comes before the House primarily because of the exciting possibility that oil and natural gas may be found under the North Sea. Not very long ago, such a development would have seemed most improbable. But the search for new sources of energy the world over is unremitting, and in recent years it has brought about remarkable advances in oil technology, particularly in drilling in submarine areas. Today, more than 20 oil companies of international reputation are concerned in surveys of the North Sea, which are costing substantial sums of money." Mr Erroll added: "International law, however, preserves the legal status of the waters above the Shelf as high seas and the legal status of the air space above those waters. The United Kingdom's rights under the Continental Shelf Convention are, in fact, defined as sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring the Shelf and exploiting its natural resources." To lay people like Ray Clark or Paul Rusling, this seems to say that free movement on the High Seas is guaranteed, but what they want it to say, but which it does not say, is that 'loitering' or 'hovering' is also covered. But it is not - due to the fact that to 'loiter' or 'hover' on the High Seas requires a ship to drop anchor to the sea bed! Once a ship does that, it is entangles itself in the Continental Shelf with a Clause 7 that: "extends the protection of the Submarine Telegraph Act of 1885 to all submarine cables and pipelines." Thus the Bill was given a Second Reading. It eventually found its way to the pen of Queen Elizabeth II who signed it into law on April 15, 1964, and to which these words were then added .... "Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same ...." Clause 6 of this Law is Wireless telegraphy, and it reads .... "An Order in Council under section 3 of this Act may make provision for treating for the purposes of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 and any regulations made thereunder any installation in an area or part with respect to which provision is made under that section and any waters within five hundred metres of such an installation as if they were situated in such part of of the United Kingdom as it may be specified in the Order." By the time this Bill became Law on April 15, 1964, the plans of Allan Crawford had been sunk, two days before the mv 'Mi Amigo' left Greenore on April 17, 1964! The avalanche of rubbish calling itself the "true story" of 'Radio Caroline' is but a lie! When 'Radio Caroline' began testing on March 27, 1964, the new law was just nineteen days away from coming into force! On May 6, 1964, which was twenty-one days after the new law came into force, the Royal Navy sent the HMS Venturous to request permission to board the mv Caroline (ex-Fredericia; Iseult), but it was refused. At the time, Simon Dee was broadcasting this exchange from a temporary studio aboard the mv 'Caroline'. This test was based upon the anchor of the mv 'Caroline' resting upon the Continental Shelf, which was now part of the United Kingdom. The UK was the twenty-second signatory to an international treaty which underpinned its new law. While the radio ships attached themselves to the continental shelf by anchors, REM island, which was the location of 'Radio and Television Noordzee', had been built by Houston's Brown and Root by driving steel legs into part of the continental shelf which adjoined the Netherlands. By the end of 1964 the Dutch Government had been forced to introduce their own version of the UK Continental Shelf Act which gave them authority to close down REM Island. This same British law of April 15, 1964, was also linked by precedence to actions taken in the USA, which had been used in part during the 1962 blockade of USSR ships importing nuclear missiles into Cuba. The USA did not even bother to sign the international treaties that bound the UK and Holland. It simply dusted off its own and out-of-date 'Monroe Doctrine' which turned the USA into an international maritime police force acting under its own laws. The British used their maritime police powers over the High Seas when they were forced to use covert methodology. In this way, the UK acted 'softly-softly' in contrast with the USA going in guns blazing, when necessary. On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, and the world was left to wonder who had shot him and why. But the succession of threats of nuclear war that surrounded that event seemed to last for a brief moment before they were drowned-out by the screams of 'Beatlemania'. It was a cultural youth movement which was already underway long before 'Radio Caroline' began broadcasting. 'Radio Caroline' was not the advent of anything, but a myth. The music revolution in Britain had begun with people like Alan Freed syndicated on 'Radio Luxembourg' and appearing in films which predated the concept of MTV videos. Britain's Jack Good had also become part of the same revolution in the UK with music programming aired on ITA's leased television airtime. Unfortunately, the chronology of these events, including the arrival of the nuclear submarines in Scotland and the hurried obfuscation of the Central Intelligence Agency operations at South Miami, Florida, have all been blotted out from the nonsense books published by people such as Ray Clark and Paul Rusling. These two have been part of the ilk producing a deluge of rubbish which poured forth like a flood. It seems to have begun after the year 1990, which is when the 'Hovering Acts' were reintroduced as part of the new UK Broadcasting Act. The platform for that new 1990 Broadcasting Act, was the 1967 Marine Offences Act that was built in part upon the 1964 Continental Shelf Act. But actions taken in the USA by American citizen Allan Weiner, had involved a new offshore broadcasting venture that also called itself 'Radio Caroline'. In New York, Weiner tried to broadcast from a hulk anchored off its Long Island coastline using the call sign of 'Radio Newyork International'. When the USA took action and boarded Weiner's ship which was anchored in international waters, Weiner's defence in court was that the shortwave broadcasts from the new 'Radio Caroline' operation could be heard in the State of New York. Those transmissions originated from a ship called 'Ross Revenge' anchored in the North