Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
As a follow-up to yesterday's Blog, I want to briefly address a core excuse invented by the trolls to explain their own childlike behavior. The trolls claim that one member of 'The Trio' is too abrasive, and that he is not operating in a spirit of friendly banter shared by the cult of "Loving Awareness" who cooperate with each other. The library of misinformation about Radio Caroline now in circulation feeds these trolls just as stale bread feeds ducks, but let us look as their complaint in detail which begins with the debunking of the lies invented by Ronan O'Rahilly. Not all of the people who have published information about Radio Caroline to date have bought into the lies and deceit spun by Ronan O'Rahilly, but most have. So when our 'abrasive' investigator began ripping their tales to shreds, the cult of 'loving awareness' became very upset and full of hate for our 'abrasive' investigator. However, some people are sitting on the fence watching and waiting as our investigation unfolds, and we have quietly received core information from them. Some of that core information is key to understanding the approach we are taking, because it contradicts the mythology spun by Ronan O'Rahilly. But, without dotting every 'i' and crossing every 't' to fill in all of the gaps in the actual story, it allows wiggle room for the cultists. Our cooperating fence sitters are thus left in a very awkward situation in which they dare not share information about their cooperation with us, which then implies that a tiny group of just 3 people aided by me and making 4, are the cause of all the disruption in the camp of "loving awareness". Without receiving help from several different quarters, this investigation could not have proceeded the way it has, and that help has been informational, and not financial. Right now we are piecing together the life and times of Arthur Carrington who was hailed as being the engineer who created the original Radio Caroline on board the mv Fredericia. We discovered that this claim is a total lie, but because we only had skeletal knowledge of Arthur Carrington, at first we thought that he was a totally invented character who did not exist in the flesh. We then stumbled upon an authentic reference to this man, albeit totally unrelated to Radio Caroline. Arthur Carrington was a Marconi employee who was a technical salesman promoting their television cameras which had originating links to RCA licenced research. Arthur Carrington was not a radio transmitter engineer . Arthur Carrington did not become a radio transmitter engineer. Arthur Carrington did not put Radio Caroline on the air from the former mv Fredericia. So who did, and who was Arthur Carrington? That is one part of the investigation that we are still working on and documenting. We soon came to learn more about Arthur Carrington and his camera sales work for Marconi. In the year 1955 he was publicly named Head of Engineering for ABC-TV - that is the ITA programming contractor for two of the ITA franchised areas. ITA WAS THE TELEVISION STATION! Since ITA owned and controlled all of the television transmitters which then leased their programming output to the ITV network of franchised contractors, there was absolutely no transmitter engineering that Arthur Carrington could have been engaged in. The franchised program contractors were not broadcasting station owners and operators, they were little more than the buyers of time on the ITA stations which then televised their sponsored programming. This is very confusing British play with words! Because the program contractors merely leased time on the ITA owned transmitters, they were in fact the British version of long-form sponsored programmers. Whereas in the USA the television stations mostly sold their time in blocks of one hour; half an hour or quarter of an hour - as well as 'spot' commercials, the British version was selling days at a time! These programmers merely leased time on the ITA owned television transmitters. The broadcasting organisation was the Independent Television Authority. What is overlooked completely is the fact that ITA was a transmitting organization that leased all of its air time to these franchises. There were in fact just two broadcasting operations in the UK: the BBC and the ITA. ITA was the broadcaster over a hodge-podge ITV collection of transmitters: Originally, ITV was not a broadcasting network. However, some of the franchised contractors networked their programs to each other. What a fraud! In other words, what the government of Winston Churchill (who was half-American), did, was to take the American system of sponsored broadcasting which the Labour Party said was repugnant, and to which half of the Tory Party agreed - but for different reasons, and sell time not in hour long blocs, or half-hour blocs, or quarter-hour blocks, but entire days of the week! Then, the gall of it all, the Churchill government created a monopoly commercial television operation - run by the government. Its name was ITA. What hypocrisy! The idea behind Radio Caroline was to aim at the 6 AM to 6 PM locked-inside-their-home housewives who existed back in 1964, and get them to listen to commercial radio and like it and demand it. Then the almost 200 companies waiting in the wings could clamor for licences to operate on land. So who was behind Radio Caroline? Well it wasn't an IRA terrorist sympathizer named Ronan O'Rahilly - he was the 'decoy duck' of the giant corporate entities who had pressured Winston Churchill to combat the BBC back in the 50s with what one television program monopoly holder called "a licence to print money". No competition! Who were these people? They were the big entertainment giants in theater ownership in partnership with the newspaper barons! Why did Churchill go along with this? Because in the days of Neville Chamberlain when John Reith controlled the BBC, Reith had kept Churchill off the domestic British airwaves. So Churchill used the American shortwave commercial stations to beam his voice back into Britain, and he also used at least one of Captain Plugge's commercial continental radio stations to do the same thing before World War II. But to understand any of this you have to understand this: Once you know where Jocelyn Stevens fits in with his political views, then you understand where Jocelyn Stevens fits in with the drive for commercial television and radio broadcasting and why Princess Margaret, the "rebel Royal" became its figurehead. They were not 'anti-Establishment', they were 'The Establishment', only they were not that faction of it that held the power! To understand Jocelyn Stevens and his pals you have to understand what he thought about Suez. One thing that Jocelyn Stevens was not was an IRA terrorist sympathizer, but he used Ronan O'Rahilly like a "useful fool". Once the 'game' ended in 1967, Jocelyn Stevens moved on and Ronan O'Rahilly was revealed for what he was: a leach and a bag of wind. His followers did all the work and paid for it with their money, if the funds could not be stolen from elsewhere. But let's go back to the story of ITA, because that is where we will discover the true life story of Arthur Carrington. Complicating this understanding is that between the creation of the ITA transmitting operation in 1955 when its first franchised program contractors began putting their programs on the air over the ITA transmitters, and the publication of the Pilkington Committee Report, the ITV programs broadcast as an alternative to BBC-TV programs, were not the same as the operations of ITA-ITV network which then followed. Not only that, but the system then changed again and again. Now add to that the very murky beginnings of the first franchised program contractors, one of which never got on the air, but whose principals were later named in an official government related report as being part of the founding group behind both Radio Atlanta and Radio Caroline. If you want to know about Arthur Carrington, you have to know about Marconi television camera development and sales, and you have to know about the events that shaped ITA from 1955 to 1964 when Radio Caroline came on the air. You also have to know the history of the Pye Group of companies, because the fake CV created for Arthur Carrington by the writers of the fake histories of Radio Caroline, plagiarized the actual qualifications of a number of people working for or with the Pye Group of companies! Arthur Carrington could have been useful in equipping a Caroline Television studio with cameras - had it come on the air in 1964, but it did not. Before you wonder if the later mention of Caroline Television was connected to Arthur Carrington, it was not, because Caroline Television was another invented myth spun by Ronan O'Rahilly - it was a hoax wrapped around a theft for which one of the criminals was convicted in a London court room! Our focus is upon Arthur Carrington as a Marconi trained technical salesman for Marconi television cameras. That was his expertise which involved him in demonstrations for South African; Canadian and Irish authorities who were contemplating purchase of Marconi television cameras. Now look at all the magazine articles and books out there making claims about Arthur Carrington: they are all fake, and therein begins the angst of the trolls of "loving awareness". Because when the dominoes begin to fall with the destruction of the Carrington hoax, they also sweep away the myths of Ronan O'Rahilly who the cultists have turned into their own 'god'. There is no kind way to say it, other than to name it as an investigative act of journalism: those writers about Radio Caroline have perpetrated a fraud about their own work and the story of Radio Caroline. This factor creates a "them" and a "us" - but not forgetting the silent few who are the fence-sitters and without their cooperation we could never have made the breakthroughs that we have made, and are still making. We will present what we now know about the life and times of Arthur Carrington as a part of our BioFrag series, very soon. Now back to the title of today's Blog. I will parody our response to its dichotomy: Dear Little Trolls,
