Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
You have to follow the trail backwards, if you want to find the legacy trail that resulted in claims about 2020 U.S. Election fraud, and that is why this story has its roots in the Nineteenth Century.
We have followed that trail and geographically it leads to the Lone Star State of Texas. That is where corruption has been rife for a long time, and that corruption is the story of Democratic Party politics; good ol' boys and government contracts, all fueled by oil money. One man epitomizes election fraud in Texas and that man is Lyndon Baines Johnson. But he did not act alone, he had a primary financial backer in two brothers who ran the Brown and Root company which became part of Halliburton. This firm was built on government contracts and it was drenched in the blood of U.S. military personnel. They fought wars on behalf of Brown and Root under the banner of the Stars and Stripes, so that Brown and Root could be paid to build military installations from which they could operate. It is all quite cynical and nothing like you imagined the way things were run. Or did you, but couldn't figure out how? The Browns had an early partner named George Parr. He went by the nickname 'Duke of Duval'. Parr was the ruthless boss of a big chunk of South Texas that stretches downwards from the Nueces River, to the Rio Grande River which separates the U.S. border in Texas from the nation of Mexico. In the South Texas Valley, the rival ethnic group to Anglos was not Black, it was Hispanic, and George Parr had them under his control. That is because the 'Duke of Duval' held their voting block in his hands, and that meant that he could make or break any candidate he chose. He chose Lyndon Baines Johnson. From the 1930s onwards, both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate were almost unchallenged in their domination by the Democratic Party. That kind of power resulted in the ability of the Democratic Party to award major U.S. government contracts, of which Brown and Root became a major beneficiary. That is how the alliance between LBJ and Brown and Root blossomed, and it was facilitated by fake votes under the supervision of George Parr. Lyndon Baines Johnson even began bragging about his fraudulent election. His fraud has been well documented by many authors of books, and by journalists who have written both magazine features and newspaper articles. Lyndon Johnson was also the major beneficiary from the murder of President John F. Kennedy. That is a fact. LBJ was Vice President one minute, and then, after a bullet splattered the brain cells of JFK during the next minute, LBJ was about to sworn in as President of the United States of America. This brief saga which took place at High Noon in a jam-packed, spectator-strewn Dallas street on a bright sunny day, was also about to make Brown and Root a lot more money. They would become beneficiaries from the War in Vietnam that LBJ waged with ruthless determination, and to the point that he trapped himself in his own quagmire of death. That same quagmire resulted in LBJ quitting his own presidential career path, but before that, it made Brown and Root's bank accounts swell. That is because Brown and Root were on the receiving end of a lot of U.S. taxpayers' Dollars that were paid to them for building U.S. military installations serving LBJ's War in Vietnam. LBJ was a Texas "good ol' boy", and radio in Texas sang the praises of the "good ol' boys" of Texas almost as soon as the political power of that medium was discovered. Texas car dealers loved the medium of radio, and Texas automobiles all ran on gasoline. So the people who drilled for oil and then exploited its sale, loved Texas car dealers, and as it turns out, Texas car dealers also loved offshore broadcasting. The development of radio broadcasting blossomed in Texas as a means of influencing Texas politics, and that influence, backed by Texas car dealers, eventually spread to Europe. But way back, before LBJ there had been a Texas governor who was sponsored by a Fort Worth flour company and he was accompanied by the emerging sound of what is now known as 'Texas Swing' music. So radio plus music plus "good ol' boy" politics became a winning combination to be exploited by the fellow-travelers of the guys who drilled for oil. It was the medium of radio that helped the Democratic Party to establish its corrupt track record of "big boss" domination in many U.S. cities, because that is when the power of radio advertising came into the service of political boss promotional power. But the tweaked Texas airwaves became the new birthplace of political broadcasting power that managed to influence many voters who listened in. This marriage between Texas promotional radio and political boss management of cities, then spread across the USA like wildfire when Texans started tinkering with both its sound and its transmitters. Dallas, Texas became home to both the doyen of top 40 radio, and one of the biggest manufacturers of broadcasting transmitters. The sound of Texas radio was even exported to Scandinavia on board a ship, and then it was exported to the British Isles aboard many ships that were anchored off its shores. Offshore broadcasting with Texas branding behind-the-scenes, also appeared on Dutch television screens from a reconfigured Venezuelan oil platform. That platform was constructed by Brown and Root of Houston, with the help of a former Nazi SS officer. But while Brown and Root were not into broadcasting, they were linked to a network of "good ol' boys" that included Gordon McLendon who had observed how people listening to juke boxes played the same record, over and over again. He didn't invent 'Top 40' radio, but McLendon received the credit. He was also a maverick who had one hand in the grip of Bill Meek who invented PAMS jingles, and his other hand clasped one belonging to Robert F. Thompson. McLendon was also into making films and he got his pals like Robert F. Thompson to appear in them, more for fun than any claim to a work of art. Thompson was also a close associate of Clint Murchison Jr. He was a multi-millionaire who held a string of government contracts to construct everything from roads to reservoirs and a lot more in-between. McLendon; Thompson and Murchison were all pals together, and these "good ol' boys" of Dallas, were also pals with the "good ol' boys" of Houston, who of course included the guys who owned Brown and Root. But these guys knew how to make money. Big money and that came from government contracts of one sort or another. Brown and Root were after the riches obtained from natural gas and oil, and their own legacy of work experience tied Houston to London during World War II. It was Winston Churchill