Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
The reason for me restating the obvious, is because we need to review what has been revealed so far, and then we can build upon that knowledge. When I have finished documenting just this part of the timeline, you may well be demanding a full refund - with interest - from Paul Rusling - due to his fraudulent promotion of a 'bible' that he conned a number of people into buying. Here's why: 1. The so-called 'Offshore Radio Museum' is also a real disappointment, because it once displayed pictures of a Caroline electrical power unit and claimed that it was a transmitter on board the mv Fredericia. As you will learn, that faux pas was actually a clue to solving the riddle of who built Radio Caroline, and why. But today this cyber ORM still proclaims errors such as this this one under 'Key Dates'. It reads: "1961 - Allan Crawford forms Project Atlanta Ltd to launch an offshore radio station beaming programmes to Britain." Now that would have been prescient if it had been true, but of course Project Atlanta Limited was not registered until August 1, 1963. It is the same sort of fictitious claim that Paul Rusling seized upon to cobble together a really silly tale with help from a person who was once known in 1964 as Oonagh Leigh. The two of them seem maintain a fawning adoration for that now deceased hoaxter, Ronan O'Rahilly. The reason is very easy to understand: The forerunner to Project Atlanta Limited, was a venture headed by Allan James Crawford. It involved the retired Trinity House vessel 'Satellite' which was docked at the Isle of Wight. Crawford lost his financial backing from the John Delaney Organization when the seizure of the mv Lucky Star caused Delaney to fear that this is what could happen to his investment in the THV Satellite. So Delaney pulled out and Crawford lost his mortgage. The curtain came down on Crawford around September 1962 which is when his own 'plan B' evaporated. Crawford wanted to lease the mv Magda Maria (ex-Bon Jour and soon to be Mi Amigo), from Bill Weaver who had rented a hotel room in London while the ship was anchored off Essex. But Bill Weaver had been told to sell it, and not lease it. So the Magda Maria ended up at Galveston Island under the name of Mi Amigo in March 1963. The reason that it was taken to Texas is because Robert F. Kennedy as US Attorney General, and brother of the President, had requested it. He had been heading up a faction of the Central Intelligence Agency which had its base on the southern campus of the University of Miami. The CIA had its own army; air force and navy, but its existence was denied at the time, although at least one Miami investigative reporter was exposing the truth to the world. Mixed up in RFK's planned use of the Mi Amigo was another CIA ship called mv Olga Patricia. This ship, which later became the home of two more offshore radio stations, was found to be much more suitable as a base from which to launch helium balloons dropping propaganda leaflets and other materials over Cuba. But alas, Bobby Kennedy and his brother (who was the President of the United States of America), had been lying to the world after the Cuban Missile Crisis. See the newspaper front page illustrated above and the clipping below. They are dated: October 23, 1962. Clearly there were noisy protesters in London, England who thought that the Kennedys were war mongers anxious to trigger a nuclear showdown with the Russian Empire known as the USSR. This puts the fake adoration of JFK by Ronan O'Rahilly, back into the contemporary light. Not everyone loved the Kennedys because they were about as two-faced as lying politicians can be! Right in the middle of this tale about the former Radio Nord ship being taken to Texas, and just before it left Texas to return to Europe, the President of the United States had his head blown apart by an assassin. It happened in broad daylight, and in the middle of Dallas, Texas during midday on Friday, November 22, 1963. This was Dallas, Texas: soon to be home of inspiration behind 'Wonderful Radio London' and PAMS jingles! It should be noted that the same people whose names swirled around the death of JFK, were soon linked by Gordon McLendon's Dallas radio station KLIF, with a follow-up assassination of the alleged assassin's assassin. This one took place in the Dallas Police garage a day later! Now if you are paying attention, you will notice that November 22, 1963 is a date just after the registration date in London of Project Atlanta Limited on August 1, 1963. It was also just before the mv Mi Amigo slipped out of port on December 29, 1963 to beat a hasty exit from Texas, loaded with transmitters made in Dallas. The very next day on December 30, 1963, Wijsmuller assisted in the purchase of the mv Fredericia at Copenhagen, Denmark, and then it was towed to Rotterdam, Holland. But these are not the only dates that should be placed within a timetable of events in order to establish the beginning of the Radio Caroline project, and these events continue into its first test broadcast on Friday, March 27, 1964. Yesterday, we also established that these dates and events also need to be considered in context, so here they are, again: 1963 - August 1 - Project Atlanta Limited is registered with a skeleton board of directors. The big investors were not listed at that time. 1963 - September-October - Jocelyn Stevens stated on the Granada TV program 'World in Action', that this is when the Radio Caroline venture really began. It is possible that this period of time also contains the the date when Charles Orr Stanley, using his son John as project manager, took over behind-the-scenes management of the earlier Crawford venture that had been registered as Project Atlanta Limited. Their controlling hand was via a representative surrogate. It was about this time that the heavy-hitters, mostly with a printing and publishing background, were added to the board of directors of Project Atlanta Limited. This is also where the connections to Jocelyn Stevens at Stevens Press Limited was also made. We have now found those links! What Rusling and other offshore radio writers all believed, is that the independent record industry and recording artists were the driving force behind the creation of Radio Caroline. Not so! The money primarily came from the printing and mainly newspaper publishing businesses, and they wanted to protect their own advertising bases by getting licenses for their own local, commercial radio stations! Charles Orr Stanley of Pye did not want to operate local commercial radio stations: he wanted to build and equip them with Pye Group products! By gaining surrogate control of Radio Caroline, Stanley was able to import the technical management of Alfred Nicholas Thomas and John Howard Gilman who had previously worked with Stanley and