Sea, but its shortwave broadcasts were made on behalf of an entity that was registered in the State of California. A U.S. FCC Administrative Court then turned to the U.K. Official Solicitor for legal help, and a U.K. document was introduced to show that Weiner had registered his ship with an entity calling itself 'Sealand' that was merely the location a disused U.K. fort called HMS 'Rough Tower', but it was occupied by squatters who had no sovereign authority. In other words, when the now deceased fraudster named Ronan O'Rahilly ranted on about getting a license from another country to find a way around British broadcasting laws, he was spouting a fiction that only true believers in his 'Loving Awareness' quasi-religion could believe. There were domestic political reasons why the offshore stations lasted until 1967, and why the British Crown finally decided to finish off both 'Laser' and 'Caroline'. A new fraudster named Malcolm Smith is currently dusting off the lies once told by Ronan O'Rahilly and he is using them for his own purpose to solicit money from the public in the name of yet another entity calling itself 'Radio Caroline'. Smith is asking immature minds to hand over cash to support a hulk that was once paid for with money stolen from Americans under false pretenses. In return for his conmanship, Malcolm Smith offers to give these suckers a copy of Ray Clark's fake story about 'Radio Caroline'. If Smith had merely began a new station and called it 'Caroline', then he would not be in trouble. But instead of doing that, Smith claims that he is carrying on with the fraudulent gospel of Ronan O'Rahilly. What a sad and very small world these anoraks live in. But one thing is sure, and that is the state of the very thin ice that Malcolm Smith and his fraudster friends are currently skating upon. It is showing all the signs of stress and a resulting potential calamity. Yes! We have reported Smith's fund-raiser as a fraud in the making. Malcolm Smith claimed ownership of the motor vessel Ross Revenge and cited a British court ruling, but that ruling did not wipe out all prior debts created by that vessel. Mr. Morrison was tricked into investing in the radio venture attached to this ship, and a USA criminal court case in Philadelphia ruled against the man who had orchestrated the theft by false pretenses by stealing from Mr. Morrison.
The USA court wanted to hear from Ronan O'Rahilly but he stayed away and was never heard from. So the ship, which was in Spain, hurriedly departed from Spanish waters and dropped anchor in the North Sea. Years went by and it was eventually towed into British waters and that is how Malcolm Smith got involved. Paul Rusling wrote a 'bible' about the Caroline frauds that benefitted Malcolm Smith and now Malcolm Smith does not want to be associated with Paul Rusling, while still promoting Paul Rusling's book. So did Malcolm Smith repay Mr Morrison before Malcom Smith decided to transfer his ownership to a charity headed by himself, and registered in England? Or, has Malcolm Smith merely continued the theft of assets taken from Mr Morrison? Malcolm Smith thinks that he can avoid answering this question by attacking those who ask the question. But the question that is still awaiting an answer, is whether Malcolm Smith is merely continuing the same theft process that began with Ronan O'Rahilly? Paul Rusling first claims to be a member of something that does exist by that name, and second he defies his own words by throwing together, and then paying for those words to be printed, in order to sell them to the fools who will believe anything about offshore radio. With enemies of the truth like Paul Rusling, who needs a dictatorship propaganda machine .... unless of course, Paul Rusling is a part of the dictatorship propaganda machine? Yes, that would make sense, even if to the honest and sane, Paul Rusling makes no sense at all.
Our opinion of the self-published book by Lyn Gilbert called 'Behind the Scenes at Radio Caroline (in the 1970s)', reaches the same conclusion about Ronan O'Rahilly as Malcolm Smith: Ronan O'Rahilly was a low-life crook lacking morals and lacking any sort of attribute of empathy for others.
As a book, Lyn's work is a ridiculous notepad of scribbles by a young single mother from Australia, who ended up in London and got to know Oonagh Leigh. Oonagh Leigh knew Ronan O'Rahilly who swindled everyone and anyone to his own advantage. He somehow managed to con Christopher Moore - again - after Chris Moore sued Ronan O'Rahilly in the Sixties for conning him then. What is that line? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me? Well it seems that Ronan fooled him at least twice. What everyone forgets is that Ronan O'Rahilly came to London in 1961 on behalf of his father who was seeking investment capital for the family business. Ronan was a part of the family business when he arrived. He certainly wasn't trying to get his father to invest in someone else's business. Anyway, Ronan succeeded in a complex sort of way in putting money into the family business by bringing two ships (Fredericia and Mi Amigo), to the shoreline of Greenore and an abandoned Irish Port which Ronan's father wanted to reopen. For a fee, the two ships tied up in Greenore and work was contracted out to Dundalk Engineering - for a fee. Ronan's dad did pretty well out of commissions on that deal, and he was able to pay to have his own container ship built in Holland. Ronan was there to see it launched. That vessel replaced the mv 'Friendship' which Ronan's dad had chartered since 1960. But is seems that single Mom Lyn knew nothing about any of that when she got to know Ronan. In fact, the mv 'Fredericia' had already been scrapped by then, and Lyn did not even know that it had ever existed, because Lyn tells us so in her rambling notebook. That's the real trouble with Lyn's book: it rambles and she is very green but becoming street wise by the moment. Lyn is no businesswoman and no scholar. She is pretty surface-aware of events such as the Kennedy assassination, even though Ronan O'Rahilly tries to make a big deal out of it. But Ronan is about as uniformed as a retarded chimp regarding that affair as well. Ronan scoots around the edges of known gangsters and tries not to tangle with them, but to learn from them