Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Because the issue of copyright theft of our material keeps getting posted on the two troll boards, one being hosted by Garry Stevens and the other one by Dave Martin, we decided to address this matter once more.
The reason being is that a number of brainless trolls keep posting childish remarks and naming us as though it is no big deal to steal intellectual property. Some of these trolls try to hide behind silly names and they think that they cannot be unmasked and revealed in all their shame as to who they really are. They may be in for a big surprise, if that kind of behavior persists. Several years ago, using the 'big tent' theory of inclusiveness, we began to expand our investigation with a newsletter that just grew, and grew in its number of recipients. The 'Caroline Investigation Newsletter' was published at various time with articles and illustrations concerning matters under investigation and details of matters resolved. After we established a secondary research base and repository in Scotland, we entertained Paul Rusling on two occasions. He was also on the mailing list and we further engaged in phone conversations with him. You may wonder just how he came up with a lot of his hitherto unknown information, well the answer is that he stole it and then tried to marry it to existing hoax material like the 'Jimmy' myth. Intellectual property has a monetary value because it costs both time and money to produce it, so theft of intellectual property is not a small or insignificant matter, It can lead the thief into a lot of unpleasant situations. Actions have consequences. These newsletters were very comprehensive and they went to a lot of people, some of whom you know and some (only some) of their names are listed below: Paul Rusling; Stuart Hill; Sean Stowell; Ian Anderson; James Martin; Kenny in Scotland; Brian Lister; Colin Morrison; Fred Bunzl; Mike Leonard; Neil Gates; Chris Dannatt, and many, many more which include people we are still working with but we will not name here. Once Paul Rusling was forced to play his hand resulting from a tip-off derived indirectly from Hans Knot which revealed Rusling's intention to publish and accredit us a source, we stopped publishing the Newletter. Then we decided to create this web site to let the world know what happened, and at the same time broaden the scope of our investigation. We offered on more than one occasion to accept an apology from Paul Rusling and close the matter. He refused to do so and tried to explain that theft of intellectual property is merely the taking of an idea and that ideas are free to all and cannot be copyrighted. But the 'Caroline Investigation Newsletter' was tangible. It was detailed in text and illustrations and it was copyrighted. Some seem to not understand the law on copyright. We suggest that they consult a lawyer before attempting further breaches of the copyright laws as they apply in various countries. Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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