Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
In 2021 it is almost impossible to avoid two subjects that have fused to become the trigger for the threatened dawn of a new 'Dark Age' of information: Donald Trump and Covid-19. Coupled together they are rapidly becoming an excuse to ban, block, censor and limit information about the U.S. Election of 2020 and its aftermath. This gives us cause for concern because in unravelling the tangled flow of modern day events that brought us to this point in time concerning our own investigation, we have collided with the stark reality of the 1948 stolen election by Democratic candidate Lyndon Baines Johnson. This man then rose in power to become the primary beneficiary to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 - which is not to say - that Lyndon Baines Johnson was the mastermind behind the death of President Kennedy. However, without the swift execution of John F. Kennedy on that day in late 1963, there is no way that Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson could or would have become President on that same day. Since the 1948 ballot box stuffing was the trigger that eventually propelled Lyndon Baines Johnson into the White House, and it is apparent that the owners of Brown and Root were the primary financial backers of Lyndon Baines Johnson, and that they, the owners of Brown and Root, then prospered considerably from government contract work handed to them as part of the ramped-up War in Vietnam that was championed by Lyndon Baines Johnson. The year of the assassination of President Kennedy is also key to this investigation into the origins of Radio Caroline. But more than Radio Caroline, it was also the year that the REM Island project got underway with construction by Brown and Root, with assistance from the floating crane that was operated by their Dutch and former Nazi SS partner. His name is Pieter Schelte Heerema, and he was born during 1908 at Amsterdam in Holland on April 27, which was a few months before Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on August 27 in Stonewall, Texas. In other words Heerema and Johnson grew up in a world that saw the advent of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi atrocities of World War II. They both experienced the Cold War of the Fifties which embraced the Korean War, and they were also part of the dawn of that era which has been branded the "Swinging Sixties" into which Radio Caroline was born. ![]() Pieter Heerema, a Dutch citizen, persuaded Heinrich Himmler to allow him to join his elite Nazi troops known as the Schutzstaffel, or SS, for short. But parallel to the birth pangs of Radio Caroline was the planning for an offshore television and radio station aimed at Holland; manufactured in Cork, Ireland from a design used for oil rigs in Venezuela, and called REM Island. Just like a conjuror who distracts the audience with the non-relevant antics of an attractive stage hand, so REM Island distracted everyone with television pictures and radio broadcasts. But Brown and Root and Heerema were not in the business of broadcasting. They were in the business of oil exploration and extraction, among many other ventures which were mostly paid for by U.S. taxpayers. The owners of Brown and Root had also been the financial backers of Lyndon Baines Johnson who won his 1948 election in Texas by fraud with the paid help of George Parr, the so-called 'Duke of Duvall'. But then came the Cold War and the blanket of censorship that smothered everything, thanks to the association of Texas "good ol' boys" who paid for a patsy named Senator Joseph McCarthy to go on a witch hunt for anyone who might be friendly towards the Soviet Union. Truth was smothered and a lot of people had to assume fake identities just to get some form of employment. Now here we are in 2021, and thanks to the Covid-19 War triggering isolationism on a worldwide scale, we are off once again into another round of witch hunts to root out anyone claiming to have some sort of relationship to President Donald Trump, and all of this is against the backdrop of another round of claims about a rigged election. Curiously enough, it is the same Democratic Party members of the USA who were responsible for the rigged election of LBJ in 1948; the Cold War Era using the patsy Joe McCarthy, and then fake allegations swirling around about the 2016 General Election. That led to a new round of claims that the 2020 General Election was rigged by Democratic Party beneficiaries. Social media has been co-opted into enforcing this new McCarthy Era of censorship, and the mere utterance of anything to do with a rigged Democratic Party election is enough to cause the shutters to go up. This has given us cause for concern, because the 1948 election of LBJ was rigged, and that has been substantiated by many responsible investigations. But so too has been the part played by Brown and Root in that rigged election. While it is obvious that LBJ was the primary beneficiary from the murder of JFK, and Brown and Root did very well from their government contracts regarding the War in Vietnam, the fine details, the 'glue' that puts this jigsaw together, has not been covered. This brings us back to a Dutch Nazi SS devotee and the building of REM Island. It also brings us to look closely at the part that Shell Oil played in the rise of Adolph Hitler, and the strange appearance of the grandson of Shell's Henri Deterding on the board of directors of Allan James Crawford's Project Atlanta Limited. That company was registered on August 1, 1963, but Deterding's grandson joined Project Atlanta Limited after that date, which was just before the first moves were taken to create a spin-off project called Radio Caroline. Then came the assassination of John F. Kennedy while the REM Island project was just getting underway.
None of this has anything to do with disc jockeys or pop music or television - they were mere distractions. It all has to do with oil, and in this instance the oil untapped beneath the North Sea in an era before the U.N. Law of Sea had been ratified by member countries with national legislation. REM Island symbolized an undersea land grab of the continental shelf. In the UK, the fight over policing the minerals beneath the North Sea was then focused upon the challenge created by Radio Caroline which was on board a floating vessel. Now you know what was behind that broadcast by Simon Dee when he narrated an attempt by UK authorities to board the mv Fredericia anchored off southeast England in international waters! We hope to continue to peel back the layers of cover-up concerning the really sinister story behind Radio Caroline, and the other offshore broadcasting stations. So we are holding our breath in a sense, because we are hoping that the censorship madness now becoming full blown, will be terminated very soon. We know that there are many people who are still alive who do not want us to publish this story, but since we are following in the footsteps of the original 'muckrakers' who exposed the workings of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust, we aim to expose the link between the advent of Radio Caroline and the North Sea exploitation of natural gas and petroleum. That is the big story because it affects the lives of millions of people today, To understand events of today it is necessary to understand the events of yesterday, but too many people do not want you to understand anything, which is why we are now providing you with this knowledge in this format: free of charge. Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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