Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
In late 2019 Paul Rusling became the latest in a long line of "I know-nothing-but-pretend-that-I-know-what-you-don't-know" people, who have slapped their own names on vanity publications and hoped to make money - by conning gullible readers who genuinely wanted answers. As everyone should know by now: he had none to offer. However, hacks such as Rusling are but variations on a theme of Arnold Swanson, but not Ronan O'Rahilly; because O'Rahilly hitched his wagon to the real storyline. Unfortunately, when that storyline ended on August 14, 1967, O'Rahilly thought that he could keep it going. But all he kept alive was the meaningless name of 'Caroline'. Radio Caroline was dead and remained dead. Today, not only is Radio Caroline an irrelevant name in communications, but the medium it used back in 1964 is also on its way to extinction as it was once perceived. To know why O'Rahilly went off into cloud-cuckoo-land is to understand why Rusling knew nothing and knows nothing of the real story, that is, apart from the bits he stole from us, and yet, he still does not understand the subject at all. It all has to do with dates on the calendar. August 14, 1967 marks the real end of the story, but it whimpered on until March 6, 1968, and then it was extinguished - forever. The other date of importance is the one we have already raised on this Blog, and it concerns the date upon which Allan James Crawford got involved with offshore radio. Crawford says that he first met Ronan O'Rahilly at the beginning of 1963, but Crawford had already become involved with offshore radio in 1962, the year prior to meeting O'Rahilly. The date of Crawford's arrival at 47 Dean Street also coincides with the beginning of his involvement in offshore radio. Another author who should know better than to put two and two together and make six, is academic Adrian Johns. He asserted that Crawford moved into the vacated premises once occupied by the VRON/CNBC project. But they had been located diagonally across Dean Street and further up from the address Crawford moved into. Johns tried to connect dots that don't exist in order to tell his story and sell books. It is as fake as Ruslings! All of the evidence points to Crawford beginning his involvement in 1962, and no earlier. If you have proof that he did begin his offshore interests earlier than 1962, we would like to see the proof, and if you have it, we will immediately admit our mistake! The mistake made by anoraks is in confusing the date of incorporation of CBC (Plays) Limited in 1960, and assuming, incorrectly, that this is when Crawford got involved. But Crawford left all kinds of tell-tale evidence behind for investigators like us, to uncover years later. Arnold Swanson was a crook, and Metropolitan Police warned the British government that he was a crook. Later, after more scams elsewhere, his wealthy wife divorced him; denounced him, and led police to arrest him for having underage sexual relations with two young teenage girls. However, Swanson had managed to not only con John Thompson and his fledgling company Voice of Slough Ltd into cooperating with him, but he also attracted two ex-BBC engineers and the son of Charles Orr Stanley who headed the Pye Group of companies. Stanley did have a legitimate agenda that stretched back via pioneers of British commercial radio, and that trail began before World War II. But Stanley did not have all of his irons in the same fire. He had a goal and that was to defeat the BBC monopoly in television and radio in order to sell television and radio equipment. He was never in the business of trying to operate stations on his own, although he did create demonstration units to prove that his business plan worked. Others then ripped-off the Pye Plan and pretended that it was their own work. Stanley's interests spread out in several directions simultaneously, and offshore broadcasting was only one part of his plan. Yet the people he brought into his plans were only told what they needed to know about the aspects of his plans that they were involved with. These people formed a line of experts whose interests in British commercial radio also stretched back before WWII. However, while Charles Orr Stanley was certainly a major player, he was not the only major person in this story with an agenda. The others were not involved with broadcasting in a direct sense, because their interests spun-off in several other directions. Some were involved in music; some in law, and some in a gigantic operation worth billions of US Dollars and British tax Pounds. But these interests all converged in the same time and space to achieve different goals. So the time-dated interests of Allan James Crawford are very important to this story, in as much that by pinning down dates, it is possible to see where he fits into the bigger picture, and why he brought in Ronan O'Rahilly. It is also possible to see why Allan James Crawford who in all probability did not know the 'bigger picture', then found himself used and abused by other people as the Radio Caroline aspect of it lumbered on to its final conclusion and destruction. Reg Calvert had no idea of what he was getting into. He thought that he did, and he became a fatality along the way. Don Pierson who created Radio London; Radio England and Britain Radio, was another person who groped his way through a veil of deceit and lies which eventually led to his demise. Don Pierson thought that it was all a straight-forward and obvious enterprise, but it wasn't, but he did not know that. What Ted Allbuery learned along the way remains a mystery. His pre-offshore radio days hint at his possible wider perception of something more, and he even had a dalliance with Herbert W. Armstrong in Pasadena, California. It was Armstrong who brushed against the darker world of political propaganda by broadcasting, and it was Armstrong who financed offshore radio by buying time on the stations. But search as you may, you won't find major articles citing UK government sources as to why Armstrong funded the offshore broadcasting stations. That is a can of worms that the clandestine world of geopolitical propaganda did not want to be opened, by anyone. However, if Allbuery ever came to know what was really going on, he never wrote about it when he became a successful author of spy stories. But that was not the big story behind North Sea activities. It is the big story that we have now uncovered and pieced together. To date it has not been published anywhere, by anyone. It is not a story about now aging old men with their tin pot replica radio stations attached to a rusting hulk. This is a story affecting millions of people in the year 2020 during the course of their normal daily activities. However, it is a story that has to be pieced together from many, many different sources and thoroughly documented. Once published it will trigger all manner of additional publications and broadcasts, and it will become the focus of many who gaze once again at a picture of the past in wonderment that it was not brought to everyone's attention before now. The answer is that it has been partly revealed by others, but not in the way and in the manner that those interested in offshore radio broadcasting will have noticed. Because it is necessary to correct the currently perceived timeline of events, it is time to have a closer look at the life of Allan James Crawford. It is necessary to understand exactly where he fits into the true timeline, which is totally different from the fictitious nonsense spun by Paul Rusling and his tribe of self-serving vanity hacks, and the dubious documents written on the subject by people claiming to be scholars. Our intention is to unravel the mysteries surrounding this story, and there are many mysteries that remain as yet unsolved. But we now know enough to begin publication. However, unlike the fraudsters, and there have been many, we are not out to con anyone out of anything, and to date, we have not asked for, and neither do we now ask for any money from anyone who is presently reading this Blog. There will be more on this Blog about all of this in due course, along with details of the first book in a new series of books. They will be part of a commercial undertaking that will finally begin to explain to everyone, what was really going on during the so-called 'Swinging Sixties'. Comments are closed.
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It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
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