Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
This article was first published in November 2010, and it is where our story comes together in the year 1994: OF DRUGS, DOCUMENTS AND PSEUDO STATES: THE ODD STORY OF THE MISSING BROADCASTING SHIP You can read the complete ORIGINAL article Online free of charge at: CAVEAT - PLEASE READ - IF YOU DO NOT READ ALL OF THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE Beware of various YouTube videos that exist on the Internet which contain snippets from news broadcasts which repeat false claims that the ship called 'Sarah' was named after a song, when in fact it was the first name of Weiner's wife which had been crudely painted on the ship to disguise its true name of 'Lichfield I', which was still registered in Panama as the legal owner. The mv 'Lichfield I' was never registered in Honduras as the mv 'Sarah'. Alan Weiner installed the first shortwave transmitter on board the mv 'Ross Revenge', which is where he first met an American dj calling himself 'John Ford' (John Hungerford). Weiner used John Hungerford to raise money for his 'RNI' station, and he also use John Hungerford to obtain a provisional license under false pretenses from a New York office representing the government of Honduras. From the very beginning, the station that Malcolm Smith came to call 'Radio Caroline' was linked to Weiner's 'RNI', and later, to Michael Bates' fake State called 'Sealand'. It is all one story! The person who put a stop to this fraud, is Genie Baskir. Genie worked with her own associates in cooperation with James Murphy representing the UK Crown, and USA Justice Department and Federal Communications Commission attorney, after she had personally become a financial victim of the Weiner fraud with its international ramifications. Anoraks who daydream about broadcasting from marine bases in 'international waters' try to raise money by soliciting venture capital by publishing false statements and soliciting money under false pretenses, or they involve themselves with known financial fraudsters who have existing criminal records! Genie Baskir helped law enforcement in both the UK and USA to put a stop to all of this. The reason why charges were dropped by the USA/FCC, were connected to the then forthcoming raid by the UK/DTI, against the mv 'Ross Revenge'. It falsely claimed to be the home of a station called 'Radio Caroline' that began with an operation which existed from 1964 to 1967. There was no connection, and claims that are still being made to support this lie, are being promoted by Malcolm Smith who calls himself 'Peter Moore', and that he represents of an ongoing operation in 2023 which he calls 'Radio Caroline'. Having shut down (twice) the illegal operation calling itself 'Radio Newyork International', and then, with James Murphy of the UK/DTI helping to shut down the illegal operation called 'Radio Caroline', there was no need to argue moot points in US and UK courts over the subject of offshore broadcasting. It was totally dead! This included James Murphy stopping the false claims about an old WWII tower. James Murphy representing the UK Crown, worked in tandem with and the USA FCC to establish in a case brought before a US FCC Administrative Court, that claims about that disused UK structure which had popularly become known as 'Sealand', were totally false, and that any illegal activity regarding broadcasting from 'Rough Tower' as it was identified by the UK Crown, would be subject to the full force of enforcement by the UK Crown Prosecution Service. When Roy Bates discovered that his own son Michael had participated with Weiner to cause this verdict to be entered as precedent, he was furious. But it was too late. The verdict was rendered in court and it still stands today. Please refrain from spreading more misinformation, by if necessary, drawing attention to the work of Genie Baskir regarding her continuing investigation into offshore international broadcasting. Abstract from the Original Article: A Japanese ship was purchased by a company in Panama and impounded off the coast of the USA with an illicit cargo of drugs on board. The ship was sold by the U.S. Government for US$100 over a public holiday under dubious circumstances. This vessel became home to a U.S. ‘pirate radio’ station twice, after its name, ownership and registration had been laundered more than once, and it then became the center stage prop for the climax of a major Hollywood motion picture where it was blown up. U.S. Government paperwork never explained what happened to the drugs, or the vessel, or why after destruction, the government of Panama maintained its original ship registration. Here are keywords in the article: marijuana; illicit drugs; Lichfield I; Panama; General Noriega; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Customs; Frank Ganter; U.S. Federal Communications Commission; Alan Weiner; Yonkers, New York; Radio Newyork International (RNI); “Sarah”; Boston (Maine); Radio Caroline; shortwave; North Sea; Principality of Sealand; James Murphy, Roy Bates; Michael Bates; MGM; “Blown Away” (movie). Authors’ caveat: This specific