Don't you cry; You'll be full common-sensical Bye and bye. [On second thought, maybe that is asking too much.] Simply stated the trolls I am referring to are very stupid people living in a daydream within a fantasy world that never existed. It is a world that they are fancifully trying to create as a form of 'tribute', and their device is the hijacking of the name 'Radio Caroline' by attributing adoration to a now deceased 'decoy duck' - who may have been aiding and abetting terrorism of the kind that blows up innocent people sitting in a pub. Perhaps you are too young or even too stupid to have not paid too much attention to this horrific occurrence? I will refresh your memory, if you have one: "The Birmingham pub bombings were carried out on 21 November 1974, when bombs exploded in two public houses in Birmingham, England, killing 21 people and injuring 182 others ...." [Birmingham Pub Bombings - Google.] The 'decoy duck' now deceased is Ronan O'Rahilly who began his trek into the blackness of horrific events at a time when peace was a possibility in Ireland. But given time to work his wonders, the peace disappeared and the bombings began. No one is suggesting that Ronan O'Rahilly was a terrorist per se, but the driver of the get away car from the scene of murder and mayhem that his buddies have caused, certainly has blood on his hands. The life of Ronan O'Rahilly needs to be revealed and because it is shrouded in an avalanche of lies and nonsense, that is no easy task. But it is a task that is underway, just as all of the participants in the offshore broadcasting saga of the Sixties need to be looked at again. What the trolls seem to ignore is that time never stands still because it is without a seam: one minute rolls into another minute, and the last minute is now history. So when names like Allan Crawford become associated with Project Atlanta Limited of August 1, 1963, after he has sent Ronan O'Rahilly on a mission for him to Houston, Texas in June 1963, a sensible person starts asking questions about both Ronan O'Rahilly and Allan Crawford who is trying to get hold of a radio ship that has become mired in CIA politics. How about Allan Crawford as a person? If we jump forward in time to the events of 1975 in Crawford's homeland of Australia, a rather bizarre tale begins to unfold. Allan James Crawford had a hand in events that created a civil war of the sort that is still being waged in the USA between Obama and Trump. The one in Australia also involved a CIA asset because ".... one Tirath Khemlani, was on the CIA payroll ...." ['A Dark Down Under - The Australian Constitutional Crisis of 1975' by David Atwell.] So here is the same Allan James Crawford on the front page of the 'Sydney Morning Herald' representing Tirath Khemlani. Was Crawford a CIA asset? The ship that Allan Crawford sent Ronan O'Rahilly to Houston to get hold of, was certainly tied to CIA interests. Even the U.S. press had speculated about that. But the trolls? Nah, they are in love with their own fantasies and daydreams of a time that never happened. The story behind the story that Paul Rusling cannot see and therefore his readers will not see, is so huge as to be its own elephant in the room. But Rusling's trolls now seem to think that this is all a game, but it's not and that their posts will be read before being rejected: no, they won't.
If you submit anything with a stupid user name by way of a comment to this Blog, your post will be rejected before it gets read, and it certainly won't be put on line. Don't waste your time because we will not be wasting any more of our time on trolls. Decades of costly research have gone into this project and it will be revealed in due course as a story that is part of the tapestry of time, and its place in time is one that no one else has so far revealed, but it is one that has affected millions of people who never heard of Radio Caroline. At the top of this page is a brief Statement of Purpose about the origins of this project; which has evolved over decades, but which has now split into two approaches. One is academic and this one is commercial.
When the pandemic began and everything shut down, the three people who have been engaged in this research decided to use the down time to reassess everything which they have collected to date. I was brought in to perform that task. Within a relatively short time period after the start of the pandemic, a major discovery came to light that had been previously overlooked. Whereas this project began as a journalistic inquiry into the origins of British offshore broadcasting stations which had originated in Texas, contact with the pioneer of those stations had previously led to access of the actual legal and financial documentation which had not been previously seen by the many writers about this subject. It also became self-evident that the many articles, books and broadcast documentaries previously published about this subject, were for the most part recycling mythology which can be traced back to a public relations exercise and a hoax. Now, during this pandemic, all of the material both old and new, is being looked at for the first time with 'fresh eyes', and as a result, an amazing discovery has been made which points to the real story upon which all of the anecdotal material can be tied into. This phase of the project came together by serendipity. A newsletter published by 'The Trio', had been previously circulated to many people with the idea of soliciting additional information. But just before the pandemic began, one of the people on that mailing list, stole by plagiarizing, a lot of the material accumulated by the original three researchers who are now referred to as 'The Trio'. However, when that person self-published his stolen research, it became clear that he did not understand what he had stolen, because he attempted to force the original and stolen research into previous hoax material, in order to publish his own bizarre storyline. The result was a book that its author called a 'bible' that is little more than a confused mess stretched out over hundreds of pages, and which is as fake as anything that has gone before. But there was another factor that arose out of the pandemic. Because everyone and everything shut down (except for Internet sources and merchandising - which allowed cyber research to continue), it also meant that a study could be made of information amassed to date. That job was handed to me because I am related to one of 'The Trio'. A lot of time and effort has been spent on behalf of the person who stole the original research, to promote a myth that the twin offshore stations called Radio Caroline that existed from 1964 to 1967, have been revived with a British government licence of a small community station in the southeast of England. That is a fantasy that is being spread mainly by aging men who try relive a time that never existed, and they do this by playing old records and reminiscing in anecdotal form using self-puffery to explain their pathetic existence. This project is not for them: because it actually undermines the daydream world in which they live. This project is about the real world that the vast majority of people live in; work in; vote in; and raise families in. I am part of that world, which is not the same world as the daydreaming trolls who try to figure out whether Caroline Brooks is a real person. Because I am living in the real world, I have many interests and activities that are totally unrelated to this project, and therefore for this part of my life I am known as Caroline Brooks for journalistic reasons. As of this date, neither 'The Trio' nor myself have requested any financial contribution from anyone. Everything that is being researched is self-funded which means that as of this minute, nothing is being offered for sale, nor is anyone being asked to make a financial contribution to anything that 'The Trio' is or has been working on. The fact that some trolls have now become such a nuisance by writing so many spam email posts, has necessitated me to limit acceptance of posts about this Blog. On the other hand, with limitations, and because a repeated request was made, all other posts relating to radio broadcasting have been permitted under the guidance of another person who is totally unrelated to 'The Trio'. All comments are on a separate Forum and there is more than one Moderator of that Forum, and not all of them are connected to this project. Therefore, "thanks" to the serendipitous nature of the pandemic, 'The Trio' have been able to achieve something during the shut down that might never have been achieved if the shut down had not occurred. For one thing, my life would have continued on as before, sans Caroline Brooks. Since 'The Trio' have self-funded this project, if I was working at my previous job prior to the shut-down, they would have had to activate their company and start paying me a wage. None of that has been necessary: "thanks" to the pandemic I had free time on my hands to devote to this project. Again, but with genuine thanks, a relative made available facilities for me to engage in a massive reassessment of all research material acquired during this project. I hope that now everyone understands what we are doing, and especially what I am doing, that attention will now be focused on the subject matter, and not upon idle gossip. As of today all comments about this Blog which have been directed towards my Forum which operates under its own terms and conditions for participation, will now be strictly enforced.