in how to steal and get away with it. He seems to be mindful of not double-crossing known gangsters who will rub him out in the blink of an eye. Instead, he put human buffers between them and himself. One of his tricks was get the dupes, like Lyn, to stick their own names on legal documents so that if anyone decided to take action they would not be looking for Ronan. But since Lyn was judgement-proof, in the sense that you could sue her but you couldn't collect, because she didn't have anything to begin with, she was another of Ronan's bullet-proof vests. Those who did have money were Ronan targets, and so they tried to stay at arm's length from him. In the end, Ronan O'Rahilly died a useless bit of flesh who had harmed the lives of a lot of people and made his victims thank him for harming them. Ronan O'Rahilly really was a true boy preacher of the 'Elmer Gantry' ilk. Lyn was the young, single mother trying to make life better for herself and her child in an environment where her immediate needs became obvious hooks for Ronan O'Rahilly to get hold of, and to use and abuse. Ronan O'Rahilly seems to have spent his entire worthless lifetime stealing from and abusing other people, and getting his victims to thank him for doing so. Yes, Malcolm Smith was right in his own assessment of Ronan O'Rahilly, but at the same time this former grease monkey seems to be trying to learn the craft of his past master in order to practice it to his own advantage. The 'Caroline' that lives, is really an evil spirit that harms anyone who comes into contact with it. Do not give money to this so-called charity that lacks transparency and which is based upon totally fraudulent claims both about the authenticity of Radio Caroline, and the obscure ownership of the hulk Ross Revenge.
This ship was paid for by U.S. citizens under false pretenses years ago. A U.S. criminal court ruling settled that issue. The UK Admiralty Court awarding the same ship to Malcolm Smith did legally remove international claims against the vessel that remain unpaid. Malcolm Smith is making false claims about his venture called Radio Caroline which he wants you to think is related to another venture in 1964, and he also wants you to forget that the original Radio Caroline ship was scrapped. His hulk called Ross Revenge has already been at the center of a criminal case involving fraudulent claims about its ownership, and Malcolm Smith is trying his best misdirect your attention away from that fact. The problem we are looking at is a false claim by Malcolm Charles Smith who presents himself as "Peter Moore"
This does not seem to be a legal name, but a stage name. However, while he has signed government forms as Malcolm Charles Smith, he has on at least one occasion signed his name on a government form as "Peter Moore" and then signed his name as Malcolm Smith. This presents the impression on an official UK government form that there were two people, one named "Peter Moore", and another one named Malcolm Smith. Using his bogus identity of "Peter Moore", Malcolm Smith has created a web site in which he has made a false claim about the origins of 'Radio Caroline' in 1964. He did the same thing on BBC television. Malcolm Smith claims to have become the owner of what is now a floating hulk known as the 'Ross Revenge'. He claims to have been awarded this vessel by a UK Admiralty Court. However, there is a court ruling in the United States that suggests that this vessel was also financed by fraud involving the same person that Malcolm Charles Smith claims as his mentor. Malcolm Smith registered a charity in England and he has begun raising money from the general public using various fund-raising means for the vessel 'Ross Revenge' - which he claims is the home of 'Radio Caroline'. This charity also claims that it does not have a subsidiary interest in 'Radio Caroline'. Because money is being solicited from the public using false claims about 'Radio Caroline', and then claiming that his charity is not related to his limited company trading as 'Radio Caroline', there are many questions being raised about the possibility that UK laws continue to be violated in order to solicit money from the general public. Then there is the question of who owns the hulk called 'Ross Revenge'? We are aware of other groups who have encountered problems with this operation managed by Malcolm Charles Smith, and we will be interested to hear from them. In the meantime we are bringing these questions to your attention in order to clarify whether this entire operation run by Malcolm Charles Smith is a fraud. Because we are also victims of the false propaganda published by Malcolm Charles Smith, we have a right to know what Malcolm Charles Smith is doing, and whether he is operating within the framework of UK laws. As a follow-up to the post yesterday, the following observation has been brought to the attention of the Authority regulating Charities in England: "I am an academic investigator and reporter examining the origins and background of a venture called 'Radio Caroline' which primarily existed from March 1964 until mid-August 1967. The person responsible for the charity in question is going by two names. He is using his correct legal name of Malcolm Smith on your forms, but a bogus name of Peter Moore on his charity page. On the UK Companies House web site is a company that is directly tied to the charity, and the CEO of the charity has used both names to imply that they are two different people. I paid for a book advertised on the charity page and shortly afterwards one of the three listed trustees on your site, wrote that he was refunding my payment. It is clear that the purpose of this charity and the registered company are one and the same while pretending to be two different ventures. Evidence shows that this charity is operating in a deceitful manner to solicit money from the public using false pretense." If this policy is allowed to continue, then anyone filing an official document with any government operating under the laws of the United Kingdom, can state one name on the official document and then hide behind a fake identity when discussing the same matters with the public, and sometimes slip-up and use both the real and fake identities on official forms and pretend to be two different human beings.