a Pye company to create GBOK. However, its titular head named Arnold Swanson caused that project to collapse because he was a confidence trickster. His personal amorality resulted in his divorce and imprisonment after engaging in underage sex in Canada. With legal issues concerning the so-called 'Hovering Acts' already addressed, and with heavy financing in place from a number of sources, the Radio Caroline project pushed ahead. Advance payments were made to Texas for the release of the mv Mi Amigo on lease terms, and other payments were made via Wijsmuller for the purchase of the mv Fredericia. This was achieved while working in conjunction with O'Rahilly Sr. who assisted with the creation of a false front company. At the time Ronan's father was strapped for cash, and that is why he agreed to lease the disused railway station at Greenore to equip the Fredericia and Mi Amigo! Clearly O'Rahilly Sr and his daughter Iseult received payment from Wijsmuller disbursements for their services, and Wijsmuller were in turn paid by the printing-publishing consortium. These are details we are still documenting - but the above explanation is not speculation and it is supported by documented facts which will be elaborated upon in future blogs! At some point after December 29, 1963 when the Mi Amigo left Galveston, Texas, and no later than January 30, 1964 when Harry Spencer came to 47 Dean Street to meet Allan James Crawford. On February 5. 1964 - the mv Mi Amigo arrived at El Ferrol, Spain and Harry Spencer was there to inspect it. On February 13, 1964 - Harry Spencer arrived at Greenore, Ireland and discovered that the mv Fredericia was already there. On March 27, 1964 - the mv Fredericia renamed Caroline, left Greenore and dropped anchor off Essex and commenced a test broadcast. On April 20, 1964 - the mv Mi Amigo left Greenore for the southeast coast of England. We have relied on Harry Spencer's recall to create part of the timeline relating to him. However, Harry Spencer was writing from recall years after the event. In one place he noted that the mv Fredericia was renamed after Caroline Kennedy, but that myth was created in March 1965 for publicity purposes. Now what of Allan James Crawford and his rather limited original plan to merely promote his own record label sales over Radio Atlanta? Clearly he was not aware of the ultimate reasons behind the master plan being used by Charles Orr Stanley. Neither was Major Oliver Smedley who has visions of using Radio Atlanta for his own political purposes. Radio Caroline was designed to have a very short 'shelf-life'. Its only reason for being, as far as Charles Orr Stanley was concerned, was to force the Tory government into issuing hundreds of local commercial radio station licenses. So here is the real line-up of management behind the original creation of Radio Caroline, which included plans to use the mv Mi Amigo, after dropping the name of 'Radio Atlanta' as soon as the mv Caroline (ex-Fredericia) relocated to a position off the Isle of Man. The timetable for that move was governed by H.M. Government tipping its hand to show whether it would, or would not seize the mv Caroline in international waters. Captain De Jong Lanau of Wijsmuller took charge of managing the ships; while Alfred Nicholas Thomas took charge of the technical and engineering side in conjunction with John Howard Gilman who was also responsible for the design of antennas on both ships. Harry Spencer was taken to Rotterdam and then Greenore by Wijsmuller, in order for his crew to install the antennas on both the mv Fredericia and mv Mi Amigo. The initial management of sales was in the hands of Jocelyn Stevens. Behind the scenes John Stanley coordinated everything with help from his father, and two different PR firms were hired to spread the myths in print, while Ronan O'Rahilly was hired to do the same thing in person, probably as a favor to his father. Now take another look at Allan Crawford's letter dated January 30, 1964, which is addressed to Harry Spencer. Crawford is not writing under the letterhead of Project Atlanta Limited, but Merit Music Co. Ltd. Crawford is telling Spencer that the work he will perform on the rigging (mast and antenna), is to be paid for by Rajah Anstalt, in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Although Crawford refers to it as a company, it is not a company in the sense of the British and American use of that word. It is more akin to a foundational financial trust, and back in 1964 these entities operated under a very strange legal system that was unique to Liechtenstein. One aspect of this anstalt was that it was actually in the hands of a Dr Peter Marxer, about whom we will have much to say later on. This is because Marxer also connected with the financial interests that were represented by Bill Weaver in disposing of the ex-Bon Jour Radio Nord ship, now called Mi Amigo. Crawford did not initiate this letter to Spencer, because Crawford admits that his instructions came from Captain De Jong Lanau who Spencer first met at 47 Dean Street prior to the date of this letter. But Crawford also makes it clear that Spencer has to talk to De Jong in order to discover how to "present his invoice" covering both materials and labor, and from what we already know, that invoice had to find its way on to the desk of Dr Peter Marxer. De Jong is in charge of both ships, and De Jong is Wijsmuller of Holland with an extensive historical connection to Texas and the oil industry. This is also a key point in the entire history of offshore radio, but everyone else has either overlooked it, or they are unaware of it. But 'the Trio' have discovered it and they will be revealing it as an exclusive discovery! Look at the timetable above once again. The mv Mi Amigo will not arrive back in Europe until February 5, 1964, and the date of this letter is January 30, 1964. Spencer went with De Jong to meet the arrival of the Mi Amigo, but when they arrived, the Mi Amigo had not yet reached port and docking. This timeline and the clues dropped by Saunders and Spencer are vital to an understanding of what actually transpired at Geenore. Tomorrow we will return to the storyline of George Saunders, beginning where he got off a train at Dundalk. That is where he was met by John Howard Gilman who then drove him to Greenore. In our blog we will go into the status of the old Greenore railway terminus and how ships were being allowed to tie up to the wharf. We will also explain why Harry Spencer ran into trouble with the Dundalk Engineering Works, and Ronan O'Rahilly's English-born father displayed a faux hatred of the English and set up about trying to resurrect the life of his father. [PLEASE NOTE: This text was amended and expanded several times since its first publication.] Comments are closed.
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