No posts will be permitted under classification [1] unless they are by easily identifiable human beings. For general comments about radio under classification [2], user names are permitted, but no person may use more than one user name and combined, they must not occupy more than 6 letters of the alphabet and/or numbers. However, the rules concerning the contents of all posts concerning subject matter must be adhered to. Abusive posts that are about people unrelated to the topic of the thread will not be permitted. Because the Forum now has more than one Moderator, it is possible that some abusive posts may appear, but once brought to my attention using classification, those posts will be removed at the earliest opportunity. Simply post using the [X] symbol at the very beginning of the subject line. Thank you for adhering to these new terms and conditions. This was the briefcase with a hypodermic needle made for Paul Elvey, radio engineer on Radio City at Shivering Sands. Elvey was working for a US crook who had been compromised by the US Secret Service and this all became a part of the evidence to bring down the Kray Twins. This briefcase is now in the collection maintained by the Metropolitan Police. It was one of several weapons that Elvey was supposed to use to kill people by lethal injection; blowing up their car using dynamite or even shooting them with a crossbow. Dorothy Calvert sacked Elvey because she thought that he had been working with Oliver Smedley and let him on to the fort during his raid. But the real story of the Krays and Jewish organized crime and the Italian Cosa Nostra was only a part of the sinister story behind the so-called 'Swinging Sixties', and I will be revealing all in stages via a series of books and hopefully screenplays as well. Right now I am still awaiting documentation for me to continue with my revelation about who Arthur Carrington was. Still waiting for information to arrive concerning Arthur Carrington, but in the meantime here is some information about the stripped-down mv Mi Amigo getting ready for a very secret and hurried departure from Galveston Island, Texas during the closing hours of December 1963 ....
Who is Caroline Brooks? In fact, the only way that some trolls can deal with the facts in evidence is to deflect the issue and turn it into a question about who I am. Now just watch, there are some characters who hide behind silly names like "Maldonian" and we don't know if "Maldonian" is male or female, and since we don't know what a "Maldonian" is, well, it is silly to believe any post in the name of a "Maldonian" that claims to be the "real" "Maldonian" compared to a "fake" "Maldonian". So whoever is posting as "Maldonian', that person Is obviously very scared about who I am; where I popped-up from, and what I am writing. On that last point, I am here to take all of the crate loads of documentation amassed by 'The Trio', and to see if there is a common denominator, because if there is, then clearly that is the core of the true story. Well, I have news for "Maldonian" and all of the other trolls who desperately want to know who I am: I am going to tell you. When? Soon, very soon. By the way, that is my picture you see above. It is not a stock photograph and it does relate to the real me. Someone found an identical picture with another name attached, but for some reason no one wants to develop that "discovery". Instead, the trolls want to maintain their nonsense that 'The Trio' does not exist, because if they admitted that 'The Trio' does exist, well then all of a sudden they would be back in 1980 and this magazine. But for the trolls I will tell you more a little later. In the meantime, can we address the issues? Game's Up!
October 15, 1964 - that is the day that the original plan for Radio Caroline came to an end. Not August 14, 1967. That is the day when 'Plan A' to use Radio Caroline as a means to bring in licensed commercial radio failed, because that is when the Conservatives lost the General Election, but by a very slim margin. However, the Tories were split into the status quo Establishment represented by Queen Elizabeth, and those represented by her sister Princess Margaret. But the winning side fell into the hands of the Labour Party who were totally opposed to licensing commercial radio. Now a new game plan had to be invented that would either close down Radio Caroline, or find another purpose for the twin stations. Right at that moment the Texans headed by Don Pierson made it plain that they were going to start an offshore version of Gordon McLendon's KLIF in Dallas. Radio Caroline turned to the Jewish Mafia and Italian Cosa Nostra in New York for help. Those contacts focused upon WMCA and disc jockey Jack Spector. He was contracted by Morris Levy and his links to Phillip Solomon who had his own exploitable catalog of music. Solomon would succeed at what Allan Crawford once dreamed of doing. But that, is only a small part of the hidden story of Radio Caroline which will be revealed right here in due course. I get the impression that both of the other Forums need me and 'The Trio' to keep their otherwise silent Boards alive. Scottg is pestering away wanting me to explain 'Sheerness' - "or else". Oh, I forgot, he already played that card and I did not respond - so he "told all" about GBOK and Sheerness and a company named Faraday, except that he only told you about a name, but he could not put that name in context or explain what it means. Why? Because Scottg got his information via Paul Rusling who didn't understand either, and Paul Rusling got his information from the former 'Caroline Newsletter' which was published with copyright information by 'The Trio'. So Paul stole the information by claiming it for himself but he did not understand what he stole and so Scottg understands even less. So come on Scottg, as soon as my latest information arrives and I have had time to assess it, I will be telling the people you are trying to impress, all about Arthur Carrington. If you want to try to impress everyone, you had better do it soon because that international delivery cannot be that much longer in arrival. Scottg, it's time for you to put up, or shut up, and your putting up had better be able to explain why Atlanta and Caroline were one project and not two ... Tick, tock, tick, tock .... No wonder Scottg is waiting for me to tell him about GBOK and why he thinks that Atlanta and Caroline were two projects! Have you seen Mike Leonard's 'Offshore Radio Museum'? I have both of Mike Leonard's offshore radio books, and the first one - the massive doorstop encyclopedia is very good, as far as it goes. It was published way back in 1996, and it even has an illustration from a Chinese newspaper published in the USA that features an ad for 'Radio Tiananmen' (spelt differently in the Chinese ad), that was the work of Genie Baskir during the time of her dealings with Alan Weiner and the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, DC. So I am surprised at how much false information is on Mike's 'Offshore Radio Museum' about Atlanta and Caroline. For instance, he claims that: .... which is peculiar since Project Atlanta Limited was registered officially on August 1, 1963. So scrub 1961 as a start date for the beginnings of Project Atlanta. If Mike confused himself and meant to write CBC (Plays) Ltd., well that date does not fit either, and it seems that neither Crawford nor Dorothy (Kitty) Black formed that company for that purpose, and when it finally did come to life, it was in 1962, but there is reason to believe that originally it was created back in 1960 to supply British scripts to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from a London based company. Then it went dormant. Now look at what else Mike Leonard claims about the start of Radio Atlanta .... The Mi Amigo was stripped of all broadcasting equipment - we know who did it and even where the equipment was transported to. We also know that the transmitters were sent back to Continental Electronics for refurbishing. We know when they were reinstalled on the ship; we know who did it and we know where the ship went. It was not back to Europe! By the way, the silly story about turning the vessel into a "fishing cruiser" is laughable. (Even Rusling got some of that right - because he stole it from the 'Caroline Newsletter'!)
