Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Before continuing with our presentation of documented EVIDENCE which PROVES that Ronan O'Rahilly was a 'decoy duck'.
We also want to reveal why Paul Rusling and his vanity; print-on-demand book 'The Radio Caroline Bible' is nothing more than a con man seeking to poison inquiring minds. We want to remind our readers that instead of us having to prove what we are documenting is true, Ronan O'Rahilly's words should be reexamined using the same media-microscope technique that we are using here to see if they are true. Immediately that table is turned, readers discover the vast number of flaws which are embedded into the entire Ronan O'Rahilly scenario. For example: 1. The first Ronan O'Rahilly lie concerns the name of 'Radio Caroline'. We know that the myth about Caroline Kennedy was invented in New York City during March 1965 - one year after Radio Caroline first came on the air. We know who invented that lie and we know why they invented it. Not only that, but it is a story that is well documented and available in authentic book, magazine and newspaper formats, and the true story has been available for decades! 2. We know that no such person as 'Jimmy Ross' ever existed! We know who invented this silly story and why they invented it, and how it came to be fleshed-out with more-and-more deceit as time went by. We know all about Ian Cowper Ross and why he got involved, and what he was also concealing. He was another 'decoy duck'. His own initial reason for creating a cover-up and diversion, was different from the one that Ronan O'Rahilly was employed to create. However, as time went by they did embark upon a common cause mission to deceive. 3. Ronan O'Rahilly was not fleeing from the family business when he arrived in London during 1961. One of his sisters says that he had been to London in the late 1950s, and he may well have been. But his arrival in 1961 was not for pleasure, but to assist his father's struggling business. He succeeded. But then he went off the rails and was more-or-less kicked out by his father, because of the trouble that Ronan O'Rahilly could cause Weatherwell Ltd. 4. We also know all about the actors' studio he supposedly set-up and how he dragged Simon Dee into a criminal situation as a result of it. The claims made by Ronan O'Rahilly about the so-called actors' studio just don't hold-up under close examination. 5. Georgie Fame had EMI LP at the close of the year 1963, which is months before Radio Caroline first came on the air. 6. We have received first-hand information about who set-up the 'Scene' club and how Ronan O'Rahilly got involved as a bag man for the criminal underworld in London. They controlled several of these venues. Ronan O'Rahilly was a 'front' for that kind of criminal activity, which is another reason why his father had to cut him off. 7. Once the General Election of October 15, 1964 slammed the door on the immediate prospects of PYE seeing the introduction of licensed commercial radio, PYE backed away from its original plan. Then PYE began to tread water waiting to see what would happen next, since the Labour Party had won by such a slim majority. 8. In March 31, 1966, Labour won the next UK General Election by a landslide. So PYE pulled out of offshore radio and bided its time. Unfortunately that coincided with the demise of John Stanley (Charles Orr Stanley's son who was really 'Mr Big' behind 'Radio Caroline', although he was also acting on behalf of his father), when a shareholders' revolt at PYE caused John Stanley to resign. 9. Unlike the operation set-up by Burton Kanter for Don Pierson at Radio London, Radio Caroline was a flim-flam venture from the start because it was not intended to last, only to achieve one aim and that was to get the Tory government to license land-based sponsored commercial radio stations in the United Kingdom. 10. In 1965, the Board of Trade conducted an on-the-ground investigation into who or what was behind Radio Caroline. They drew a blank. Unlike Radlon (Sales) Limited, there was no operating company registered in the UK for Radio Caroline. When the Board of Trade investigator managed to pin Ronan O'Rahilly to a figurative wall and demand answers, since Ronan O'Rahilly had held himself out to be 'Mr Big', then young Ronan O'Rahilly admitted that 'Caroline Sales Ltd' did not exist and he blamed it on a lawyer! 11. The year 1966 began a year of turmoil at Radio Caroline and this meant that It could not be put on a proper legal footing. After the 1966 General Election in March of that year, Ronan O'Rahilly emerged from the Radio Caroline managerial turmoil, and that is when all pretense of legal reality began to disappear. Yes, the ships existed, but their control was outside the remit of Ronan O'Rahilly. Yes, employees were being paid, but the methodology used was a circular route to obscure who had had operational financial control in order to deposit money in bank accounts, or to pay temporary staff out of a cash slush fund funneled through those Lichtenstein-Swiss bank accounts. Ronan O'Rahilly did not know much about them or how they were controlled. 12. Ronan O'Rahilly became a totally reckless gadfly, and both the business and political world distanced themselves from him. Kids were fed with nonsense about what Radio Caroline had supposedly been all about, and then they began a cloud cuckoo-land movement yelling "we love the pirate stations; hands off the pirate stations; please don't take them away." But on August 14, 1967 it was all over, and the two Caroline ships limped on to a final whimper in March 1968. What happened with offshore radio after August 14, 1967, had absolutely nothing in common with the original purpose behind the original Radio Caroline. There is more, much, much more that debunks the lies and stupidity of Ronan O'Rahilly. But our list includes only some of the key foundational issues upon which the mythology of Ronan O'Rahilly has been built. Those myths are lies. There is no way to turn them into facts, which is akin to an attempt at bashing a square peg into a round hole. However, not only did this story, the real story about Radio Caroline begin with PYE, it also ended with PYE. We knew how PYE had been the driving force behind the creation of ITA, and we knew why PYE had created Radio Caroline, but what we did not know until the other day, is what happened after August 14, 1967, although we had some clues to work with. While the kids went zooming off in one direction following Ronan O'Rahilly as a Pied-Piper of nonsense, and from which has emerged a cult for which Paul Rusling published his absurd 'bible', we have now discovered that the story that began with PYE, did not end. Although John Stanley was kicked-out of his management role in one of the PYE companies, the overall manufacturing business plan continued. PYE never had any intention of operating radio stations, except where they were means to an end, like Manx Radio. The PYE plan was to build and sell 'packaged' radio and televisions stations, and this it continued to do. So picking up where they began, PYE distanced themselves from offshore radio and worked towards morphing the ITA into the IBA. It was not something that they really wanted to do, because what they really wanted was the creation of a UK version of the USA Federal Communications Commission. But in the 1950s, instead of the 'FCC', they got the Independent Television Authority. ITA then became the Independent Broadcasting Authority when PYE finally succeeded in ushering in a form of licensed commercial radio was in the United Kingdom. What we now know is how this was achieved, and while the kids and their offshore dreams veered off in one direction, PYE stuck to its original plan. We found the key in the words of Alan Bednall, and the key to understanding his comments in a semi-obscure picture. All of this began to make sense once we divorced ourselves from the mythology of Ronan O'Rahilly, and like cold crime investigators we took out a blank sheet of paper and began again to microscopically analyze what is true. The results of our investigation (which is still ongoing), is what we are sharing with you on this Blog: free of charge. Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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