Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Sophia Smith Galer was born on June 1, 1994, and her only claim to 'fame' is being a person with a lot of attention on the infamous 'Chinese' web site called 'TikTok', and so the British Broadcasting Corporation hired her for their World Service. This is where Sophia was able to tell the combined BBC-Tik-Tok audience all about the 'Illuminati'. The only problem is that like the followers of the 'Illuminati' overarching conspiracy theory, Sophia did not know what she was talking about! Some time ago former mv Mi Amigo Chief Engineer George Saunders drew our attention to the strange status of the British Broadcasting Corporation and its relationship to MI5, the domestic British spy service. His curiosity had been raised because he had been forced to sign the Official Secrets Act when going to work for another British broadcasting service which has been totally obfuscated by the mainstream press. It is as though it exists, but doesn't exist, and no one is supposed to discuss its existence.
Up until our contacts with George we had no interest in, nor did we even understand the existence of this 'other' broadcasting service. We are not referring to the Independent Television Authority or its successor the Independent Broadcasting Authority, but to something that the general public was not supposed to pay attention to. During World War II, Winston Churchill raised its status to that of great importance in fighting the various enemies of the British Crown, and those activities were deemed to be a part of 'black' broadcasting. With WWII in full blast, some 48 radio stations were put on the air by this secretive operation. There may have been more. But these 48 which primarily operated on short wave, also made use of the misnamed RCA 'Aspidistra' or 'Aspi-1' transmitter on AM (Medium Wave). These wartime stations were not just secular broadcasters, but radio stations that also featured religious programming - for propaganda purposes. It seems to many that after WWII, these activities were terminated, but that is of course untrue, and they have continued to this day, not only on radio, but on television as well. These discoveries have now linked up with our own research into the activities of Herbert W. Armstrong, and his relationship to the majority of the offshore radio stations of the Nineteen Sixties. So we began a totally new line of research to see where this line of 'black' broadcasting met up with the invention and development of broadcasting in Britain, only to realize that John Reith began the British Broadcasting Company Limited (and later the British Broadcasting Corporation), using religion as his platform. Since the British Crown is dominated by activities in London, England that come under the control of the official State Church of England and its influence of both religious and secular governance, it is clear where 'The Voice' of this State religion is located. It then became clear to us why Billy Graham was brought to London in 1945 where he became an agent of the British Crown. (He was part of a religious organization in the USA up until this point, and later, in the UK, he formed the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association with the help of a London advertising agency which was run by two brothers. One of them handled Billy Graham and the other one handled Herbert W. Armstrong!) In 1945 it became Billy Graham's job to help to transform the multi-national United Nations Fighting Forces who were in the UK, into the basis of a post-War religious body that walked hand-in-glove with the official position of the British Crown concerning religious matters. (On the secular front, the United Nations Fighting Forces as an organization, was then transformed into the United Nations Organization.) The UN Fighting Forces were eventually sent to their various homes carrying the influence of the British Crown and its geopolitical values with them. Remember, the 'Winds of Change' as Harold Macmillan called them, had yet to start blowing a gale over the British Empire! But this is not a one-dimensional story, and that is part of the problem in trying to uncover events from the past and put them into context. There were commercial interests who wanted to expand British broadcasting in order to sell equipment to new stations, and there were program companies that wanted to run those new stations, and while they cooperated with each other, their commercial interests were not identical. In the days before Radio Caroline went on the air, and contrary to all published reports so far, there were forces within the BBC who wanted to commence all-day music radio, but they were blocked by entities such as Phonographic Performances Limited which had been created in 1934 under the fascist laws of Benito Mussolini. If they had not been stopped, the BBC could have commenced such a service just days before 'Radio Caroline' first came on the air. That was no secret, in fact, one of Britain's major tabloid newspapers splashed that news all over its front page. It seems as though the 'Anorak' community never discovered it! But in addition to the interests named so far, there was the budding oil and natural gas industry which also found its first footing in Winston Churchill's England during World War II. To make it work, Churchill imported manpower and know-how from the Texas oil and gas industry. It was the lack of technological developments that prevented them from going offshore at that time, but in 1964 those same Texas interests came back to life in a major way. They arrived in London, England when the British Crown again sought their help. But again, the interests of the British Crown and the interests of the Texas oil and gas industry were not the same, even though they went into renewed partnership, and that is when offshore broadcasting and Texas oil and gas interests and the manufacturing and programming interests of British broadcasting all came together. But it was an unhappy arrangement with all of these groups jostling for supremacy, yet only one of them, the British Crown and its State Church held the deciding power as to how it would all play out. That is our story of 'Yesterday Never Happened' and its first volume called 'The Girl Who Never Was'. Yet it is not a story about yesterday, but about today and tomorrow, because some of the players relate to the storm that is brewing over the attempt to transform China into the dominant world force, and this gamesmanship is being played out against the backdrop of China, just days ago, threatening to nuke the islands of Japan. This is one reason why we are publishing Online: You now know what we are working on, and if we suddenly disappear - but not of our own free will - you will have reason to know why. Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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