So if Scottg is getting his information from Mike Leonard, well it is no wonder that Scottg is so confused. By the way, for a long time, until it was pointed out to him by a member of 'The Trio', Mike thought that the electrical switch gear photograph he had on display, was that of the CE transmitter on board Radio Caroline North (mv Caroline; ex-Iseult; ex-Fredericia.) Mike said he got his misinformation from Hans Knot, and then the Isle of Man museum which published its own book with the same misinformation, also blamed Hans Knot as the source. By the way, it was 'Pope Knot' who compared Rusling's 'Bible' to the 'Holy Bible'! Go figure that chain of misinformation from the all-knowing and all-seeing Hans Knot: he is obviously as blind as a bat and lacking radar to compensate. No one it seems has spent so much time and money as 'The Trio' to see if ANY of the original claims about Atlanta and Caroline are true! 'The Trio' have discovered that 99% of them are absolute rubbish, and the Muck-Spreader-in-Chief of that rubbish was Ronan O'Rahilly! To this day, people like Paul Rusling and Scottg find it hard to swallow the fact that O'Rahilly was a liar; a con man and either an idiot with a personal vendetta against Prime Minister Harold Wilson, or worse still, an undercover agent for IRA interests! So if you want the real story about Atlanta and Caroline, stay right here because it will be coming on these pages. Why didn't anyone else try to discover who Arthur Carrington is? That is what I hope to reveal very soon - as soon as an international delivery arrives with some key information ....
Still waiting for more chain of custody information about Arthur Carrington who will holds the key to something that Scottg wants to know, and Paul Rusling cannot explain to him or to anyone else. Neither it seems can Ray Clark, going by that awful Radio 4 program he helped to put together with his fantasy background material about Ronan O'Rahilly ...
No, I have not gone away like Paul Rusling. I am still working on putting all this information together, and unlike Scottg who doesn't understand what this is all about, I am working hard to assemble chain-of-custody information to explain who Arthur Carrington is in relation to this story. But as I told you before, I am waiting for information to arrive, and due to the pandemic it seems to have slowed down international deliveries. As soon as that information becomes available, I will be posting more right here, about that chain of custody.
Earlier a request was made on the Forum about the 1965 Hilton Hotel speech made by US Senator Robert F. Kennedy from New York, at the request of Ronan O'Rahilly. I will include that speech as a part of this post, but there is a back story which you need to be aware of: First it ties into the visit by Robert F. Kennedy's slain brother John to Ireland in 1963 at a time when Ronan O'Rahilly was in Houston. Second, the speech was originally part of a ruse to get an interview for the 'National Enquirer' by telling RFK that TAF was the news arm of Radio Caroline, and that the station had been named after RFK's neice. Third, Ronan O'Rahilly had been sent to New York in order to participate in the US-TV network show 'To Tell the Truth'. O'Rahilly in New York, called Robin Leach at his office in New York, and asked him to get RFK to make this speech which began by first greeting Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Fourth, RFK was told this speech would be broadcast to the people of Ireland on St Patrick's Day by Radio Caroline, and not just relayed over the speaker system at the London Hilton. Fifth, the tape was then delivered to Number 10 on behalf of Ronan O'Rahilly. Sixth, when this took place in 1965, Prime Minister Harold Wilson was participating in the advancement of peace in Ireland, and the intervention by O'Rahilly represented the first of three major attempts by O'Rahilly to attack Prime Minister Wilson by name, and to also insult him in posters and song. Remember, this is during 1965 at a time when Sinn Fein and the IRA were standing down. It was around the time of this event that Ronan O'Rahilly began to capitalize on the British killing his grandfather, thus stoking the flames of hate. Harry Spencer who built the Caroline and Atlanta masts, has described O'Rahilly Sr as hating everything to do with the British. Like father, like son, but Ronan O'Rahilly was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and a CROOK at that. I am still awaiting information to be delivered that will enable me to continue with my story relating to Arthur Carrington. It has not arrived as yet. We already have quite a bit of background information, but there are some links that still need to be attached to reveal how he became involved with the story of Radio Caroline in order to conceal a myth that there were originally two projects and not one.
In the meantime the following thread has cropped-up on the Forum. I wonder if you have seen it and what your reaction might be? It has come to light that while the 'Caroline Kennedy' hoax was created in 1965 for NY journalistic reasons to hook Bobby Kennedy for a 'National Enquirer' interview; Ronan O'Rahilly who was in NY for the ABC-TV panel game show 'To Tell the Truth', intervened and got Bernard and Leach to participate in what they thought was an innocent St Patrick's Day broadcast on Radio Caroline. Instead it was use to embarrass Prime Minister Harold Wilson at a time when peace was on the agenda in Ireland with the blessing of all concerned. That was in 1965. In 1967 Ronan O'Rahilly wrote a silly speech for Johnnie Walker to read at midnight on August 14. Again the target was Harold Wilson. In 1970, not only was Prime Minister Harold Wilson targeted within a picture of Chairman Mao, but a WWII song aimed at Adolph Hitler was resung and aimed at Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Meanwhile, in Ireland, 'The Troubles' were about to begin and bombings of a pub and a hotel in England was about to occur with tragic loss of life. I won't even begin to describe the reign of terror that gripped a part of the island of Ireland. All of this bloodshed, mayhem and misery - all of it - can be traced back to 1965 and an idiot gadfly named Ronan O'Rahilly who was beginning to start a campaign to wreck the peace and begin a terrorist war. Yet, the troll-anoraks are in love with this man who even Malcolm Smith disowns. Explain that you trolls. I am sure this will provoke a number of comments. Yes, I am still waiting for new material to arrive, but in the meantime I have now noticed that whereas the trolls said that I did not exist, now they say I do exist but that my dog may not be named Ralph. Well, let me clear that up. I never said that Ralph is my dog, I said that Ralph is my uncle's dog, and Ralph is looking out for me, just as I am looking out for my uncle's property during the shut down. Please stop picking on Ralph, it makes him bark.
