Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
At the bottom of page 9 and continuing on to page 10 is a very interesting statement, because without any introduction, Paul Rusling begins to talk about the General Post Office. He wrote these words:
"The General Post Office decided to block any expansion of the embryonic broadcasting service. The GPO had been established in the 17th century and was the government tool used to censor all types of communications, whether sent by mail or broadcast." Since Paul Rusling does not cite sources due to his 'smash and grab' approach of plagiarizing without foreknowledge of what he is stealing, it might be interesting for readers to learn how these words about the General Post Office (GPO), came to be in his 'bible'. Remember, Paul Rusling does not read history books (he says), and he does not like research (he says), so how did he come by such obscure information that the GPO was formed back in the 1700s as an agency of censorship? Well Paul Rusling used to be on a closed mailing list and he had been receiving a copyright email publication called the 'Caroline Investigation'. It was authored by Mervyn Hagger with Genie Baskir and Eric Guilder. This information was contained in that publication and it also appears in a video which is still on line. There is a link to it at the end of today's blog! Because the newsletter was an electronic publication in circulation to a rather large but regulated mailing list, it was of course a copyrighted publication. That did not trouble Paul Rusling! This was in fact Rusling's first port of call in stealing the work of other people for his 'bible'. Secondly, Rusling sent many email questions to the authors about the subject matter in various editions of the copyrighted publication called the 'Caroline Investigation'. Then Rusling took that which was not his to take, without understanding what he was taking, and he then created his absurdly titled 'bible'. Rusling was not the first to steal from this 'Caroline Investigation' newsletter and then rush off to create his own book. Another person on the mailing list was Brian Lister. He released a book with the eponymous title of 'Pirate Gold' - because it offered a wealth of golden information for would-be thieves, or pirates. Lister even had the nerve to ask Mervyn Hagger to review his work prior to publication. However, Rusling was more ambitious in his theft than Lister. When the research team of Gilder, Hagger and Baskir began to build a second research library, Rusling visited it more than once; but he admitted that he had no time for books - especially history books, and he certainly had no time to do research. Rusling's preferred methodology for collecting data, is theft. At the time of his visits, Rusling was a disappointed man who had been previously trying to get a pedophile with money to finance his "Party Boat" project, but that was not going too well for him. Quite a number of people who have associated themselves with the subject of offshore broadcasting to Britain have been hauled into court rooms and charged with various crimes associated with the subject of pedophilia. It is a form of activity that is akin to slave master activity. Pedophiles target their captive victims with abuse because, their victims lack the physical and/or mental ability to resist demands made upon their bodies for the self-gratification of the brutes who are abusing them. In his supposedly comprehensive 'bible', Rusling does not delve into this subject at all. Instead, Rusling brushes it off as being an uncalled for subject that sullies the subject of his cult 'bible'. But the cult which he serves and which is made manifest at the end of his 'bible', is like many religious cults: it is wrapped in secrecy because it is mired in various forms of criminal activity. The ship on the cover of Rusling's 'bible' is known as 'Ross Revenge' and it has absolutely no connection to Radio Caroline which existed from 1964 to 1967. The "Supporters" (as they call themselves) who created a series of radio stations on board that ship after 1980, adopted the name of 'Radio Caroline' for their operations. But to repeat, they used a name that had no association with the original twin stations that were known as Radio Caroline which existed between 1964 and 1967. This latter-day eponymous operation was initially managed by a confidence trickster in the USA whose massive fraud resulted in what has become euphemistically known as the 'Radio Caroline Criminal Case'. It is properly identified as "United States of America v. James Ryan" and filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Ryan was charged with 18 U.S.C. s.1623 (Perjury to grand jury - 3 Counts); 18 U.S.C. s.1341 (Mail fraud - 6 Counts); 18 U.S.C s.1343 (Wire fraud - 3 Counts). The background of this criminal activity eventually resulted in a criminal court case in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that was filed on October 5, 1983. It involved criminal activity in Massachusetts; New York; Nevada, and it even tried to embroil the character known as 'Wolfman Jack' who was represented in California, into this sordid mess. It was because of the Interstate nature of this case that the USA Justice Department and its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), became involved. While Paul Rusling refers repeatedly to James Ryan in his 'bible' he avoids any indication or implication of his own complicity with James Ryan in other matters. In fact you won't get the real story about James Ryan from Paul Rusling. For that you will need to turn to Offshore Echos magazine who have reproduced the court papers! However, he chose to do so, Rusling has quite a tale to tell, because he knew Ryan and Rusling claimed that he had stayed in Ryan's home during one of his many attempts to raise money by dubious means for radio projects that have splashed into the news from time to time. When it comes to other peoples' property and other peoples' money, Rusling figures that what's yours is his for the taking, and what's his, is his alone. The criminal project that obtained the ship that is on the cover of Rusling's 'bible' is called 'Ross Revenge'. It was originally going to be renames 'Imagine' after the eponymous John Lennon song. But because of Ryan's criminal court case, the 'Ross Revenge' was furtively taken to sea from Spain, without going through formal procedures of registration. In England, its lack of registration led some "Supporters" to break-away from the core "Supporters", and they began making inquiries to what they were being asked to help finance. This followed in the wake of the Philadelphia court case which had deprived the original project of its funding by criminal means. These breakaway "Supporters" are the people that Rusling repeatedly calls "busybodies" on page 412 