work, an adaptation of a presentation made at the “East-West Cultural Passage Conference: American Studies Reconsidered” (23 April, 2010) in Sibiu, relies upon court proceedings; government documents; maritime records, first-hand interviews, correspondence and diaries of events originally constructed as part of an investigation. Over time, biased sources intentionally obfuscated facts in order to cloud both the political and legal ramifications which could have arisen from this particular episode of offshore radio broadcasting. The resulting conclusions are therefore somewhat contradictory; are certainly unsatisfactory, and prevent the full application of reason leading to complete resolution within this article alone. The reader is thus pointed to other writings by the authors that together fill out related aspects of the story, such as: "Puppets on Strings: How American Mass Media Manipulated British Commercial Radio Broadcasting" Romanian Journal of English Studies 6 (2009): 60-69 (Romanian Society of English and American Studies,. Timisoara [RO]: Editura Universitatii de Vest); “The Pedigree of America’s Constitution: An Alternative Explanation,” British and American Studies (University of the West, Timisoara) 14 (2008): 217-26; “Citizen or Subject? An Overlooked Reconsideration of a Fundamental Question in U.S. Constitutional Law,” British and American Studies (University of the West, Timisoara) 13 (2007): 163-74; “Prophecies of Dystopic ‘Old World, New World’ Transitions Told: ‘The World Tomorrow’ Radio Broadcasts to the United Kingdom, 1965-1967,” New/Old Worlds: Spaces of Transition Rodica Mihăilă and Irina Grigorescu Pană (Eds.). Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2007 (pp. 205-23); and, “London: My Hometown” Proceedings of the International Meta-Conference, “Representations of London in Literature and the Arts, 19-21 October, 2001.” (Sibiu: “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu/Anglophone Society of Romania/British Council, Romania): 234-277. EXTRACT: Weiner and his supporters were brought into court in New York where some time later on appeal against the original verdict,[1] argument was made by their defense attorney that involved the British ‘pirate station’ Radio Caroline.
This station could, under certain conditions, be heard on the US broadcasting band. But its shortwave service was operated by a California religious organization, and its signal was intended for international coverage. By applying the FCC determination against RNI to Radio Caroline, it brought the question of those North Sea signals within the purview of the FCC. Now that the question of Radio Caroline had been raised in this case, it caused an international embarrassment for the FCC that required an international remedy. Subsequently, on August 19, 1989, Radio Caroline was knocked off the air following a raid by Dutch and British governmental agents following consultation with the FCC, and the person leading the British team had earlier offered evidence in a case against Weiner in which he was attempting to get another broadcasting license from the FCC. Weiner had gained his knowledge of offshore broadcasting from Radio Caroline after he made a visit to its ship anchored in the North Sea, and while there, he met a DJ and fellow American named John Hungerford. After Weiner returned to the USA he was later joined by Hungerford who became Weiner’s primary fundraiser in the RNI project. United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. USA vs. Allan H. Weiner, Joseph Paul Ferraro, Randall Ripley a/k/a Randi Steele, Hank Hayes, Richard Hertz, John Hungerford and John Doe, all d/b/a Radio Newyork International ("RNI"). Case Number 89-1211. Appellant Brief, page 21: Appellants respectfully submit that this ruling creates a dangerous precedent in that it allows the government potentially to reach out and control broadcasters anywhere in the world as long as their broadcasts are able to be picked up somewhere within the borders of the United States. Does the FCC thus have power to shut down all broadcasts from the Caroline, a broadcast vessel moored in the North Sea, based upon a claim that signals from that vessel's radio broadcasts were picked up, however briefly and even if creating no interference, somewhere in this country? This third manifestation of the offshore broadcasting station began in 1983. For the origins of the original between 1964-1967, see: “Puppets on Strings: How American Mass Media Manipulated British Commercial Radio Broadcasting,” by the authors in the Romanian Journal of English Studies 6/2009. Weiner agreed to a Restraining Order without time limitations and he agreed that he would not broadcast again until the question of broadcasting from international waters was resolved by the USA. Rather than abide by the spirit of the agreement, however, he attempted to go only by the words on paper. Weiner thus flew to England and met Michael Bates, whose eccentric father Roy had commandeered a former British WWII fort built upon a barge that had been towed into place over a sandbar and then sunk in place. (Originally the structure