Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
We spent decades, off and on, in the search to find the core to the story of offshore broadcasting. We do mean radio and television, because it is the television part of this story that ultimately unraveled "The 'Plot".
Oh yes, there was a 'Plot', and until we began to reveal it - within the context of offshore broadcasting - no one else had revealed this 'Plot' to the public. In fact, our detractors have scoffed at us and claimed that there was no greater 'Plot' that no one knew about until now. Our critics are in for a rude awakening! These folk have also mocked us by claiming that "no one is interested" - while they support activities peddling the old lies and distortions for financial gain. You are reading about it here, free of charge, contrary to the filching; twisting and vanity-prone ambitions of those who have previously befriended us. These people have stolen intellectual research from us in order to satisfy their own goal of promoting their own self-importance to gullible followers. By publishing it here, first, we are date-stamping our copyright claim. While our detractors repeatedly scoffed at our research ambitions, in so doing they validated our claims to publishing unique information that directly contradicts the lies and misinformation published by others! This includes anoraks writing as both male and female (whether the same people under bogus names we don't know), who have decried our expose of the trio of conmen that includes Ronan O'Rahilly; Ian Cowper Ross and Christopher Moore. We have been called "sick" for telling the truth about these people! For decades we plodded down the same paths as everyone else until one day Steve England produced for sale a cassette recording about 'Swinging Radio England'. We played that tape to Don Pierson in his home and asked for his comments during an audio interview that we conducted. Then that interview became part of several broadcasts we made, and which you can still hear on Mixcloud at: Don Pierson then gave us his collection of financial and legal documents relating to his creation of 'Radio London'; 'Radio England' and 'Britain Radio'. When Steve England heard our rebuttal broadcasts featuring the voice of Don Pierson, Steve England issued a second edition of his commercial cassette which acknowledged that when he made his recording, he did not know what Don Pierson had revealed. Don Pierson proved that Johnnie Walker and others had lied about Don Pierson, and even ridiculed him. They did not knowing that their words would one day be heard by, and then responded to, by Don Pierson himself! Again, it was the vanity issue that jerked the rug from underneath Johnnie Walker who had mocked Don Pierson in Steve England's commercial recording! Then came discovery that all was not true with the accounts given by Ronan O'Rahilly under the pen of Ian Cowper Ross - which were both published and then broadcast by many licensed UK stations, including those operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation. All of that came to a head when we read page 276 of the IEE book 'Radio Man'. That book about the life of Charles Orr Stanley and his son John who both managed the Pye Group of companies, caused us to embark upon a new round of discovery in 2014, after a scheduled speech at the Communications Museum at Burntisland in Scotland. But it then took many more years for us to finally uncover the real 'key' that unlocks the door to the mystery about the 1964 creation of 'Radio Caroline', and why in 1967 it was given a death sentence. While Tony Benn has been vilified in the press and in a movie as being the person who set out to kill-off offshore radio, enquiring minds should have been looking into what his American-born wife and British Crown civil servants were actually saying and doing, because to them, Tony Benn was merely their puppet on strings. Now that our further research has been published elsewhere within the last few days, and in so doing has firmly established the legal requirements for our own copyright claims, we can begin to identify the real core of this story in greater detail. We alluded to the 'Plot' yesterday, but in future editions we will amplify it here, prior to releasing it in commercial book format. You of course are reading this free of charge - as a public service in the public interest of further education and enlightenment - about a yesterday that really did happen! Comments are closed.
Our team produced this free radio program for PCRL in Birmingham.
It was repeatedly broadcast on and after October 20, 1985. Click & listen! Blog Archive
August 2023
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