I am sorry, I had to come back to add this because a squirrel is now after me. Seriously, that is the self-imposed identity of this troll who has tried to post on the Forum, but cannot follow the rules and so the squirrel will not be able to see its troll post. The squirrel is now kvetching on about the ownership status of Ralph and has become convinced that I am not a man but some other woman. Why are these people so crazy? I mean they spend all this time writing to attack people with hate but they cannot address any of the issues. It really is a psycho-world in trollville. We just hit the delete button when they write to us. At the moment we are still awaiting receipt of new information, and due to the slow down in delivery, especially of transatlantic printed material (due to the pandemic), there is not much that I can do but wait. However, I have noticed an amazing response from fearful trolls who are constantly launching personal attacks, and yet, they never respond to any of the issues raised. There can be only one explanation: fear. May I suggest that you trolls stop reading this Blog and its related Forum? I just don't understand the hate that these people have for new information which may end up debunking what they have always believed to be true. So if this describes you, please stop reading my Blog and participating on my Forum where your hate posts are deleted before they even appear.
If you pick up one of the many books about the story of British commercial radio in the Nineteen Sixties, you will find that they all begin in the Nineteen Twenties and continue into the Nineteen Thirties and then they disappear into a big fog that descends at the close of the Nineteen Thirties; continues into the Nineteen Forties, and re-emerges at the dawn of the Nineteen Sixties. Then the mythology begins about Arthur Carrington, but to know who he was it is necessary to go back into that fog and find our way into the Nineteen Fifties, and that is what we shall be doing very shortly.
The other day I not only put the focus on Arthur Carrington, but I also told you that we are awaiting new information. Then the Scott Simon interview with Johnnie Walker took place and so I addressed that issue. Now I am back to waiting for the information I previously told you about.
Johnnie Walker [below right] was interviewed by Scott Simon, host of the Saturday morning magazine news program heard on the U.S. National Public Radio network on May 9, 2020, about the death of Ronan O'Rahilly. Here is the transcript of the interview with a commentary by me: The founder of pirate radio, Radio Caroline, has died. Ronan O’Rahilly passed away April 20 at the age of 79. He was part entrepreneur, part buccaneer who broadcasted rock 'n' roll from a dilapidated Dutch ferry in the North Sea to 20 million listeners in the days before the BBC would ever sully their signal with with such music." Before he has even asked Johnnie Walker his first question, Scott Simon has linked the death of Ronan O'Rahilly to an absurd movie ... "The 2009 film "Pirate Radio" portrayed those days in the early 1960s with Ronan O'Rahilly played by Bill Nighy. (SOUNDBITE OF FILM, "PIRATE RADIO") BILL NIGHY: (As Ronan O'Rahilly) Here's the simple situation. The authorities already dislike us. If you do this, they will hate us. And by hook or by crook, they'll find a way to close us down. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: (As character) No, they can't close us down. We're pirates. That's why we're sitting out here in the middle of the freaking ocean. NIGHY: (As Ronan O'Rahilly) Believe me, they will find a way. Governments loathe people being free. SCOTT SIMON, HOST: Johnnie Walker is a broadcaster in the U.K. He was one of the early Radio Caroline deejays and joins us now." This of course is not true. Johnnie Walker was first hired by Don Pierson's 'Radio England' which did not start testing until May of 1966. "SCOTT SIMON, HOST: Mr. Walker, thanks so much for being with us. JOHNNIE WALKER: Scott, very good to be with you. SIMON: And remind us - in the early '60s, why did you folks have to go out into an old Dutch freighter in the North Sea to play - just to play rock 'n' roll to a British audience who loves it? WALKER: There was three radio stations for the entire United Kingdom. When pop came along, (he forgets Luxembourg) when The Beatles happened, the BBC thought it was going to be a five-minute wonder. It's just a craze. It'll come, and it'll be gone. And so you couldn't hear The Beatles. You couldn't hear The Stones. You couldn't hear The Kinks. You couldn't hear The Who. (That is rubbish because The Beatles were already big before Radio Caroline began to broadcast!) And Ronan O'Rahilly, who was a great rebel, whose grandfather was shot by the British Army in 1916 in the famous Easter uprising - so he had that rebellious streak in him. So he thought, to hell with this. I'll start my own radio station. He bought a ship. (This is more rubbish. Ronan O'Rahilly did not buy a ship and he did not start Radio Caroline.) He had a very big advantage in that his father owned a port in Ireland. (His father owned a company that made building materials and that company bought some land at water's edge. He did not own a port in Ireland.) So that port was used for fitting out an old Dutch ferry called the MV Frederica (ph). (Wrong spelling. It is Fredericia, same as the place name.) And that was the original home of Radio Caroline, which started in 1964. And as long as the ship was anchored more than three miles from the coast, it was in international waters, and there's nothing the British government could do about it. When Radio Caroline first arrived in Easter '64, the customs decided that they wouldn't supply the ship with any food or water, which would make it impossible for it to continue. (That is totally made-up and untrue. They simply refused to connect personal phone calls.) Ronan discovered an ancient English maritime law that any ships at sea should be offered support and should be supplied. So he managed to get through to the home secretary, a fellow called Reginald Maudling, informed him of this ancient law. Reginald Maudling checked it out and said, you're quite right, Mr. O'Rahilly. I'll recommence supplies to your radio station. (This is fiction made-up by Johnnie Walker. It has absolutely no foundation in fact.) SIMON: Oh, my gosh. WALKER: Ronan thanked him by going out with his daughter... (More rubbish.) (LAUGHTER) WALKER: ...Which, for a conservative MP and home secretary, must have been somewhat embarrassing to have this Irish rebel taking your daughter out on the town. (Total nonsense.) SIMON: I gather Ronan O'Rahilly bought the ship and outfitted the ship to play rock 'n' roll, but he wasn't much of a seaman, was he? (It was not O'Rahilly's ship and at first Radio Caroline was playing a mixture of music and sounding just like the BBC, which was the idea!) WALKER: No, he very rarely went down to the ship. So in the film, Bill Nighy sort of portrays Ronan. And he's always on the ship, hanging out with the deejays and everything like that. In reality, Ronan really had to be forced to go out to the ship. He hated it. So he'd rather stay in London where Swingin' Sixties was in full swing, hang out around the King's Road, eat in fine restaurants and basically live the life of Riley, as they called it. Not O'Rahilly, the life of Riley. It's an old Irish expression when you're kind of living it up. (Ronan O'Rahilly was hired as what one MP called him - a decoy duck - to divert attention away from the real owners.) SIMON: Sounds like a singular character. (He was a con artist.) WALKER: Yeah, he was - he was a one off. SIMON: Well... WALKER: And he worshipped the Kennedys. (Total and absolute rubbish. When JFK visited Ireland Ronan O'Rahilly was in Houston.) SIMON: I've read that. And I guess that is one of the many theories as to why it was Radio Caroline. WALKER: Yeah, there was. It was a wonderful photograph of John F. Kennedy's daughter Caroline disrupting the works of the Oval Office in the footwell (ph) of his desk laughing and smiling. And he thought, what a wonderful image - happiness and laughter disrupting the works of government. He said, that's the name for my radio station. (Walker knows that this is 100% fiction and that Ronan O'Rahilly used it to involve Robert F. Kennedy in the Irish 'Troubles' at