Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
To understand the origins and development of British broadcasting it is necessary to know what the term 'British broadcasting' actually means. To many, it means BBC plus additives, such as ITA and then IBA. But it is a lot more than that, and it always has been. However, it has always been in the interests of the British Crown to obfuscate what it means, and so the perception that British broadcasting is BBC plus additives, suits the British Crown just fine. So we suppose the question should really be: What is the British Crown? After all, if the BBC (plus additives) only exist courtesy of the British Crown, then the British Crown must have power that the hoi polloi do not have, because if they did, there would be no such thing as "pirate broadcasting". The British Crown is based upon a myth that it actually exists as an entity, and not as a bluff founded upon hocus-pocus history. It is really about the folks who dish out titles to one another (as well as to a few meaningless titles to the hoi polloi), in order to create the impression that Queen this or that, and Prince this or that, or the Right Honorable this or that, and all of the other silly names you can think of, are a species of human being who do not eat, fart, shit, and die like the rest of humanity, or, that they came to be, one self-important human being at a time, via a sexual act that took place by injecting a male sperm into the ovum of a female human being. But that is indeed what happened and what will happen to these titled personages. Bottom line: Every human being is born to die. So how did a cluster of human beings get together in a huddle and form that club known as the 'British Crown' and get away with palming it off on the hoi polloi, that this cluster of human beings have some sort of secret additive that the rest of humanity does not? The answer is that they do not have any secret additive, and each one of them is born to die as an individual human being, just like all other human beings. This factor establishes a questionable foundation for British broadcasting, meaning, broadcasting for all of the human beings living within the British Isles. Because if the domestic version is not something that is called for, but imposed by the British Crown, and if it is the collective voice of the British Crown that has been blasted abroad over the decades, then the entire scheme of British broadcasting is but a fake institution imposed upon the majority of human beings living in the British Isles. And that is exactly what it is, a system imposed by lies and deceit that began with one puffed-up individual telling everyone else that he knew what was good for everyone else, and that everyone else was waiting to be told what was good for them. His name was John Reith, and he was the son of a preacher man, and just like that song, he thought that he was the only one who could ever teach you. (Click.) He said so in 1924 within his own autobiography. That is the volume that explains how he came to be in charge of the British Broadcasting Company Limited, and then the British Broadcasting Corporation. But through the years several other broadcasters have been operating in the British Isles, not as unlicensed 'pirates', but as official voices, and they have done so "by permission" of the British Crown. They have been able to do this by hiding under a cloud of obscurity that enables the mythology to continue that the BBC (and its additives), are all that there is on the airwaves. The term "by permission" is in quotation marks because the British Crown really has no permission to give. But you have been led to believe that it does! However, in this world it is "might make right", not law, but might that controls human interactions. The might that it takes to arrest a human being and imprison them, or worse. But the joke is on the majority of human beings who put up with this nonsense and do not stop to wonder who these few human beings are, or why anyone else pays attention to them. We addressed this very issue in an academic paper some years ago, and you can access it here, by clicking this button: Now if you are wondering what this has to do with the main topic, please refer back to the monologue of Steve Martin which we linked before, and you can access again with the button below: Then there is this classic advice from George Carlin: Now come back down to Earth.
You are one human being born to die and so are the clique who call themselves the British Crown. But there is much that this clique do not want you to know, and that is what we will be explaining, and that explanation includes the basis in which this clique came to set up their own rules concerning the conductivity of mass communications in the British Isles. It is not just about John Reith's BBC (and its additives), but Sefton Delmer and all of his activities. The British Crown admits to having meddled with soap operas by implanting polemical information within those scripts, but they pretend that they had no hand in the lies taunting war victims, or the pornography designed to induce anger, or the religious broadcasts made in the name of God that were intended to show that the Almighty was on their side in time of war. If you think that the deviant side of British broadcasting was a one time episode, think again, and think again if you think that the 'God Factor' was not, and is not, one of the greatest tools of mass deception that the British Crown has used to manipulate the masses via British broadcasting. Others won't spell it out, but we will, and we will back-up what we assert with documentation, but what we won't do, is engage in cultist conspiratorial nonsense that smears without requiring connectivity that can be proven - courtroom style. Stay tuned, and tell others about this ongoing work! Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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