Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
On January 20, 2021, as dawn broke in Washington, D.C., preparations were still being made to transfer power from one living President of the USA to another. The formal staged transfer would occur at approximately Noon on that same day, outside the West Front wing of the U.S. Capitol building.
It was a surreal moment in the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic where everyone was required to wear face masks. It was also a heavily restricted event that was enforced by armed and facially concealed troops. When the Presidential Oath of Office was finally administered that day by the U.S. Supreme Court Justice, both he and presidential candidate Joe Biden slipped off their masks to face each other. It was then, at that moment when the office of President was officially and peacefully transferred to Joe Biden from the previous office holder, Donald Trump. But several decades before that event, and at approximately thirty minutes past Noon on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, the office of President was violently, but officially transferred to Lyndon Baines Johnson. The trigger-causing event that begat that transfer, was when a bullet blew away part of the brain of President John F. Kennedy. It was a bright sunny day and on busy city street in Dallas, Texas when John Kennedy lost his life. A short time later on that same day, away from the crowds and on board an isolated jet on a Dallas runway, the Oath of Office was administered to President Lyndon Baines Johnson. No one wore masks that day in 1963, and everything was in plain sight. Yet everything about that day has been turned into a mystery. It was certainly a turning point in American politics. How quickly we forget just how strange and how awful the events of yesterday really were! Let us recall that in 1963 the assassination of President Kennedy was followed by an avalanche of conspiracy theories and allegations about Lyndon Baines Johnson. The landslide of non-certified claims about voter fraud following the election of 2020, are nothing compared to the heavily documented voter fraud of 1948 that was engineered on behalf of Lyndon Baines Johnson. A few year later, fingers again began to point in his direction as a criminal when he became the chief beneficiary to the murder of President Kennedy. If Lyndon Baines Johnson was involved in the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, then on November 22, 1963, a Texas crime boss became President of the USA. This alleged criminal was also linked to a number of other murders, not as the trigger-man, but as one of the masterminds. These were events that paved the way for Johnson's progressive rise to the office of President, and it was as President Johnson that his record blossomed into a war-mongering despot sending thousands to premature deaths as part of a war for profit centered upon the nation of Vietnam. So far there is no scale upon which to compare the consequential events of November 2020, to the events of November 1963. In 2020 there was an election for president. In 1963, there was a public execution of the elected President. That killing enabled a transfer of power to Lyndon Baines Johnson. The thread that links the 1963 murder to a transfer of power is oil, and the people who looked to exploit that oil with drilling rigs, also exploited the career of Lyndon Baines Johnson with bank notes. To claim "their" oil, the drillers needed contracts and legal permissions. They also needed demand for product, and as President, Lyndon Baines Johnson could facilitate both requirements. President Kennedy had been engaged in trying to restrict profits enjoyed by oilmen who collectively huddled for discussions about remedying this situation from the now infamous hotel room number 8F, which was once located in the City of Houston, Texas. But there are also trickle-down sub-plots to this story, and they involve broadcasting. That sub-plot is a part of the bigger picture of this same story. Broadcasting can be a very noisy and distracting affair, and so it was with the jingles and Top 40 sounds of the Fifties and Sixties that distracted the attention away from the core of this tale. By only following the sub-plots which have been deliberately surrounded by misinformation, it is possible to waste an incredible amount of time recreating memories of a yesterday that never happened. Others have tried to do just that by confirmation bias. But many end up by attempting to hammer square pegs into round holes. Everyone engaged in research has to use a hypothesis against which to try available evidence, but when the original hypothesis is not supported by the evidence, the initial hypothesis has to be discarded and a new hypothesis put into its place, and then the search for an answer has to begin anew. This is how both police investigations into cold cases, and medical research into the cure for diseases, and scientists seeking to understand the cause and consequence of life on this Planet and the possibilities for life on other planetary bodies, all attempt to find solutions to their unsolved problems. But by rigidly focusing on a belief system in support of a predetermined and inflexible confirmation bias, it is not only possible, but more than probable that the big picture will become totally obfuscated from view. If a researcher does not know that a bigger picture exists, and if existing beliefs preclude the ability to even search for one, then it is doubtful that the bigger picture will even be known. In this instance we are now aware of the bigger picture, and that is why we turned our own time clock back to the Nineteenth Century and the pioneering work of people like Ida Tarbell. This investigative reporter identified for us the trunk of the tree, and that allowed us to then place the various branches of this story on the trunk of that tree. This is a story that affects the lives of millions of people who are alive today, and it is a big story about life and death events that did happen, but which became obfuscated by false leads and total guesswork as to their raison d'etre. Like all true crime stories, and this is a true crime story, because its actors and their actions are all contrary to accepted human rights laws of behavior, the persons involved with criminal activity that has taken place rarely explain their actions. This true crime story is no exception to that rule. The evidence is available, but it remains scattered like a jigsaw picture that has been knocked off a table and broken into fragmented segments. The big picture is no longer immediately visible, but it does come back into focus when all of the fragments are reassembled. However, in this instance, some of the pieces which have been missing, are now being recovered. With both the passage of time and the advance of Online technological library facilitation, some of those missing pieces have now begun to reappear in various forums and formats, but they have not as yet been reassembled to form the bigger picture. Some of those missing pieces are in old newspaper accounts that when first published raised more questions than provide answers. But time has marched on and those old reports have become available again. Today a large number of individuals and organizations have been reexamining the facts in evidence surround the the cold case murder of John F. Kennedy. Because that crime took place at a fixed moment in time, it is also possible to layer other events that are also related to that central event in order to form the bigger picture. This is why we have begun to place the advent of Radio Caroline in March 1964, into the time sequence of events surrounding the murder of President Kennedy in November 1963, because they both occupy the same time frames; some of the same people, and underlying both is one common area of interest: the exploration and laying of claims to riches derived from the 'Black Gold' that had been lurking unclaimed beneath the waters of the North Sea. [Text amended by edits on 1/21/2021.] Tomorrow we will begin to assemble the seemingly convoluted parts of this story, by placing them into a more understandable timeline. Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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