a time when peace was breaking out. Bobby Kennedy was furious and it almost sparked an international incident!) SIMON: There's still Radio Caroline today, isn't there? WALKER: There is. Radio Caroline always would come back, and there still is Radio Caroline today on the Internet. There still is a ship, the Ross Revenge, which is anchored in Tilbury, which is a - docks not far from London. And they sometimes broadcast from the ship. So it still goes on. There still is Radio Caroline. It's quite incredible. (There is something calling itself 'Radio Caroline' and its owner Malcolm Smith disowns any connection to Ronan O'Rahilly!) SIMON: Johnnie Walker, still in broadcasting on BBC's Radio 2. Thanks so much for being with us. And thanks to Radio Caroline for everything it's done for this meeting. (So did Malcolm Smith set this up?) WALKER: Good to talk to you, Scott. Many thanks for having me on. (SOUNDBITE OF SONG, "CAROLINE") THE FORTUNES: (Singing) With her forever, we'll dream together. Just me and Caroline, Caroline." This was not the first time that Scott Simon has put out rubbish that 'The Trio' challenged. Back on August 11, 2001 Scott Simon on this same NPR program put out a similar fictitious report about Roy Bates and Rough Tower known as 'Sealand'. A week later Scott Simon issued a correction to his story! The clip below is from a March 10, 1985 RRN-4FWS broadcast about the Tapetrix commercial recording in which Johnnie Walker who was first hired as a dj to work for Don Pierson's twin stations Radio England and Britain Radio in mid-1966, decided to make derogatory comments about Don Pierson on this tape which was advertised for sale. It was then played to Don Pierson and his reaction to Johnnie Walker is a part of this recording. It is made available to prove that Johnnie Walker has a long established habit of making untruthful statements. The maker of the tape is Steve England and he issued a follow-up edition containing a personal admission by him that when he made this recording, he did not know the facts. Steve England also acknowledged that John England (Mervyn Hagger) was the person who exposed the inaccuracy and the unfair and derogatory comments made by Johnnie Walker. In line with totally debunking the entire Caroline mythology, research has been continuing and new documented evidence is now coming to light that 'The Trio' have not seen before. This new material will help to further expose the fraud that Atlanta and Caroline were two projects. However, because this is Saturday and because of the pandemic, that material will take a few days to become available. Therefore I am taking a break until some of this new documentation comes to hand and 'The Trio' have had a chance to analyze it. But don't worry, I am not going away, and neither are 'The Trio'. In the meantime don't forget to add your comments to our Forum.
When Ireland and Radio Caroline are mentioned in the same breath, the anoraks assume that the focus is upon Greenore, near Dundalk, where the radio ship 'Caroline' was fitted out. Greenore being a property once owned by a building materials manufacturing company that was controlled by the father of Ronan from his home which was located nearer to Dublin, . But eyes should drift southwest on the map of Ireland to a place located between Cork to its south, and Waterford to its north. It is a very small town called Cappoquin and that is where Charles Orr Stanley was born in 1899 during the days when the British Crown still maintained control over the entire island. Charles parents were Protestants and his childhood friends who were Roman Catholics who taunted him with yells of "Proddy-woddy green guts". Now for the important part that this man and his son John played in the creation of ITA, and the process that created Radio Caroline. You might think that his story is well documented, but it is not. What has been written about him in biographical format is the result of his grandson, Nicholas who organized the publication of a 2002 book called 'Radio Man'. It was authored by journalist Mark Frankland with the technical assistance from Garry Busey. When the Stanley family lost control of the Pye Group of companies in 1966, the Phillips company took over, and they all but erased the commercial and corporate history of the Pye Group. So Nicholas, the grandson of Charles and son of John, set about finding and collecting what information still existed, and then assembling it into a new collection. Where there were gaps, he began to fill them in by creating fresh interviews that he conducted personally. This is where the story of Radio Caroline enters the picture. However, there is a mystifying problem. Nicholas personally tracked down and found the man who was entrusted to bring the Radio Caroline project to life on behalf of his father John. That was a top secret project. The name of that man is Alan Bednall, and Nicholas interviewed him at his home in the village of Barton, which is just outside of Cambridge. Alan Bednall gave Nicholas several artifacts and an interview. But when it came time to hand his notes to Mark Frankland, Nicholas seems to have given him a 'doctored' version which said the opposite of what Alan Bednall told Nicholas Stanley. Alan Bednall never saw his artifacts again, and neither did he get a chance to proof read the final version of his interview, before it went to press. The published version of the interview makes no sense whatsoever, and the part about Radio Caroline occupies just one paragraph in the entire 'Radio Man' book, with its source left unattributed. Fortunately the typed copy of the original interview notes were discovered at a warehouse facility at Wroughton, which is in the English Borough of Swindon. A few blogs ago (on 3/31/2010), I explained the story behind this search and then the discovery of the original interview notes. Because I have previously covered this information in depth, I won't repeat it here, but you can read it at: Looking for 'key words' in boxes of words ... Charles Orr Stanley and his son John Stanley are only one part of the story that leads up to the creation of Radio Caroline. There are a lot of intertwined names of people who are now mostly unknown to the general public. Yet during the Nineteen Fifties, this assemblage of individuals played a big part in the creation of ITA, and then they mounted a major plan to get licences for nearly 200 stations waiting for commercial radio licences. 'Pressure Group' by H. H. Wilson and published in 1961, raised a storm in Parliament when it was discussed at length. It is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand how and why the Pilkington Committe came into existence. It wasn't just that there were nearly 200 commercial radio stations waiting to get licences, it was because one half of the Establishment wanted to roll back the powers of ITA and curtail the independence of its ITV commercial program contractor licences. The issue was 'American influence' due to their importation of programs and format scripts. Another book that helps to show the inter-connectivity of these pressure groups in 1961 'Power Behind the Screen' by Clive Jenkins. Now this book is also of direct interest to anyone who has read any of the nonsense books about the start of Radio Caroline: because it offers clues about the person named Arthur Carrington. Arthur Carrington was introduced into the story to provide cover for ex-BBC and Marconi radio engineers who had worked on the transmission side of both Radio Caroline ships: mv Fredericia, and mv Mi Amigo. What is still not clear is why and how the name of Arthur Carrington came to be used at all. It now appears that there was a convoluted methodology wherein Carrington was approached to lend his name for this purpose because Carrington was being employed elsewhere by members of the loose cartel that were behind the project that emerged as Radio Caroline. It should also be remembered that Radio Caroline was the spin-off from Project Atlanta, and that a very hurried plan of action was thrown together beginning around September-October 1963 when the Radio Caroline spin-off began. The name of Arthur Carrington crops up in several items that were published by or about the birth of Radio Caroline. At first 'The Trio' wondered if there was such a person, and then they found references to him in a number of places - unconnected to radio broadcast engineering! But Arthur Carrington is credited by the bogus stories about the birth of Radio Caroline with several achievements that are in fact the documented work of employees belonging to the Pye Group of companies. Those details are to be found in the book 'Radio Man'. But Arthur Carrington was a Marconi employee whose specialty was television cameras! I suppose that it was not too difficult to attribute the first underwater cameras to Carrington, but that was revealed as being a totally fictitious and bogus claim within detailed text (with a picture!) in the book 'Radio Man'. Actually, quite a bit has been written about Arthur Carrington, and while I won't account for all of that here (it will be in the book 'Radio-Noir'), I will refer to a 1955 article in 'The Guardian' for Thursday, November 17, 1955. On page 11 an article is headlined: "More details of ITV Plans in North and Midlands." A sub-headline reads: "Some Programmes Shared with London." This article explains how: "A.B.C. Television, Limited the company which has been given the contract for supplying week-end programmes in the Midlands and the North by the I.T.A., expects to be on the air at Birmingham in February and in Manchester by the first week in May. .... No decision had been made yet in the case of Manchester, but it was likely that there too, a cinema would be converted into a studio building." The same article continued: "....Mr Arthur Carrington, formally of Marconi, is to be the head of engineering." Several other Carrington articles have come to light about his specialty in studio camera positioning and his related employment by Marconi. In other words, Carrington was not an employee of the Pye Group of companies, and we also know that he was not the counterpart of Alfred Nicholas Thomas, yet this is the misleading information that being published during 1965 in the name of Radio Caroline: This fake information was published in 1965 by 'Spectre Promotions Limited', and we have come to know a great deal about that company from official government documents which are on file at the National Archives in Kew. Spectre is where the person of Ian Cowper Ross became seriously involved with feeding Ronan O'Rahilly with misleading (fake) stories. It also appears that for a very brief time Ian Cowper Ross was put on the Jocelyn Stevens' payroll in his advertising department. It seems that this is how he became assigned the job of speechwriter for Ronan O'Rahilly who served as the 'decoy duck' for Jocelyn Stevens. This same misleading (fake) information was then given to John Venmore-Rowland to use in his 1967 public relations book about Radio Caroline. When Alfred Nicholas Thomas retired in 1959 from the BBC, he went to work for the Pye Group of companies, and one of their projects was the equipping of the former lightship 'Lady Dixon' as a radio ship. That was for a station to be known by the call letters GBOK. The lightship was docked at Sheerness alongside a Pye company facility. But GBOK turned out to be a total fraud because its owner named Arnold Swanson, was a con man. Swanson's wife soon divorced and she exposed him as being a former vacuum cleaner salesman. Arnold Swanson later went to prison in Canada after being convicted in court of underage sexual activities. After his work on the GBOK project, A. N. Thomas, who had also been involved with Radio Veronica and its fledgling enterprise CNBC, then went to work with Allan Crawford on the second phase of his Project Atlanta. We also know that Thomas also worked with a U.S. citizen and radio engineer named Milan Leggett. He had been sent by Gordon McLendon on board the mv Mi Amigo when the ship left Galveston, Texas. During this same period of time, Leggett was also attached to a firm selling specialized transmitters of the kind used by secret spy agencies such as the CIA.
The masts on both mv Fredericia and mv Mi Amigo were constructed under the supervision of Wijsmuller by Harry Spencer from the Isle of Wight, but the antennas strung from both of their masts were both designed by another ex-BBC engineer named John Howard Gilman. Like Thomas, he had previous worked for Pye on the GBOK project. Gilman also had connections to the secret intelligence services. In the closing months of World War Two, Gilman headed-up a top secret mission to capture in-tact, the high power transmitter station used by 'Lord Haw Haw' which had broadcast from inside Germany. He was successful, in that he and the British Army team with him, were able to turn off Nazi propaganda and switch over as a new relay station broadcasting for the British government. Because the entire story of Radio Caroline has been wrapped in deliberate lies and distortions it is not surprising that Arthur Carrington was asked to lend his name as part of the smokescreen to imply that the work performed on the mv Fredericia, and the work performed on the mv Mi Amigo, were parts of two different projects. To make that lie work the two projects had to appear as rivals with two different people responsible for the engineering work. To simplify the fake story, Arthur Carrington was made out to appear as if he alone had become responsible for the entire engineering side of Radio Caroline. Whether Arthur Carrington ever had any connection to Radio Caroline is another question, but the common denominator in the lie seems to be the Pye Group of companies and John Stanley. Both mv Fredericia and mv Mi Amigo were two parts of one project. Even the Radio Caroline first shows were recorded in the studios of Allan Crawford on Dean Street, and it was his staff who trained the first Radio Caroline disc jockeys. Now it is possible to understand why Ronan O'Rahilly was hired as a 'decoy duck' to mislead not only the press, but the army of anoraks who now worship at the very mention of his name. What is very strange is that the tiny licensed entity now calling itself 'Radio Caroline', makes it very clear indeed that it is the work and property of one Malcolm Smith, and that neither he nor his small station owes anything to Ronan O'Rahilly. It was to overcome the convoluted story-line concerning a fake connectivity back to the year 1964, that the bogus work of Paul Rusling was created under the name of 'The Radio Caroline Bible'. As this blog progresses I will be adding more brief fragments about some of the many people involved with the 1964 project that eventually resulted in the offshore station called Radio Caroline. These names will later appear in a brief biographical index which can be accessed under the 'Biofrag' link at the top of this blog. This theme will continue in the next blog entry. NOTE: This entry was amended and expanded several times on 5/9/2020. Pick up any of the many books written about 'pirate radio' and you will discover that they all seem to follow the same formula: most of them claim to review what happened prior to WWII and then most of them skip over the Nineteen Fifties and begin anew with the Nineteen Sixties. So what happened between the end of WWII in 1945, and 1960? Most of these books do not tell you. Another aspect of these books is that they insist upon repeating the myth that the Sixties were "swinging", and that until Radio Caroline came along there was no outlet for pop music. The problem with that scenario, apart, from being 100% false, is that the Beatles owed nothing for their success to Radio Caroline. The Beatles were already a success before Radio Caroline uttered its first emission with a test signal on March 27, 1964! But how can that be? The story (and it is a unified sort of accepted and well-parroted story), is that Radio Caroline changed everything, but in reality, it changed nothing! Neither did Radio London, or any of the offshore stations. The offshore did provide a form of employment for a time to a number of individuals, who later continued to earn a pay check (cheque) from future employment with British Establishment authorized and licensed broadcasting stations. Some went overseas and got employment with licensed stations there. George Saunders once remarked that those offshore personnel who did reasonably well were the highly qualified and skilled engineers, but the djs were not as successful because anyone with the gift of the gab could be a disc jockey. Engineers had years of schooling and specialized training, and they were in