But more than this, a UK Charity can then claim not be affiliated with another venture registered with UK Companies House, while co-mingling assets of both in order to trade with the public as a private company, and solicit funds from the public as a public charity, at the same time. While the entity in question does not merit a public enquiry paid for by tax payers, it does merit a superior governing body taking a look at what the UK Charity commission and UK Companies House are allowing to be filed as true and honest documents. Even though there is a penalty for filing false information, if the law is not applied and applied evenly without favour, then the entire fabric of the judicial system in the United Kingdom becomes a joke. This is the reason why we are constantly opposing the British Broadcasting Corporation from making the bogus claim that "Your BBC" is 100 years old, when in fact it is only 95 years old. To let the BBC off the hook with that kind of propaganda, and to allow the constant mis-telling of the real story about Radio Caroline (1964-1967), is to allow an Orwellian mind-set to become the gold standard where up becomes down; left becomes right for most of the time, and then sometimes the order is reversed, and sometimes both are accepted as being true. In other words, no judge in any court of law could ever make any ruling because there would no longer exist any standard by which evidence can be admitted and ruled upon as being true, and therefore with no evidence, only anarchy can prevail. That is why this investigation has far-reaching implications beyond trying to unravel the true story of Radio Caroline between 1964 and 1967, and the nonsense being promoted by both Paul Alexander Rusling and Malcolm Smith. This means that we subscribe to a lot of services and we buy a lot of books. We examine the claims of others to see whether what they claim is true, or untrue. We bought a copy of the book by Paul Alexander Rusling and a lot of others who love to make bogus claims in print-on-demand books. Rusling seems to think that because he orders and pays for more than 100 books at a time, it is not print-on-his-demand. So here is yet another print-on-demand offer about the same related subject material: We noticed this advertisement: .... and so we bought a copy of the book .... Then we received this a short time later: There is no Charity Number on the Malcolm Smith site on which he calls himself 'Peter Moore' and claims that this charity is unrelated to any other trading subsidiary. That claim is open to question because of the side connectivity to a registered company trading under the same business identity.
So is this a genuine charity or another bogus claim by a bogus person called 'Peter Moore'? We are not amused, and hopefully neither will the relative authorities concerned. Please use the 'YesterStories' button above to see the many and continuing editorial additions and amendments to this article.
Contrary to the views of your handful of supporters, we are not in competition with you because there is no way to counter the totally false rubbish on your 'Radio Caroline' web site, and that is rubbish which you wrote and have also spread on BBC-TV shows such as 'Antiques Road Trip'.
There is make believe fantasy and then there is fraudster conmanship which you engage in, with the help of your friend Paul Rusling. You two walk hand in the pockets of gullible fools who fork out money to support not just a myth, but to swindle charities and individual supporters. Yes, those are strong words that are supported by your own web site - which was written by you and managed by you and supported by Paul Rusling. As of February 19, 2023 at 12:51 PM your time, this is what your own web site says about Ronan O'Rahilly and 'Radio Caroline' (a station which is totally unrelated to your own fraudulent operation): "He soon became aware that quite separately an Australian businessman Alan Crawford had also identified the potential of marine broadcasting to the UK. Ronan befriended him. Crawford was later to allege that O'Rahilly used his own feasibility studies to further his own plans. Ronan claims that this is absolutely not the case and that the Caroline project was well advanced before he even became aware of Crawford and his parallel business intentions. He also insists Crawford's 'Project Atlanta' ran out of funding and was rescued by his own company. On a fund raising trip to the USA he was captivated by a photograph in Life magazine showing president John F. Kennedy's daughter Caroline playing in the Oval Office of the White House and disrupting the serious business of government. This was exactly the image he wanted for his station. The name had to be Radio Caroline." We are not competing with a swindle, such as your 'Radio Caroline' web site. We are quietly publishing for academia and for genuine radio historians. A compendium of much of our previously published work is currently in production. This article was first published in November 2010, and it is where our story comes together in the year 1994: OF DRUGS, DOCUMENTS AND PSEUDO STATES: THE ODD STORY OF THE MISSING BROADCASTING SHIP You can read the complete ORIGINAL article Online free of charge at: CAVEAT - PLEASE READ - IF YOU DO NOT READ ALL OF THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE Beware of various YouTube videos that exist on the Internet which contain snippets from news broadcasts which repeat false claims that the ship called 'Sarah' was named after a song, when in fact it was the first name of Weiner's wife which had been crudely painted on the ship to disguise its true name of 'Lichfield I', which was still registered in Panama as the legal owner. The mv 'Lichfield I' was never registered in Honduras as the mv 'Sarah'. Alan Weiner installed the first shortwave transmitter on board the mv 'Ross Revenge', which is where he first met an American dj calling himself 'John Ford' (John Hungerford). Weiner used John Hungerford to raise money for his 'RNI' station, and he also use John Hungerford to obtain a provisional license under false pretenses from a New York office representing