Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Although it is a term that is not familiar to many in the UK, in the USA where the laws of the land are rooted in a primary instrument known as the U.S. Constitution, the Latin term 'stare decisis' has great meaning for the way in which new laws are passed and existing laws are interpreted.
Because our work is rooted in an examination of U.S. Constitutional Law, as interpreted by actions taken by the British Crown as a corporation sole, we have been working through a minefield of obfuscation and governmental secrecy in trying to fathom what happened back in 1964 with the creation of Radio Caroline. The interpretative reporting about the years from 1959 through 1967 has settled upon a de facto account akin to a form of stare decisis. Mythology has become the settled account of what happened. Unfortunately, that account is totally untrue, and therefore it must be shaken to its foundation to discover what really happened. This problem came to our attention in two phases. The first phase was when Don Pierson gave us his financial and legal files. That was back in 1985. Those documents explained both how as well as why he had started 'Radio London' in 1964, and then followed on with his creation of radios 'England' and 'Britain'. At the time a lot of misinformation swirled around in the UK about his ventures and about him as a person. This is of importance because the shake-up of the BBC that resulted in BBC 'Radio One', had more in common with 'Radio London', than it did with 'Radio Caroline'. However, Don Pierson based his operations upon the mythology spread by Ronan O'Rahilly about the start of 'Radio Caroline', and not upon facts relating to the start of 'Radio Caroline'. The reason for his actions is related to our own investigation at this time. This investigation was also triggered by a second phase that began during the year 2014, because that is when our own understanding about the start of 'Radio Caroline' was shattered. The cause of that rude awakening came about when we read page 276 of the book called 'Radio Man' about Charles Orr Stanley and his son John. Both of them managed the Pye Group of companies. That account totally contradicted everything that Ronan O'Rahilly had ever said about the early days of 'Radio Caroline'. Stare decisis in American law is interpreted as: "to stand by things decided." That is: "The principle that a court should follow precedent established by previously decided cases with similar facts and issues to provide certainty and consistency in the administration of justice." Broadcasting is rooted in law, and in the USA, it is tied to the U.S. Constitution. In the UK it is tied to the British Crown and tradition. When it comes to the activities of offshore broadcasting, which in 1964 seemed to fall outside the domain of UK law, a self-imposed veil of secrecy and misinformation was unleashed by the people behind 'Radio Caroline'. Their spokesman was Ronan O'Rahilly. But it was not until 2014 that we began to realize the extent of the deception and misinformation that Ronan O'Rahilly had engaged in over the years. We began as if we were tugging at a stray thread on a sweater. That stray thread was one paragraph on page 276 that has now begun to reveal the true story: Ronan O'Rahilly represented the financial and business interests of his father, while he personally began morphing into the world of anarchy and daydreams to exploit the financial interests of other people for his own personal gain. Ian Cowper Ross became a part of that O'Rahilly deception, but he was not the creator. He was only the inventor of an extension to the O'Rahilly mythology. Ian Cowper Ross' myth telling only began to blossom in 1994 when he wrote a roman à clef novel. The following year in a BBC-TV documentary, he began to imply that his novel was really a true story about himself, and how he came to meet his wife. Part of that story also includes a tale of how Ronan O'Rahilly first met Ian's father, and then addressed him as 'Jimmy' while asking him for money. Christopher Moore became by accident, the third person in this original scheme to spread misinformation, only it was more of a scheme than it was a story because it had several authors. Consequently, Chris Moore was the first person to become disillusioned because he was never a party to the plans of O'Rahilly and Ross who were in turn 'useful fools' to the people with the money. So, Chris Moore disappeared quite quickly and began filing a legal complaint against O'Rahilly in a court of law in England, because Chris Moore was taken in by the stories spun by Ronan O'Rahilly. We have now begun to uncover the true part played by Ronan O'Rahilly. He was working with his father while pretending that he was not. However, his father had him on a very long leash so that Ronan O'Rahilly found time to engage in several mischievous antics of his own which were unrelated to his father's business or to Radio Caroline. It took us a long time and quite a bit of money to eventually discover who Ian Cowper Ross' father is, and what he did for a living. His name is Charles Edward Ross, and his story has nothing to do with broadcasting, but everything to do with dry-cleaning. He was also involved with an automated car wash franchise operated by his eldest son who is the