demand by many companies and governments. Consequently many of the djs became jealous of them (and showed it) at offshore radio reunions! While the financiers of the offshore stations remained a mystery, there was no bigger mystery than how Radio Caroline got on the air. Yet many of the djs on the offshore stations started to tell embellished stories about the origins of these stations and their impact upon the Nineteen Sixties. Because the financiers remained quiet, no one contradicted the djs, and it was the djs who mainly supplied fodder for the newspapers and the many books that began to appear. After the Sixties came a choppy period in which offshore broadcasting had no real significance to the real world, and the Seventies were followed by the Eighties, in which for a brief moment; mainly in the southeast of England, interest was generated both for and against in the sounds generated by offshore broadcasting. Finally the Nineties saw the lid go on British offshore broadcasting, and this was followed by a handful of enthusiasts who evolved into a ship preservation group. Much later they succeeded in getting a license from the British government for a low-power community radio license for a station they called 'Radio Caroline'. Now this is where a string of books culminated in Paul Rusling's plagiarized pages which is endorsed by that same, licensed, very small, low-power, community radio station which calls itself 'Radio Caroline'. Really, that is what the Rusling book is all about. He tries to draw a timeline from the birth of broadcasting until today, but he also skips over everything that happened after World War II was declared, until a smattering of noises about offshore radio began to be heard during the early Sixties. A lot of the material he used came from research conducted and paid for by 'The Trio'. However, as I pointed out yesterday with that 1944 newspaper headline, there was talk of breaking the BBC monopoly in sound broadcasting as soon as WWII ended. Then, the year after WWII ground to a halt, this headline appeared [see picture right] in the same newspaper during 1946. Although these were the years prior to the dawn of British commercial television, these newspaper stories were about British commercial radio, and ITV was not the point of discussion! This was all about sponsored commercial radio and these reports had American overtones that reached back to the days when American Forces Radio stations were set up on bases throughout the British Isles. That was prior to D-Day. So if all this American interest was being shown, who was on the British side of this theme? If you have heard of Christine Keeler, it is possible that you have heard of John Profumo who became Minister of War in the government of Tory Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. But back in 1952, John Profumo was also waving the flag for the introduction of sponsored commercial radio. Profumo was not alone among Tory MPs. Geoffrey Hirst who represented Shipley, in Yorkshire, was also a member of this group. In 1953 he was in Scarborough addressing the issue of commercial television. But by 1959, Hirst had registered a major company called Radio Yorkshire (Development) Company Ltd. That company created a spin-off several years later, and its aims and ambitions were to ignore licensing and go offshore. That 'pirate' approach was squelched by the Hirst group, and Don Robinson's venture had to change its name to Radio 270. While the pre-WWII stations in Captain Plugge's IBC network had built quite a following until the beginning of the WWII, the opportunity to repeat that plan of action after the War was closed off. The problem arose when most of their host nations came to owe their liberation in large part to the sanctuary of safety that the British Crown offered their governments in exile during the War. Of the countries that really mattered, only Luxembourg evolved into creating a renewed problem for the British Crown, and its agency, the GPO, which had licensed the BBC. While Captain Plugge's broadcasting network may have been put out of operation, his IBC studios were not, and they became an asset employed by Allan Crawford to make his cover versions of hit records. On the other hand, after the closure of the English language commercial stations on the European continent, the J. Walter Thompson studios at Bush House became redundant. They were sold off to that murky entity that became known as the BBC World Service. It was a 'front' for another entity hiding in obscurity behind the mantle of the British Foreign Office, which itself was heavily tied into the sinister worlds of MI5 and M16. Collectively they were known as the Secret Intelligence Services (SIS). It was the SIS which had a big part in helping to create the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for the USA, which in a later incarnation became the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Churchill's wartime directives also led to the emergence of the British commandos and the template for their success eventually led to a U.S. version called the Green Berets. There were a lot of people from both sides of the Atlantic who had been milling around in London during WWII, and inevitably geopolitical ideas were also in circulation and in combat with commercial interests. Charles Orr Stanley was a Protestant from the Republic of Ireland who straddled the broken fence on the island of Ireland which separated Irish Republicans from British monarchists. He built large industries on both sides of the Irish border and maintained a headquarters in Cambridge, England. His various companies formed a core enterprise known as the Pye Group of Companies, and Pye became recipients of civilian and military contracts paid for by British taxpayers. Tomorrow I will explain how Charles Orr Stanley began to bring together all of the interested parties and launched a campaign that lasted through the Fifties and into the Sixties which eventually resulted in the creation of Radio Caroline. This is a British newspaper headline from 1944. World War II is not over, but two plans are underway to introduce British sponsored commercial radio broadcasting, and both have American backing. One of those plans was for "over 900 radio stations" (that is what this well-known newspaper reported in print!). Another plan was for radio broadcasting stations on ships. The bait being offered to get licences for land based stations was to provide what the British Broadcasting Corporation could not afford, and that was access to Hollywood's greatest radio stars by the listeners of British radio sets, which were capable of receiving more than BBC programming. In the early days of radio, some of the bigger U.S. radio network stations broadcast from the USA on shortwave, and they gained an audience in the British Isles. Standard radio sets often included long wave; medium wave and at least two short wave bands on their dial. Everyone was aware that the British Crown would not permit the liberated lands in Europe to once more permit transmitters to be hired out to British commercial radio entrepreneurs in the way they had before the War. If licences were not forthcoming, then ships would be used to broadcast from offshore. Programming would be relayed from the United States, either via shortwave re-transmission, or by transcription discs. The precursor to this audacious plan that appeared in the newspaper shown on this page, was the advent of the American Armed Forces Radio stations which for a time. peppered the British Isles before D-Day. But now, with the final months of the War playing out, a number of groups were beginning to formulate a new plan of action. It would be comprised of both British and American interests, and they would keep trying to introduce commercial radio until October 15, 1964. The timeline from 1944 to 1964 covers many events, not the least being the introduction of a modified form of independent British commercial television station franchises, with American connections. Tomorrow we will begin by examining those twenty years and the events that surrounded them. Nothing happened in isolation. Everything is interrelated, and tomorrow we will be examining the context of those events. [5/7/2020 - I have expanded and modified this item since original publication.] |
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