was outside of British territorial waters, but it was later brought under the laws of the United Kingdom when its territorial waters were extended to twelve miles offshore.) Bates claimed that the UK had abandoned its sovereignty over HM Fort Rough, and that he had inherited that same sovereignty, and then declared his wife the ‘Princess of Sealand’. Originally this idea had been concocted in a pub as a form of mimicry because Prince Charles had been invested by his mother Queen Elizabeth as the Prince of Wales, and therefore Bates later came to call that sunken barge with its hollow legs and platform the Principality of Sealand. Weiner secured an agreement with Michael Bates in which he entered into a sham contract pretending to sell RNI, in exchange for publicizing Sealand in the USA over his airwaves and operating the ship under the flag of ‘Sealand.’ Roy Bates did not approve of this action and he hinted that his son had committed ‘treason’. Although Weiner never had access to a ‘Sealand’ flag he instructed another friend to resume transmissions off the coast of New York. The USA reacted as before and ordered RNI to cease transmissions, and the lone caretaker/captain/crewmate/broadcaster at first made the statement that it was a vessel registered in the ‘Principality of Sealand’. But when U.S. officials on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter that was standing by implied that they would board the ship if necessary, Weiner, who was on a radio phone onshore instructed his friend to comply and close down the station. When this issue eventually came before an FCC Administrative Court in 1991, the USA turned for testimony to the person who led the British raid to close down Radio Caroline. On January 13, 1989, James Murphy, a UK special investigator on behalf of the ancient temporal office of Official Solicitor, and on loan from the Department of Trade and Industry, Radio Investigation Unit, submitted to the FCC a sworn statement. Murphy reported that he had personally undertaken surveillance by air and sea of “the old wartime Flak Fort which is situated off the Port of Harwich in the United Kingdom.” He concluded that ‘Sealand’ “is not in the eyes of the United Kingdom a Sovereign Nation and has no powers to register a ship.” A FCC Board Member took note of Murphy’s report and the duplicity of Weiner while reviewing the case, and concluded: On the evidence before us, and the tedious pathology it irradiates, it looks that Weiner cannot decide whether he is Hook or Peter Pan, but we have absorbed from Mr. Barrie’s fabliau to ‘never smile at a crocodile’. Weiner seemed to create a trail of destruction by blowing up the dreams of others. By claiming Radio Caroline as a legal defense in the RNI case, it resulted in the same James Murphy leading an Anglo-Dutch raid on Radio Caroline vessel just a few months later on August 19, 1989. Then, when Weiner created a legal ruling by a federal Administrative Court on January 29, 1992 that Sealand was not a nation, it undermined Bates’ financial support. In July 2000 another American created an international media stir when he announced that he was establishing a ‘data haven’ on Rough Tower. But when it came to his attention that the FCC court ruling had exposed Bates’ claim to sovereignty as a sham, he pulled the plug. You can read the complete article Online free of charge at: The FCC Administrative Court File referred to is No. BPIB-840904MZ - Decision by Review Board Member Norman B. Blumenthal, January 29, 1992, p.3. The authors, through their colleague Paul Byford living in the Chelmsford area of Essex, England, obtained numerous statements from the Home Office, Crown Estate, Ministry of Defence, Department of Trade and Industry, as well as the Cabinet 1st Meeting Minutes Misc. 163(68), taken from copy No.12, which demonstrated that as early as 1968, Roy Bates was considered to be an illegal squatter with “a local reputation as a colorful adventurer persecuted by authority.” Weiner removed the equipment and reinstalled it aboard another ship named Fury. Our associate Genie Baskir caused that vessel to be boarded and the equipment was removed by the FCC and destroyed by an In Rem court proceeding. The movie 'Blown Away' was released in 1994. It was in May 1994 that the District Attorney in Westchester County, New York State who had been investigating our case involving Weiner and the Lichfield I, was suddenly taken off that case to deal with an investigation into the sudden appearance of two halves of one corpse deposited 20 miles apart as a result of a murder in Florida. That murder is directly tied to the timetable of this story and events the surrounding it. The complete story will become the core of a forthcoming book which should be available in August of this year. It will open the door to a series of works that will explain how this research project has uncovered an amazing chain of events concerning the development of mass media in both the USA and the UK, that the British Broadcasting Corporation has so far managed to hide from its audience. |
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