now deceased half-brother of the younger Ian Cowper Ross. This dry-cleaning operation connects all of the dots to John Sheffield and Jocelyn Stevens, who as far back as 1960, was a director of a subsidiary company joined to Sheffield's Norcros operation. Stevens had previously married Sheffield's daughter, and Stevens was heavily connected to a British printing conglomerate which unwittingly ponied up the money to get Radio Caroline off the ground. The financial connection to the dry-cleaning operation was in the hands of Close Brothers, a merchant bank in London with its headquarters in the Shell Oil building. Shell connects with Project Atlanta Limited, and that company formed a link to a legal and financial operation in Liechtenstein with ties to the Swedish operation known as 'Radio Nord'. It is a massive jigsaw puzzle with many people writing their own scripts about the story of Radio Caroline, and those scripts were not necessarily complimentary to each other because their authors had their own self-interests at heart. The man who ran the dry-cleaning business that Charles Edward Ross was part of, moved within close proximity to the home of Charles Edward Ross, and from his geographical relocation emerged connections to the 'Debs' that Princess Margaret condemned. But that world also connected to the Duke of Bedford, which is how and why he became the first advertiser on 'Radio Caroline' via Ian Cowper Ross. In essence, the part played by Ian Cowper Ross, and to a lesser extent by Christopher Moore, were marginal. The part played by Ronan O'Rahilly was limited to the early days of 'Radio Caroline', and after 1967, even his own father wanted nothing to do with him. His father was a businessman born in England and married to an American wife, and he courted favors from the British Department of Trade and Industry. His son put himself in a war with the DTI and eventually with Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Ronan O'Rahilly was a self-professed anarchist, but his father was the epitome of a businessman playing by the political rule book of both the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. As for Jocelyn Stevens, while the name 'Caroline' did originate with his editor Beatrix Miller, when Stevens began to change the editorial approach of 'The Queen' magazine, she quit on the very day that Planet Productions Limited was registered in Ireland. That was on February 27, 1964. In essence, Stevens kept the name of the Beatrix Miller Style Sheet, but he changed the definition of 'Caroline' as his typical reader. Instead of 'Caroline' being an 'upper class' (aristocratic) young lady, Stevens turned her into an 18 years-old slut (to put it bluntly), although she was an 18 years-old slut fancied by the aristocracy! All of this we can now prove absolutely and conclusively plus a whole lot more! The turning around of 'Radio Caroline' into this crazy operation dominated by Ronan O'Rahilly really got out of hand by 1966, and Barry Ainley was brought in to put it back on track. He failed and quit. Then Philip Solomon saw an opportunity working hand-in-glove with the 'Jewish Mafia' in New York, and that is how and why the true story of 'Radio Caroline' was brought to a formal conclusion on August 14, 1967, and then it finally ground to extinction by March of 1968. This is the true story that we are working on, and why we are annoyed that Paul Rusling stole our research and then twisted it to support Malcolm Smith's eponymous radio station. Paul Rusling and all the rest of his anorak chums want to keep the O'Rahilly myth going. That is akin to leaving sleeping dogs alone, and in American law it is known as stare decisis. But once the covers of deceit are peeled back just a little, then the lies all come tumbling out and nothing seems like the story we have all been led to believe. Once the foundation of this anorak version of star decisis is examined, the true story comes pouring out like a flood. You can't tell just a little bit of the truth. If you are going to lie you have to lie, otherwise you get tripped up. But the Law does not deal in "truth" and neither does Wikipedia. Wikipedia has also adopted a form of stare decisis. Lawyers deal in "conflict resolution", not truth seeking, and that means trying to calm things down and keep everyone happy via compromise. But "truth" is not a part of their job, because truth cannot be compromised! However, truth seeking is exactly what we (the Trio) are engaged in. Consequently, we are stirring up a lot of conflict resulting in angry, and even hateful comments. We say that is too bad. We ask the liars to admit to their lies, and we also ask people such as Paul Rusling to stop spreading more lies. We also add this: Paul Rusling, stop stealing from us and then twisting our research to present a perverted record of the past, which is what you are doing for financial gain to the benefit of both yourself and Malcolm Smith. This overview will now be added to our partwork series of publications called 'Yesterday Never Happened'. Footnote: As of this post we have still not seen Rusling's "updated" version of his 'Radio Caroline Bible'. Comments are closed.
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It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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