Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
Prince Charles explains 'pebble theatre'.
Don Pierson [right] explains how a young Prince Charles made a request to join the Radio London fan club. |
This morning, the alternative UK State controlled ITV channel franchise called 'Good Morning Britain', decided that it had to get out ahead of the tidal wave of exposes that may be about to sweep parts of the so-called Free World with revelations about the origins of Covid 19. HOLY COW! - Donald Trump may have been right: The current Chinese regime is the embodiment of evil (for lack of a better word). So ITV-GMB has rebroadcast part of an Australian Sky-TV documentary. It is primarily the work of an investigative journalist who recently wrote a book:
But where did we find it and how did we find it? The fact is that we are still trying to find it, because it has been deliberately buried - just as the story behind Covid 19 has been deliberately buried. It is also amazing the former head of MI6 - the same man who set up the downfall of President Donald Trump by using the mysterious Professor Mifsud who was attached to Stirling University in Scotland - is now on the same side of the Wuhan story as Donald Trump. It is head-scratching to say the least. But on this broadcast documentary here is Trump, and here is the Head of U.S. Intelligence and the former Head of MI6, all semi-gagged by someone above them so that they cannot tell all that they know. That sounds like the current President Joe Biden who keeps telling journalists that he is not allowed to answer their questions. Just who is calling the shots? If you want the story of slavery you only have to look at Buckingham Palace for the latest in a long line of criminal thugs, now represented by a handbag carrying old women. But how could she harm anyone? Ask how the Vatican can head-up an international gang of pedophiles and you see the problem: A guy in a white dress wearing a funny hat who does not seem to be sporting a gun. How could the little old lady and the cross-dressing religious man hurt anyone? No one is to blame say the censors, and to hear that message you only need people like Garry Stevens, Paul Rusling, etc., etc., to turn the tables and point this way crying "Shame on you"! (Meaning us.) Now look again at the 1938 Nazi rallies in Germany. Look at all those girls having orgasmic experiences while waving their Swastika flags. Now look at those girls in 1964 doing the same thing in the Ed Sullivan Theatre as the Beatles come on stage. Yes, and those girls at the massive 21st Century rallies in Communist China seem to be enjoying similar experiences. Dr Joseph Mengele was one in a long line of evil people who enjoyed experiences such as drowning 'witches' and burning people to death that they disagreed with, or gained personal gratification from sexually abusing others of a younger age. A stretch to link disc jockeys playing golden oldies with lyrics asking "Have I the right to kiss you?" No, indeed no! Watch this video to see and hear Jimmy Saville introduce the Honeycombs .... While on the subject of misleading others by using some form of corrupted Biblical tract, consider this verse taken from the English Standard Version. It is found in James 3:1 - "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." Maybe Paul Rusling should have inserted that line into the beginning of his own text that he calls 'The Radio Caroline Bible'. However, if he had done that, and then pondered its meaning before he sent it off for print-on-demand publication, he might never have published his 'bible' in the first place!
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