Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
On page 535 of Mike Leonard's massive encyclopedia about offshore broadcasting that he published in the year 1996, there is an addendum to the big lie that first appeared in the storyline of a novel written by Ian Cowper Ross in 1990. Mike Leonard does not promote that lie, he reports what he has learned about plans for the BBC to promote that lie!
The BBC were entertaining plans for a 4-part television series about a family called 'Shaw', and the main storyteller in the novel and therefore on the screen, would be a character called 'Paul Shaw'. Who would play the part of 'Paul Shaw' we do not know - unless the BBC in 1994, were about to let Ian Cowper Ross expand upon his fake interpretation of his 1990 novel which he did on BBC-TV in a 1991 documentary, so that Ian Cowper Ross acted out the part of 'Paul Shaw'. But we don't know what would have happened because the 4-part series was never made. In his 1990 novel, the character called 'Paul Shaw' has a father named 'Jim Shaw', who another fictitious character named 'Liam O'Mahoney' addresses as 'Jimmy'. Not 'Jimmy Shaw', just 'Jimmy', even though his fictitious son named 'Paul Shaw' says that his father's proper name is 'Jim', not 'James', just 'Jim'. But then, it is all fiction. One year later in 1991, on BBC-TV, the same Ian Cowper Ross tells the audience that the 'Jimmy' is how Ronan O'Rahilly addressed his real father who is named Charles Edward Ross, and that the car ride described in his novel about the fictitious 'Paul Shaw', and the correspondingly fictitious meeting of 'Liam O'Mahoney' with 'Jim Shaw', is a true account of an event that did take place. That is because, claimed Ian Cowper Ross in 1991, 'Liam O'Mahoney' is really Ronan O'Rahilly and 'Jim Shaw' who 'Liam O'Mahoney' calls 'Jimmy', is really Charles Edward Ross. To get around the complexity of telling all that to a television audience, Ian Cowper Ross, who keeps touching his nose on the 1991 BBC-TV documenary in the way that someone who is 'only kidding' does, never made that direct link. What Ian Cowper Ross did was to keep referring to his father Charles Edward Ross as "Daddy". Ian Cowper Ross continues to use this approach in telling his tale to this very day. He calls his father "Daddy" and he says that Ronan O'Rahilly called his father "Jimmy", and not only that, O'Rahilly did this on his very first introductory meeting in the real home of Ian Cowper Ross. The year was .... ? To this day, no one has ever published a picture of Charles Edward Ross, or even specifically stated where Charles Edward Ross worked, or even named the exact date upon which this meeting took place! Yet, according to Paul Rusling; Ray Clark, and a whole bevy of hack writers, without that first meeting between Ronan O'Rahilly and Charles Edward Ross in 1964, a station calling itself Radio Caroline would never have come on the air! So according to this fake version of events 'Jimmy Shaw' is the real "Mister Big" behind Radio Caroline - except that this fake story is simply a fake story. It is a lie! But if all the rest is a twisting of the truth, so is the legal and corporate structure of Radio Caroline as an entity in 1964, because in 1964 no company registered in the UK as 'Radio Caroline Limited'. However, at the close of 1963 a ship had been bought and then equipped with American transmitters and studio equipment. So where did the money come from and how were these purchases made and who authorized them? In other words: who was the real 'Mister Big'? Those purchases took place long before a sales company was registered in Ireland on February 25, 1964 called Planet Productions Limited. It took quite a bit of time and some expenditure by us working with a partner, to get the Irish government to release the filed archive copies of all of the documents relating to the Planet Productions Limited company. We have known now for some time who applied for the initial registration of Planet Productions Limited and when they did it. We also know who took that company over, and who its directors and shareholders were. One of its shareholders is the same person who Winston Churchill used a part of a multi-faceted secret operation to defeat Nazi Germany. His job was to assist another member of a special committee to write and promote the totally fictitious alternative plans for D-Day involving General George Patten. More tomorrow! Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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