the government of Honduras. From the very beginning, the station that Malcolm Smith came to call 'Radio Caroline' was linked to Weiner's 'RNI', and later, to Michael Bates' fake State called 'Sealand'. It is all one story! The person who put a stop to this fraud, is Genie Baskir. Genie worked with her own associates in cooperation with James Murphy representing the UK Crown, and USA Justice Department and Federal Communications Commission attorney, after she had personally become a financial victim of the Weiner fraud with its international ramifications. Anoraks who daydream about broadcasting from marine bases in 'international waters' try to raise money by soliciting venture capital by publishing false statements and soliciting money under false pretenses, or they involve themselves with known financial fraudsters who have existing criminal records! Genie Baskir helped law enforcement in both the UK and USA to put a stop to all of this. The reason why charges were dropped by the USA/FCC, were connected to the then forthcoming raid by the UK/DTI, against the mv 'Ross Revenge'. It falsely claimed to be the home of a station called 'Radio Caroline' that began with an operation which existed from 1964 to 1967. There was no connection, and claims that are still being made to support this lie, are being promoted by Malcolm Smith who calls himself 'Peter Moore', and that he represents of an ongoing operation in 2023 which he calls 'Radio Caroline'. Having shut down (twice) the illegal operation calling itself 'Radio Newyork International', and then, with James Murphy of the UK/DTI helping to shut down the illegal operation called 'Radio Caroline', there was no need to argue moot points in US and UK courts over the subject of offshore broadcasting. It was totally dead! This included James Murphy stopping the false claims about an old WWII tower. James Murphy representing the UK Crown, worked in tandem with and the USA FCC to establish in a case brought before a US FCC Administrative Court, that claims about that disused UK structure which had popularly become known as 'Sealand', were totally false, and that any illegal activity regarding broadcasting from 'Rough Tower' as it was identified by the UK Crown, would be subject to the full force of enforcement by the UK Crown Prosecution Service. When Roy Bates discovered that his own son Michael had participated with Weiner to cause this verdict to be entered as precedent, he was furious. But it was too late. The verdict was rendered in court and it still stands today. Please refrain from spreading more misinformation, by if necessary, drawing attention to the work of Genie Baskir regarding her continuing investigation into offshore international broadcasting. Abstract from the Original Article: A Japanese ship was purchased by a company in Panama and impounded off the coast of the USA with an illicit cargo of drugs on board. The ship was sold by the U.S. Government for US$100 over a public holiday under dubious circumstances. This vessel became home to a U.S. ‘pirate radio’ station twice, after its name, ownership and registration had been laundered more than once, and it then became the center stage prop for the climax of a major Hollywood motion picture where it was blown up. U.S. Government paperwork never explained what happened to the drugs, or the vessel, or why after destruction, the government of Panama maintained its original ship registration. Here are keywords in the article: marijuana; illicit drugs; Lichfield I; Panama; General Noriega; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Customs; Frank Ganter; U.S. Federal Communications Commission; Alan Weiner; Yonkers, New York; Radio Newyork International (RNI); “Sarah”; Boston (Maine); Radio Caroline; shortwave; North Sea; Principality of Sealand; James Murphy, Roy Bates; Michael Bates; MGM; “Blown Away” (movie). Authors’ caveat: This specific work, an adaptation of a presentation made at the “East-West Cultural Passage Conference: American Studies Reconsidered” (23 April, 2010) in Sibiu, relies upon court proceedings; government documents; maritime records, first-hand interviews, correspondence and diaries of events originally constructed as part of an investigation. Over time, biased sources intentionally obfuscated facts in order to cloud both the political and legal ramifications which could have arisen from this particular episode of offshore radio broadcasting. The resulting conclusions are therefore somewhat contradictory; are certainly unsatisfactory, and prevent the full application of reason leading to complete resolution within this article alone. The reader is thus pointed to other writings by the authors that together fill out related aspects of the story, such as: "Puppets on Strings: How American Mass Media Manipulated British Commercial Radio Broadcasting" Romanian Journal of English Studies 6 (2009): 60-69 (Romanian Society of English and American Studies,. Timisoara [RO]: Editura Universitatii de Vest); “The Pedigree of America’s Constitution: An Alternative Explanation,” British and American Studies (University of the West, Timisoara) 14 (2008): 217-26; “Citizen or Subject? An Overlooked Reconsideration of a Fundamental Question in U.S. Constitutional Law,” British and American Studies (University of the West, Timisoara) 13 (2007): 163-74; “Prophecies of Dystopic ‘Old World, New World’ Transitions Told: ‘The World Tomorrow’ Radio Broadcasts to the United Kingdom, 1965-1967,” New/Old Worlds: Spaces of Transition Rodica Mihăilă and Irina Grigorescu Pană (Eds.). Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2007 (pp. 205-23); and, “London: My Hometown” Proceedings of the International Meta-Conference, “Representations of London in Literature and the Arts, 19-21 October, 2001.” (Sibiu: “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu/Anglophone Society of Romania/British Council, Romania): 234-277. EXTRACT: Weiner and his supporters were brought into court in New York where some time later on appeal against the original verdict,[1] argument was made by their defense attorney that involved the British ‘pirate station’ Radio Caroline.