who brought the know-how of Texas oil developers to England when the entire United Kingdom was being starved of oil due to the activities of German U-boats sinking so many cargo ships making the Atlantic crossing. It was known that England had oil, and so did Scotland, but no one was sure how much there was, or how to get it out of the ground in commercial quantities. So in utmost secrecy, Churchill turned to the home of experts who were located in Houston, Texas, and over they came to explore and exploit beneath the leaves of Sherwood Forest where the Luftwaffe could not spot them to drop their bombs. Robin Hood was one fable, but the oil deposits in Sherwood Forest were not a myth. Texans not only pumped British oil to help supplement the stepped-up WWII demands being made in UK, but they also discovered that this oil patch stretched offshore and out into the North Sea. But back then, the technology did not exist to extract it, and that was long before international agreements regarding ownership of undersea natural gas and oil deposits had been determined. Besides which, after WWII in the Fifties, demand was less and the world was awash in cheap oil extracted from the lands of other countries or from their shallow waters during a time when international transportation was not a problem. But the deep and turbulent North Sea waters were not only a problem for the technology of the day, but a nightmare waiting to be unleashed upon those who dared to go in search of its seabed secrets and hidden riches. This was also the secret reason why a modified Venezuelan oil platform was built off the coastline of the Netherlands on its continental shelf below the surface of the North Sea. It was in the Netherlands that a major natural gas field had been discovered, and it had been exploited by people who knew that there was a lot more natural gas and probably oil, sitting off its Dutch shores. So Brown and Root sank the legs of a modified Venezuelan oil platform into the continental shelf, and its partners built a television and radio station on top of it. That distracted the attention of nosy journalists from the real reason that it had been built. However, other Dutch entrepreneurs had also put a radio station called 'Radio Veronica' on board a ship to which large numbers of the Dutch voting public tuned in, and advertisers supported it. But the Dutch government seemed to turn a blind eye to its floating existence. A ship is only semi-attached to the sea bed by an anchor, and that is quite different from a structure with legs that have been driven into the sea floor by pile drivers as though its builders were claiming ownership of that geographical location. At that time the mineral rights of the North Sea had not been legally 'carved-up' by international treaties, so the REM Island television and radio station structure was attempting to stake out a geological claim to mineral rights. They appeared to be offshore pioneers who were following others who had staked out claims in the Oklahoma land grab, and prospectors who had participated in the California Gold Rush. The REM Island challenge was swiftly answered by Dutch legislation, and it was then followed by an invasion of REM Island by Dutch forces who descended from the air, and arrived by sea. Their mission was to capture REM Island, but they left the Dutch ship-based 'Radio Veronica' alone. In addition to Brown and Root there were their European fellow travelers. They wanted to build licensed commercial radio and televisions stations on land, but not to operate them. However, the European governments would not permit private commercial broadcasting stations to be built. Even the commercial television stations in the UK were owned and operated by a BBC rival government licensed operation called ITA. Only the programming and advertising on those stations was franchised to commercial vendors. So to create public demand, offshore broadcasting became a means of whipping-up a voting audience that could sway European, and especially the British government bodies into licensing on land stations. This is therefore the tale of two hidden agendas, both concealed by the sights and sounds broadcast by noisy offshore transmitting stations. Brown and Root were trying to get licenses for natural gas and oil exploration and exploitation, and the PYE Group of companies was trying to get licenses to build "pre-packaged" (off-the-shelf) radio and television stations within the borders of the British Isles. That geographical location includes both the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, which is where Gordon McLendon from Dallas first showed up and rubbed shoulders with Charles Orr Stanley of PYE. Stanley's commercial headquarters was located in Cambridge, England, but his family home was near Cork in Ireland. That is where REM Island was built, before being towed out to its on site location by a company founded by a former Nazi SS officer. On site construction was by Brown and Root. Now, for the first time anywhere, our team has put together the hard evidence to prove this scenario. It has come from both a personal investigation, and from the work of other researchers who have conducted fragmentary investigations of their own, but which they have thoroughly documented. By fragments, we don't mean to imply that their contributions to this story have been small. Far from it. What we have been able to do is to take thousands of pieces of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle and put much of it together using our own first-hand research and investigation. We have not been able to put all of it together, but we now have enough of it for everyone to see the big panoramic picture that is on the box. Right now we are publishing what we have uncovered: here in this format, and later on we will be reassembling it in book format, at an appropriate moment. Please don't think that what began with a USA election rumpus towards the end of 2020, and then erupted into a major protest in Washington DC at the beginning of 2021, is anything new, because it is not. It is just a larger version of the political life of LBJ, because his political life was that of a is a lie built upon fraud. Now in 2021, we see the Texas fraud of LBJ writ very large indeed! It may very well be a story that is also tied to the murder of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, because this tale of vote-fraud is a tale that is as American as LBJ's apple pie that George Parr first baked in his South Texas oven. The difference being that the LBJ version leaves a very bad taste in the mouth, and it also results in much more than just an upset stomach. [Revised on 1/12/2021] Comments are closed.
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