of his 'bible. These "busybodies" were two individuals named John Burch and Christopher England. From London they contacted Mervyn Hagger in Texas to investigate the registration of the 'Ross Revenge, which was supposedly registered in the nation of Panama. Beginning on page 412 and continuing on through page 413 of his 'bible'; Rusling attempts to spin his own tale to his blinkered readers about Panama's "breakaway representatives in Houston, Texas". Nothing could be further from the truth, but since Rusling's 'bible' is a book based upon deceit, this is not unusual. The "busybodies" ("Supporters") infuriated Ronan O'Rahilly who had become entangled with this new criminal project. O'Rahilly demanded of Burch to explain who this person named Hagger is and why he was investigating the 'Ross Revenge'. Burch recorded all of this in his booklet publication for the "Caroline" "Supporters". The reason why Mervyn Hagger in Texas was able to supply information to these "busybody" "Supporters" in London, England, is because Mervyn Hagger had a long history with the team of Eric Gilder and Genie Baskir who in 1980 came together after individually taking an interest in the history of offshore broadcasting. Gilder had written a thesis at university on the subject, and both Hagger and Baskir had worked with Don Pierson who created Radio London; Radio England and Britain Radio. All manner of nonsense had been written and recorded about Don Pierson and his offshore stations. This included the release of a tape by Steve England who admitted in a later version that no one really knew anything until Mervyn Hagger began publishing and broadcasting the actual story. You can read the details Online at: and you can hear broadcasts by Mervyn Hagger with Don Pierson at: Steve England's tape (in which Johnnie Walker got away with inventing an apocryphal story about Don Pierson's mother), has a later edition on which Steve England admits that Mervyn Hagger had subsequently revealed details that no else knew. This tape has been recently obtained from Ebay, and it is now being digitally remastered for release on Online in the near future. But back to Rusling's claim on page 413 about "breakaway representatives in Houston, Texas". Rusling wrote: "The Panamanian authority revealed that the original ships (sic) registration had not been completed satifactory. (sic)" After his attack using poor grammar, Rusling continued: "In fact it appeared to have been issued by a breakaway representatives (sic) in Houston, Texas, although the ship's owner maintained that it had been taken out in good faith." That structurally weird sentence by Paul Rusling is untrue on two counts: 1) In conversations by phone and in writing with Panamanian authorities in New York, and in Panama City, Panama; Mervyn Hagger was asked by the Panamanian government which had taken over from the deposed dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno, to investigate a fraudulent operation run by two lesbians and a male in Houston, Texas. It was the sexual relationship between these persons that made their secretive but criminal activities possible, and not the fact that they were merely two women and a man who happened to be working together. In the wake of the power vacuum following the overthrow of Noriega by the USA military, the various tentacles of Noriega's regime involving drug smuggling and related criminal activities, had been severed from their central control. The research group with which Mervyn Hagger is connected, had paid several thousands of US Dollars to Allan Weiner who claimed to be the rightful owner of another radio ship called 'Sarah'. He wasn't. But his involvement looped back through a disc jockey on board 'Ross Revenge' named John Ford, whose real surname is Hungerford. It was as a result of untangling the Weiner mess that all manner of previously secret UK government information fell into the laps of the Hagger-Gilder-Baskir research group. This included a document made by James Murphy on behalf of the UK government for the USA government concerning Weiner and Roy Bates' absurd claim about his 'Principality of Sealand'. So extensive was this research that the FCC lawyer turned over to Baskir the entire Weiner case file (in which the Murphy document was found), and as a result, James Murphy called Hagger twice by phone. Murphy was supported by related phone calls from Barry Maxwell, head of the UK Radio Investigation Service. The bogus Panamanian "Consulate" in Houston, Texas had not only issued a fake registry for a yacht called 'Ross Revenge'; it had issued bogus registrations for cargo ships and oil tankers plying the waters of the world! The insurance liability factors created by this fraud ran into the billions of U.S. Dollars. So everyone wanted to deal with this matter as quickly and as quietly as possible! 2) Regarding the "owners" of the 'Ross Revenge' who had obtained this bogus registration: who were they? Following the leads backwards from the tangled criminal court case in Philadelphia they ended up in a potential 'soup' of persons who had been swindled and therefore had claims against the ship. That mess would take years to unravel, but in the end, after heavy legal expenses, what would the claimants have gained? Minus legal expenses, what would be left to divide once the 'Ross Revenge' was sold? Who would pay for the expense of going to sea and grabbing the vessel? That is what the "Supporters" that Rusling refers to on page 412, were hoping to achieve all by themselves. Of course, had they succeeded it would only have complicated an existing international problem. But in the end what was there to gain financially? Nothing. On the other hand, these same "Breakaway Supporters" did alarm the core "Supporters" and it caused them to try to physically hold on to the ship that was in their possession. What a tangled and sordid story this is. No wonder Paul Rusling does not want to tell the true story. But his main purpose in creating his work by theft and by misinformation is really found at the end of this book. It is to create a new and untruthful story that the slogan 'Caroline continues' depends. But Caroline does not continue, it died on August 14, 1967. At the beginning of today's portion of this Review, I began to tell you about the GPO and why and how Rusling came to make his claim. I will explain both why and how Rusling begin his brief account of the GPO on page 9, which then continues on into page 10 of his 'bible'. It begins with his plagiarized theft. For a more entertaining answer I refer you to a video which has now been available Online for some time. I will discuss its focus, the one raised by Rusling, in tomorrow's analysis of the Rusling 'bible'. In the meantime you should watch and listen to this video:
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