This station could, under certain conditions, be heard on the US broadcasting band. But its shortwave service was operated by a California religious organization, and its signal was intended for international coverage. By applying the FCC determination against RNI to Radio Caroline, it brought the question of those North Sea signals within the purview of the FCC. Now that the question of Radio Caroline had been raised in this case, it caused an international embarrassment for the FCC that required an international remedy. Subsequently, on August 19, 1989, Radio Caroline was knocked off the air following a raid by Dutch and British governmental agents following consultation with the FCC, and the person leading the British team had earlier offered evidence in a case against Weiner in which he was attempting to get another broadcasting license from the FCC. Weiner had gained his knowledge of offshore broadcasting from Radio Caroline after he made a visit to its ship anchored in the North Sea, and while there, he met a DJ and fellow American named John Hungerford. After Weiner returned to the USA he was later joined by Hungerford who became Weiner’s primary fundraiser in the RNI project. United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. USA vs. Allan H. Weiner, Joseph Paul Ferraro, Randall Ripley a/k/a Randi Steele, Hank Hayes, Richard Hertz, John Hungerford and John Doe, all d/b/a Radio Newyork International ("RNI"). Case Number 89-1211. Appellant Brief, page 21: Appellants respectfully submit that this ruling creates a dangerous precedent in that it allows the government potentially to reach out and control broadcasters anywhere in the world as long as their broadcasts are able to be picked up somewhere within the borders of the United States. Does the FCC thus have power to shut down all broadcasts from the Caroline, a broadcast vessel moored in the North Sea, based upon a claim that signals from that vessel's radio broadcasts were picked up, however briefly and even if creating no interference, somewhere in this country? This third manifestation of the offshore broadcasting station began in 1983. For the origins of the original between 1964-1967, see: “Puppets on Strings: How American Mass Media Manipulated British Commercial Radio Broadcasting,” by the authors in the Romanian Journal of English Studies 6/2009. Weiner agreed to a Restraining Order without time limitations and he agreed that he would not broadcast again until the question of broadcasting from international waters was resolved by the USA. Rather than abide by the spirit of the agreement, however, he attempted to go only by the words on paper. Weiner thus flew to England and met Michael Bates, whose eccentric father Roy had commandeered a former British WWII fort built upon a barge that had been towed into place over a sandbar and then sunk in place. (Originally the structure was outside of British territorial waters, but it was later brought under the laws of the United Kingdom when its territorial waters were extended to twelve miles offshore.) Bates claimed that the UK had abandoned its sovereignty over HM Fort Rough, and that he had inherited that same sovereignty, and then declared his wife the ‘Princess of Sealand’. Originally this idea had been concocted in a pub as a form of mimicry because Prince Charles had been invested by his mother Queen Elizabeth as the Prince of Wales, and therefore Bates later came to call that sunken barge with its hollow legs and platform the Principality of Sealand. Weiner secured an agreement with Michael Bates in which he entered into a sham contract pretending to sell RNI, in exchange for publicizing Sealand in the USA over his airwaves and operating the ship under the flag of ‘Sealand.’ Roy Bates did not approve of this action and he hinted that his son had committed ‘treason’. Although Weiner never had access to a ‘Sealand’ flag he instructed another friend to resume transmissions off the coast of New York. The USA reacted as before and ordered RNI to cease transmissions, and the lone caretaker/captain/crewmate/broadcaster at first made the statement that it was a vessel registered in the ‘Principality of Sealand’. But when U.S. officials on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter that was standing by implied that they would board the ship if necessary, Weiner, who was on a radio phone onshore instructed his friend to comply and close down the station. When this issue eventually came before an FCC Administrative Court in 1991, the USA turned for testimony to the person who led the British raid to close down Radio Caroline. On January 13, 1989, James Murphy, a UK special investigator on behalf of the ancient temporal office of Official Solicitor, and on loan from the Department of Trade and Industry, Radio Investigation Unit, submitted to the FCC a sworn statement. Murphy reported that he had personally undertaken surveillance by air and sea of “the old wartime Flak Fort which is situated off the Port of Harwich in the United Kingdom.” He concluded that ‘Sealand’ “is not in the eyes of the United Kingdom a Sovereign Nation and has no powers to register a ship.” A FCC Board Member took note of Murphy’s report and the duplicity of Weiner while reviewing the case, and concluded: On the evidence before us, and the tedious pathology it irradiates, it looks that Weiner cannot decide whether he is Hook or Peter Pan, but we have absorbed from Mr. Barrie’s fabliau to ‘never smile at a crocodile’. Weiner seemed to create a trail of destruction by blowing up the dreams of others. By claiming Radio Caroline as a legal defense in the RNI case, it resulted in the same James Murphy leading an Anglo-Dutch raid on Radio Caroline vessel just a few months later on August 19, 1989. Then, when Weiner created a legal ruling by a federal Administrative Court on January 29, 1992 that Sealand was not a nation, it undermined Bates’ financial support. In July 2000 another American created an international media stir when he announced that he was establishing a ‘data haven’ on Rough Tower. But when it came to his attention that the FCC court ruling had exposed Bates’ claim to sovereignty as a sham, he pulled the plug. You can read the complete article Online free of charge at: The FCC Administrative Court File referred to is No. BPIB-840904MZ - Decision by Review Board Member Norman B. Blumenthal, January 29, 1992, p.3. The authors, through their colleague Paul Byford living in the Chelmsford area of Essex, England, obtained numerous statements from the Home Office, Crown Estate, Ministry of Defence, Department of Trade and Industry, as well as the Cabinet 1st Meeting Minutes Misc. 163(68), taken from copy No.12, which demonstrated that as early as 1968, Roy Bates was considered to be an illegal squatter with “a local reputation as a colorful adventurer persecuted by authority.” Weiner removed the equipment and reinstalled it aboard another ship named Fury. Our associate Genie Baskir caused that vessel to be boarded and the equipment was removed by the FCC and destroyed by an In Rem court proceeding. The movie 'Blown Away' was released in 1994. It was in May 1994 that the District Attorney in Westchester County, New York State who had been investigating our case involving Weiner and the Lichfield I, was suddenly taken off that case to deal with an investigation into the sudden appearance of two halves of one corpse deposited 20 miles apart as a result of a murder in Florida. That murder is directly tied to the timetable of this story and events the surrounding it. The complete story will become the core of a forthcoming book which should be available in August of this year. It will open the door to a series of works that will explain how this research project has uncovered an amazing chain of events concerning the development of mass media in both the USA and the UK, that the British Broadcasting Corporation has so far managed to hide from its audience. From false information filed at Companies House, and fake information to solicit money for a rusting hulk, the anorak community of 2022 is all set to charge into 2023 with more of the same old rubbish that Ronan O'Rahilly told stupid fans and hack writers about the origins of 'Radio Caroline' back in the Sixties.
It was a scam then, and it is a bigger scam now. 'Radio Caroline' of the Sixties died on August 14, 1967, and its ships were towed away in March 1968. But there are web sites all over the Internet parroting the same old lies spun by Ronan O'Rahilly which are now being promoted by Malcom Smith who calls himself Peter Moore. It is time for the lies to stop and for the truth to be told. If Malcolm Smith wants to start his own business called 'Radio Caroline' that's fine, but it is not fine for him to lie to the public with a fake story in order to solicit money. The same goes for the rust bucket hulk called 'Ross Revenge'. The fact is that everyone who is claiming that 'Radio Caroline' is a continuation of events from the Sixties is telling a lie. It is a scam. It is a fraud. It is a lie. The cold hard case file of documented proof is coming in 2023! Mike Leonard did a good job in producing a huge encyclopedia years ago, but then he produced a rubbish book and an absurd site for aging anoraks who have forgotten to tie their shoelaces - if their minders allow them to have shoelaces. Here's the problem: Like others of his ilk, Mike keeps copying from us but not accrediting us. We write to him but he does not respond. So he ends up with egg on his face by crediting more mythology (lies) supporting the Ronan O'Rahilly really big lie that Ronan O'Rahilly created Radio Caroline and named it after Caroline Kennedy. But the fact is that Mike Leonard is not doing any homework. He is cutting and pasting without verifying the work of others - including us! Our research is continuing, but we make mistakes, and idiots repeat our past mistakes - which we have already corrected because of continuing research. Our methodology is very similar to cold case crime detectives who are now going back in time over 50 years and reviewing old dead case files. They are finding answers and sending criminals to prison - 50 years later. Advances in technology have made all this possible, but lazy plagiarists just cut and past old information! We have now reached the point of knowing that although Radio Caroline that existed from March 1964 to March 1968 on board its original two ships, it was itself a story of many episodes. The first episode ended on October 15, 1964. The second episode which Mike Leonard's misinformation "museum" refers to in the section above, began in October 1964 and lasted until the end of 1965, and then a third episode followed on which was followed by a fourth episode and the two original ships were towed away by Wisjmuller. There was an overlap of events between episodes as one episode morphed into a new episode. Mike Leonard and Paul Rusling would have you believe that there was just one episode and that "Caroline continues into 2023", when it 'officially' died on August 14, 1967, and gave up the ghost in March 1968, never to return. It was dead. But, since there were many episodes between 1964 and 1968, there were many stages of its existence. One stage that never existed was the king-maker Ronan O'Rahilly stage. He was always just a useful fool and nothing more. He was even stupid enough to trap his recitals in his own fake tales. That is what liars do. But when he got to 1965, young Ronan O'Rahilly was about to become a useful fool for the Mafia, and he did, and he was then totally trapped. In those days people never said "no" to the Mafia - once they got into bed with them. The really big lie is that Ronan O'Rahilly was anything more than a 'useful fool' for a lot of people. The man who did really well out of his brief connection to Radio Caroline, and we do mean really, really well, used its episode two, but this person has not even been mentioned by any of the anorak misinformation sites. Even Paul Rusling in the work he stole from us does not know, because WE did not know until fairly recently. We did not understand these episodes and just who was pulling the strings. Now we know. The reason why we now only hint at what we know - prior to publishing it - is because of people like Paul Rusling and Mike Leonard. They are vain-glorious little plagiarists who take without permission and screw everything up by misleading everyone who reads their rubbish, and it is rubbish and it is very, very misleading. So we would like to tell you more about what we know, but we can't. Even Malcolm Smith is pumping out rubbish on the air and on his web site which he seems to recognize is rubbish because he has now denounced Ronan O'Rahilly as a liar and a crook, while still preaching the lie that Ronan O'Rahilly was anything more than a useful fool. Hopefully we will be able to begin pulling back the curtain to begin revealing all of our new research in 2023. In the meantime, ask yourself this: If the 'Jack Spector Show' was sponsored by 'Roulette', then where are the commercials in the airchecks, and why is there advertising in a British paper offering to sell sponsorship? Yes, Morris Levy of Roulette was involved, but the question YOU need to ask is this: "How was Morris Levy involved?", and the companion question: "who involved him?" followed by the BIG question: "why?" Please use the button above to read and announcement about the new part-work series.
If you are wondering why our revelations are being posted here while our own investigation continues, it is because we already have had experiences similar to the one you see and hear about when you click this button ....
It appears that Malcolm Smith, who runs a business of his own using the name of 'Caroline', is unaware of the amount of money and time invested in our research project by our team. He seems to think it is the work of one person.
But the invested monetary value of this project is protected by a registered name owned by a team, and not by one person. This project is rapidly reaching the stage where part-publishing can begin. It is such a huge research project that it cannot be compiled as a single volume with supporting proof in the form of references. That is why we opted for a series of part-work publications. Given the fact that it is now late in the year, we have also chosen to wait until the New Year, and given the first title and its relationship to the month of March, we think that would be the appropriate time to make it available. However, Smith's public and published comments about this work seem to reflect an ignorance of our companion Blog. That is where he will find additional comments updating the progress of our investigation. He can find the link above, it is identified by the button marked 'Fragile Forum'. You will notice that the original title of the part-work series will be used, and it seems that this is what is really troubling Smith. He is afraid that what we are about to publish in a related series of interlocking series part-works, will have an extremely negative effect upon his own future plans which are also based upon the original lie spun by Ronan O'Rahilly. Smith admits to the world with each moment that passes when the young image of Ronan O'Rahilly continues to appear in the top-right-hand corner of his own 'Caroline' web site. He supports that image with a totally fake 'history' that he wrote about the creation of 'Radio Caroline'. On one hand Smith writes in agreement with our summation of the character of Ronan O'Rahilly, and then, with his other hand, he writes more rubbish to support the lies spun by Ronan O'Rahilly. Malcolm should immediately play safe and rename his entire business venture 'Radio Smith' and then "run 500 miles and 500 more" to get clear of the days when Rachman, the Krays and other wonders of the seamy side of London life, were names that appeared daily in the press. Back in the Sixties, even they did not seem to have an overwhelming sexual fascination with under-age human beings. But some offshore radio disc jockeys did, and that is a fact supported by criminal convictions and prison records. As for Ronan O'Rahilly, well there is no way of knowing why a 5 years-old and biologically unrelated girl seems to have motivated his own life. As we have previously explained, what began as a basic answer to a basic question has now become a massive educational project providing a lot of answers to deliberately obscured information, and rebutting the really silly vanity publishers who mislead their gullible buyers. We, on the other hand, have not asked the public for money by donations or by sales in order to fund our research. Our research has been a self-funded charitable undertaking in the public interest.
But we are rapidly approaching the moment when we can begin launching a membership organization and commence commercial sales. But not yet, because our research is currently continuing. One aspect of our research has revealed that in the instance of 'Radio Caroline', even the original deceivers employed to mislead, then split into two different camps. One of them was focused upon the person of Ronan O'Rahilly. He developed a total fictitious storyline and a very unhealthy interest in a 5 years of age little girl named Caroline Kennedy. Others who had similar interests in the music business and shared similar interests with Ronan O'Rahilly in the behavior of underage girls, have included disc jockeys such as Jimmy Saville, as well as a bevy of other disc jockeys. Some of whom are now in prison. Another group also mislead, but they did so without attaching themselves to O'Rahilly's unhealthy interest in a little girl. One such group was led by Ian Cowper Ross who created a new persona for himself, but using methods involving the creation of his own fictitious family in order to conceal his real family connections to the British Establishment. On one site we will be showing who the deceivers were, and on another site we will be providing an overview of what we now know as the true story, and this will serve as a primer for what will later follow in a new member organization with publications and recordings. In line with our prior announcement, we are now concentrating on producing the first overview book of our omnibus story which will be accompanied over time by a series of part works that will provide supporting documentation in the form of a part-work library of books.
Having now sounded out those who have stolen from our work in the past, who tried to cobble square pegs into round holes of fiction of their own creation, it is now time to reveal that much of the existing work about the origins of 'Radio Caroline' that appeared on 'Wikipedia', were created by our team - before we stumbled across the true and previously hidden story of that radio station. These details will be revealed in our overview book, which will of course explain who stole from us, why they stole from us, and how they refused to do their own research, which then led them to rely upon information that we later discovered was only part of the real and complete story about British broadcasting. This information update is provided so that everyone who wants to know the real story will soon have that information made available to them in book format. It also serves as a warning to all those who have been publishing misleading information in the form of vanity books and magazines that their exposure will also will be forthcoming. |
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
August 2023
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